Above which Mach nr does compression becomes a problem for temp measuring?
Above M 0,2
What’s the definition of SAT?
SAT is “Static Air Temperature”
What’s the definition of RAT?
RAT is the SAT plus the ram rise due to adiabatic compression
How can Ram rise be calculated?
Ram rise = (TAS/100)2
What’s the definition of TAT?
Total Air Temperature
Recovery factor is 1
What is TAT used for?
Used to calculate TAS
Is the temp that the wing is experiencing
Why is it “wrong” to have TAT displayed in an a/c?
Because the TAT is really RAT
TAT is only when recovery factor is 1
Normally it’s 0,9
What is used to measure TAT?
A Rosemount Probe
Why is Kelvin a better scale than F or C?
Because there’s no need to change signs
-273 deg C is 0 deg K, which is called Absolute zero