aiste Flashcards
im between two states of mind with the title of the essay
tá mé idir dhá cheann na mea mar gheall ar an gceist seo
everyone has their own opinion
Ni lia duine na tuairim
but I personally believe that there are advantages and disadvantages with…
ach chreidim féin go pearsanta go mbainneann idir bhuntaisti agus mí-bhuntaisti leis an…
no sooner I saw the essay titile I grapped my pen to write a few ideas down
ní túisce a chonaic mé an teideal na haiste seo na rug mé greim ar mo pheann chun mo chuid tuairimí a bhreacadh sios
there are big challanges
ta dhúslaín mhóra
its not right no just
níl sé ceart no cothrom
firstly I will look at
Ar dtús, breathnóidh mé ar
times are changing
mar sin féin, ímíonn sin agus tagann seo
to put emphasis on
cuirtear béim ar
agus dá bhrí sin
to succeed
agus dul chun cinn a dhéanamh
it prepares
in general
I gcoitinne
on the other hand, theres no good
ar an lámh eile, níl aon mhaitheas
a uasdhátú
too much pressure is put on young people to get good courses when the points are rising
cuirtear an iomarca brú ar dhaoine óga chun cúrsa a fháil nuair atá na pointí ag argú
good results
torthaí maithe
biggest citicism
is é an cáineadh is mó
everything is depentent on
go mbíonn gach rud ag brath ar
it creates stress for students
cruthaíonn sé seo fíor-strus I meacs daltaí
I agree
often, it creates health problems
Is minic, chruthaíonn sé seo fadhbanna sláinte freisin
supposed to be
in ainm is a bheith
ina theannta sin
lack of
tá ganntanas
in competition with eachother
bíonn siad I gcomórtas lena chéile
increasing / decreasing
ag méadú / ad laghdú
adequate facilities
áiseanna neamhleor
there isnt an urgent need
níl géarghá ollmhór
when you include all argumetns
dar liomsa, nuair a chuirtear gach argóint san áireamh
but you can’t please everyone (seanfhocal)
ách dá mbeadh soineann go Samhain bheadh breall ar dhuine éigin
everyone has their own opinion, but i dont agree with the statement completely
Ní lia duine ná tuairim, ach ní aontaím leis an ráiteas go huile is go híomlán
the problem is getting worse
tá an fhadhb ag dul in olcas
it must be dealt with
Caithfear dul i ngleic leis
every little helps
bailíonn brobh beart
for one reason or another
ar chúis amháin nó ar chúis eile
no one can ignore
ní féidir le duine neamhaird a thabhairt
huge influcence
bhí tionchar ollmhór
as a result of
mar thordh ar
to release pressure
chun brú a scaoileadh
lack of support
tá easpa tacaíochta
vicious circle
bíonn fáinne fí ann
we must
Ní mór dúinn
as well as that, we should make health services free of charge for physical and mental health
chomh maith leis sin, caithfimid áiseanna sláinte saor in aisce a chur ar fáil, do shláinte fhisiciúil agus meabhrach
two sides to everystory
na dean dearmad go mbíonn dha taobh le gach scéal
I couldnt go anywhere without my phone
ní rachainn áit ar bith gan m’fhón póca
today we are surrounded by the media. it cannot be avoided
sá lá atá innú, táimid timpeallaithe ne meáin chumarsáide. Ní féidir iad a sheachaint.
they keep us aware of current affairs
coinníonn siad muid feasach faoi chúrsaí reatha I gcónaí
enormous power
tá cumhacht as cuimse
day in day out
domhnach is dálach
unrealistic images
d’íomhánna mí- realaíocha
to keep up with
coiméad suas le
I believe that everyone should learn
aontaím gur chóir go bhfoghlaimeodh gach duine
better late than never
is fearr déanach ná choíche
is achmainní
let us examine the title before we go further
scrúdaímís and teideal seo sula dtéimid níos faide