Aircraft limitations Flashcards
What is max. normal take-off
weight (with internal load) ?
8600 Kg.
What is max. “SAR” take-off
weight ?
8800 Kg.
What is min. permissible weight ?
4500 Kg.
What is max. “SAR” weight in flight ?
9000 Kg.
What is max. landing weight ?
8600 kg.
What is the Certification criteria for the AS 332 L1 ?
The AS 332 L1 helicopter is approved under the TRANSPORT category of FAR PART 29, CATEGORY B; moreover, it complies with CATEGORY A powerplant isolation.
Restrictions AS 332 L1
The following are prohibited..
- Aerobatics.
- Extended rearward flight, due to exhaust return into the cabin.
- Intentional running landings on soft ground.
- Deliberate penetration in clouds with massive verical development.
- Intentional full autorotation landings.
- Downwind hovering with the bleed valves in the NORMAL position.
- Any P2 air bleed on take-off and landing.
- Use of 2 min 30 sec (maximum contigency) and intermediate contingency ratings except in the event of real engine failures or during manitenance operations.
- Arming the life raft circuits in flight (when life rafts are fitted)
- Take-off without checking the grid-type air intakes, after ground run or taxiing under falling snow, With OAT above -3 degrees celsius. in the following cases.
* In conditions of light or moderate sleet or falling snow, if the period of ground run or taxiinghas exceeded 20 min.
* In conditions of blowing sleet or snow, or in conditions of heavy falling sleet or snow (below 400 meter horizontal vis.) whatever the period of ground run or taxiing.
Minimum flight crew?
In VFR flight:
* Below 2000 feet: 1 pilot + 1 crewmember. The crewmember is not required if at least one lane of each autopilot channel is engaged.
- Above 2000 feet: 2 Pilots.
In IFR flight:
2 pilots.
What is the maximum number of occupants on board
(except SAR)?
Max. number of occupants on board: 24 (passengers +crew)
When the sponson life rafts are installed the max. numbers of occupants is 22 (passengers + crew)
Where is the CG datum located?
4,67 meters (183,86 In.) foreward of the main rotor centerline.
Where is the lateral CG positions?
LH limit: 0.08 meters (3.15 In)
RH limit: 0.09 meters (3.54 In)
Airspeed limits / Power on.
Absolute VNE
*for weights up to 8350 Kg. (18410 lb): 167 kt.
*for weights over 8350 kg. (18410 lb): 150 kt
Airspeed limits / Power off.
Absolute VNE power off
All weights: 145 kt.
Airspeed limits for opening or operating the doors.
Aircraft fitted with sliding doors.
- Max airspeed with one or both doors open: 150 kt. (278 km/h)
- Airspeed limit for operating the doors: 70 kt. (130 km/h)
Aircraft fitted with plug doors.
- Max airspeed with one or both doors open: 150 kt. (278 km/h)
- Airspeed limit for operating the doors: 55 kt. (100 km/h)
Maximum operating temperature limits.
Max OAT: ISA +35°C, limited to +50°C
Minimum operating temperature limits.
Min. OAT
- In normal operation ————-: - 30°C
- With very cold weather equipment : - 45°C
NOTE: For OAT below -30°C refer to SECTION SUP:
Maneuvering limitations.
Attitude (bank angle) during turns must be limited to.
40° for weights greater than 7800 kg. (17200 lb).
30° for weights greater than 8350 kg. (18410 lb).
Main rotor speed limits
Power on.
Nominal rotor speed: 265 rpm (100 %)
NR range 245 - 275 rpm (92% -103,8 %)
Main rotor speed limits.
Power off.
Max stabilized
: 290 rpm (109,5 %)
Max transient
: 310 rpm (117 %)
Minimum : 220 rpm (83 %) if IAS does not exceed 100 kt.
Minimum : 245 rpm (92,5 %) if IAS is above 100 kt.
Visual and aural alarm thresholds:
Overspeed : 290 RPM ( 109,5%)
Underspeed : 245 RPM ( 92,5%)
Rotor braking.
The following is prohibited.
- Rotor brake application before engine shutdown
- Rotor brake application for NR above 120 RPM (45%).
- Two consecutive brake applications within less than 5 min.
(If Rotor brake has been applied twice within 5 min. it shall not be applied a third time before 15 min. have elapsed including 10 min with the rotor turning).
Collective pitch limits
Level flight. L1
Weights less than 8350 kg. (18410 lb)
16,5 °.
Weights greater than 8350 kg. (18410 lb)
The pitch travel limit stop is set at 19°
Max. Collective pitch limit
L1 17, 5 °C
L 17 °C
The pitch travel limit stop is set at 19°
Taxiing limitations
Maximum taxiing speed?
40 kt. (75 km/h)
What is max. wheel braking speed?
30 kt. (55 km/h)