Airframes icing protection Flashcards
How does icing affect the weight of an aircraft?
icing increases the weight of the aircraft and affects the center of gravity, usually moving it aft
What are the icing affects on lift?
Increased weight requires more lift and can affect the aerodynamic performance in general. also hinders the controllability of the aircraft
How does icing affect drag?
Ice on the skin of a plane will increase skin friction therefore creating more drag.
How does icing affect thrust?
Propeller aerodynamic efficiency is affected the same way the wing is. Ice on the props means more weight and requires more power to turn
What is the difference between anti-icing and de-icing?
Anti-icing prevents the formation of ice. De-icing is the removal of ice that has already formed
What are three methods of removing ice?
Mechanical, thermal and chemical
What are some examples of mechanical ice removal?
Physically removing ice build up such as scraping ice off surfaces. The use of de-icing boots or ice doors (on a kingair only)
What are some examples of thermal ice removal?
Applying heat for anti-icing or de-icing. This can be done with the use of electrical, carb or bleed air or the use of a hermann nelson heater on ground
What are some examples of chemical ice removal?
Spraying anti-icing/de-icing chemicals in flight that weep from leading edges and empennage. Can also be done on ground with de-icing fluids
What are some examples of airframe ice protection?
Engine air intakes
sensors-pitot tubes
Wings and tails
Pneumatic boots use ____________ ____ in a rubber boot to remove ice after it forms which is then removed by the airflow
Pressurized air
What kinds of heat can thermal ice protection use?
Electrical, bleed or carb heat
Windscreen thermal ice protection systems may be used all the time because
Windows remain warm and pliable and are resistant to breaking easily in an event of an impact such as a birds trike
Propellers use either _________________ ___________ or ____________ _________ to remove
ice in-flight
Electrical boots anti/de-icing fluid
Many aircraft operators use window heat for a small portion of the flight. T/F?
False. They use them throughout the duration of the flight
Piston engine use ice protection to prevent _____________ icing and/or _________ _______icing
Carburetor or air filter icing
Aircraft heating system is used to heat the carburetor air, just to prevent ice build up, T/F?
False, also to remove ice build up too
Alternate unfiltered air source can be selected (for example, carb heat). T/F?
How is turbine engine inlet icing combated?
By removing it or preventing it via thermal (bleed air or electrical) or de-ice boots
How is EPR (engine pressure ratio) icing combated?
Thermally, by bleed air for the most part
How is ice in turbine engine fuel combated?
Thermally with the use of fuel heaters/oil heat exchangers or additives (such as prist)
How does ice protection work on a propeller?
Thermally or chemically, thermally by electrical boots while chemicals are transferred through a slinger ring
Rain protection may be done using ___________ ___________, ____________ ____________ or
____________ ____________
Rain repellant, bleed air, or simple rain wipers
You can test windshield wipers and rain repellant on a dry windshields, T/F?
False, rain repellants on dry windshields will cause safety and visibility issues