Aircraft inspection Flashcards
Where do you find the regulation that specifies the operation condition that make a 100HR inspection mandatory?
FAR Part 91
A certificated A & P mechanic may sign off and approve the return to service following what type of inspection?
100 Hr Inspections
Under what condition may a mechanic perform an annual inspection and return the aircraft to service?
The mechanic must hold an Inspection Authorization
What is the time frame within which an annual inspection must be performed if such an Inspection is required?
Within the preceding 12 months
Under what condition may any checklist be used as a guide for a 100HR Inspection?
The checklist must meet the minimum standards specified in FAR part43, Appendix D
May an aircraft that is over due for an annual inspection be flown to a place where the inspection can be performed?
Yes, Provided a special Flight Permit is obtained
In Order for an individual person to conduct a 100 HR Inspection and approve the return to service, that person must have what type of certificate?
A mechanic certificate with both the Airframe and Powerplant rating
An aircraft is required by FAR91.409 to have a 100Hr inspection. is it legal to fly that airplane beyond the inspection requirement, and if so , How long?
Yes, The aircraft may be operated for up to 10 HRS, if required, to reach a place where the inspection can be accomplished.
An airplane is Flown 4 hours over the 100HR inspection limit, to reach your maintenance facility how do you account for those 4 HRs?
The 4HRS are included in the next 100 HR time in service period
An aircraft under a progressive Inspection program is operated for compensation or hire, does it need a 100Hr inspection?
NO, the progressive inspection replace the 100hrs inspection
Who is authorized to supervise a progressive inspection?
Certificated A & P who hold an Inspection authorization, Certified repair station, or the aircraft manufacturer
Under a progressive inspection program is discontinued, at what time is the the next 100hr inspection due?
its due a 100Hr after the last complete inspection of the progressive program
An owner desires to use a progressive inspection program. to whom does the owner apply for authorization?
To the FAA flight standards district office having jurisdiction over the area where the owner is located.
Is an engine run-up required as part of the 100 Hr inspection on a turbine powered aircraft?
Where would you locate the required items that must be recorded in the aircraft maintenance records following completion of a 100 hr inspection?
FAR Part 43
Where might you locate a sample of the recommended statement for recording the approval for return to service of an aircraft following completion of an annual or 100 HR Inspection?
FAR Part 43
Where would you look to find approved information for work on an aircraft electrical system?
in the manufacture maintence manual or other instructions for continued airworthiness
What are the limitation placed on mechanics with regard to propellers?
An A & P mechanic may NOT perform any major repair or alteration of propeller
After equipment is installed in accordance with an STC, who must approve the return to service?
an A & P who holds an Inspector authorization
What type of operations require that aircraft operating under Part 91 must undergo 100 HRS inspection?
aircraft operated for compensation or hire. or used for flight instruction when provided by the flight instructor.