Airport And Ground Aids Flashcards
What airport lighting is required for PVT, AWK and CHTR at night (4 items)?
runway edge lighting; threshold lighting; illuminated wind direction indicator; obstacle lighting when specified in local procedures
NOTE: In the event that an illuminated wind direction indicator is not available, aircraft may continue to operate if wind velocity information can be obtained from an approved observer or an Automatic Weather Station (AWS).
When arrangements are made for airport lighting (not PAL), when must they be on for departure and arrival?
a. Departure: from at least 10 minutes before departure to at least 30 minutes after take-off;
b. Arrival: from at least 30 minutes before ETA to the time landing and taxiing has been com-
For alternate planning, what buffer period must be added to the forecast commencement?
30 minutes
For alternate planning, if conditions are forecast to improve what buffer period must be applied after forecast improvement?
30 minutes
For alternate planning, are INTER and TEMPO cumulative?
No. Only require holding for most limiting.
For alternate planning, what buffer period must be applied to FM and BECMG?
30 minutes
For alternate planning, what special condition applies to a TTF?
No buffer period required provided flight will be completed within the time of validity of the TTF
What is the alternate minima for airports with no approach?
lowest safe altitude for the final route segment plus 500 ft and a visibility of 8km
What is the VFR (day or night) alternate minima?
ceiling of 1500 ft and a visibility of 8km
For alternate planning, what are the radio navaid requirements for RPT and CHTR?
- an instrument approach and the aircraft is fitted with two independent and separate radio navigation systems, each of which is capable of using the aid; or
- two navaids with independent and separate instrument approaches, and the aircraft is fitted with independent and separate radio navigation systems capable of using these aids.
How may a CHTR aircraft avoid requiring an alternate for PAL lighting with no responsible person in attendance? (Other than first light holding)
a. dual VHF; or
b. single VHF and HF and 30 minutes holding fuel to allow for the alerting of ground staff in the event of a failure of the aircraft’s VHF communication.
Does a nominated alternate airport with electric lighting/PAL require standby power?
What is another option to providing an alternate for runway lighting?
Holding fuel for first light plus 10 minutes.
What do white flashes from the tower mean whilst taxiing?
Return to starting point on airport.
What does a steady red light from the tower mean whilst airborne?
Give way to other aircraft and continue circling.