Aircraft Landing Gear Systems Flashcards
What is used to inflate a landing gear strut?
high pressure air or nitrogen
What power sources are normally used to retract landing gear systems?
electric and hydraulic
What are the effects of underinflated tires?
tire shoulder wear, weakened carcass construction
What is the purpose of an anti-skid system?
to prevent skidding of aircraft tires
What regular inspection should be made on the exposed portion of a landing gear strut.
visual checks for cracks, corrosion, security, or breaks
What is the purpose of main landing gear torque links.
keep the strut and tire in alignment
What type of nosewheel steering is provided on small aircraft?
mechanical push/ pull rods
What are some types of brake systems?
independent, power, boost
What unit prevents nosewheel vibration?
shimmy dampers
What is the purpose of power brake debooster systems?
to reduce hydraulic pressure
What are some methods of bleeding brakes?
gravity or pressure
What is the purpose of a wheel fusible plug?
to release air pressure in the event of tire overheating
What is the indication of excessive heating of a wheel bearing?
discoloration of rollers
When should a landing gear retraction check be accomplished?
during annual inspection or after maintenance that would effect landing gear systems
What is the necessary maintenance function for safe, long, aircraft tire service?
keep them clean and inflated
What prevents a split wheel from leaking air through the inner and outer mating surfaces or the wheel assembly?
an o-ring
What must be accomplished before inspecting a wheel brake system for hydraulic leaks?
clean the parts and apply pressure
What methods are used for transmitting cockpit control movements to a steering control unit in large aircraft?
mechanical, electric, hydraulic
What prevents a nose landing gear from being retracted with the nosewheel out of the center position?
nosewheel centering cam
Why are brake debooster cylinders used in some power brake control valve systems?
to reduce hydraulic pressure applied to the brakes