Air Regulations Flashcards
Describe the 5 proficiency levels used to assess tasks carried out during training missions.
Level 1 - The candidate was not capable of completing the task(s). The candidate required frequent verbal and/or physical assistance to avoid making major errors;
Level 2 - The candidate completed the task(s) but required verbal and/or physical assistance to avoid making major errors;
Level 3 - The candidate completed the task(s), making only minor errors. The candidate required verbal cues to analyze and/or correct errors. Further practice required to improve;
Level 4 - The candidate completed the task(s) making only minor errors. No assistance was required to self-analyze and correct errors; and
Level 5 - Completion of the task(s) was ideal under given conditions.
What is the VFR Weather Criteria for Fixed Wing Aircraft?
Weather Requirements
Ceiling: 1500 ft AGL
Visibility: 3 SM
Operating Requirements
Min Vertical Distance from cloud: 500 ft
Min Horizontal Distance from cloud: 1 SM
Minimum height above ground or water: 1000 ft
What are the direction of flight rules?
- Takes affect above 3000 ft AGL (VFR)
- Track 0° - 179° (East) is ODD 1000’s
- Track 180° - 359° (West) is EVEN 1000’s
- IFR is whole 1000’s (2000’, 9000’ etc)
- VFR adds 500’ (2500’, 9500’ etc)
- Mag track in SDA (Southern Domestic Airspace) &
- True track in NDA (Northern Domestic Airspace)
Avoidance and Minimum Overfly Restrictions
Area | Altitude | Lateral Spacing | Note
- Sensitive Citizens, Population Centres, Penitentiaries, Hospitals
* Altitude 1000’ AGL / 1nm - Provincial & National Parks, Bird Sanctuaries/Nesting Areas, Wild Animal Refuges/Calving Areas
* Altitude 2000’ AGL / 2nm - Fur/Poultry Farms
* Altitude 2000’ AGL / 2nm- Note: Fur Farms during Whelping Season Feb-May - 4000’ AGL / 4nm
- Arsenals and Ammo Storage Facilities
* Altitude 1500’ AGL - Nuclear Research/Power Facilities
* Altitude 1500’ AGL / 1nm - Aerodromes
* Altitude 2000’ AGL / 2nm- Note: 2000’ AGL or 1000’ AGL above highest published circuit height; whichever is higher
- Forest Fires
* Altitude 3000’ AGL / 5nm - Weapon Ranges
* Avoid bounderies both vertically and laterally - Blasting Areas
* Avoid bounderies both vertically and laterally
What is the purpose of fuel monitoring?
What are factors affecting fuel burn?
* Ensure there is enough fuel to complete mission
* To spot fuel leaks early
* To check that aircraft fuel consumption matches predicted consumption
* To be aware of fuel remaining in order to respond quickly to diversions or re-tasking
* Different fuel burn rate
* ISA conditions and/or winds not as planned
* Aircraft engines not performing to specifications
* Fuel leak
* Weather avoidance
* ATC re-routing
What are the factors affecting altitude selection?
- Direction of Flight
- Transit distances (10% of distance or Alt Table)
- Icing
- Winds
What are the speed limits below 10,000 feet and in the vicinity of controlled aerodromes?
Not more than 250 kts IAS below 10,000 ft ASL outside of military controlled airspace.
Not more than 200 kts IAS below 3000 ft AGL within 10 NM of a controlled airport unless authorized in a clearance.
What are the different Flight Plan Types?
* Y - (IFR to VFR)
* Z - (VFR to IFR)
IFR and Composite Flight Plans require IFR fuel requirements
What are the fuel requirements for a Propeller-driven aircraft (VFR/IFR)?
* fly to destination and for 45 mins thereafter, at normal cruise consumption
IFR - Alternate
* fly to destination, fly to alternate, hold for 45 mins, then complete an approach
* fly to destination, hold for 45 mins then complete an approach
What are the VFR OTT (Over-the-top) Rules?
Permits, with restrictions, VFR flight with pilot not being in constant visual contact with ground.
Pertains to VFR day operations in the enroute phase only and requires:
1. 1000 ft above and below cloud layers
2. Min 5000 ft between cloud layers
3. 5 SM visibility
4. Destination Wx must not have a ceiling below 4000 ft above planned cruise altitude & 3 SM from 1 hour before ETA to 2 hours after ETA. (1 hour before & 3 after ETA when using GFA)
* Valid instrument rating and have IFR aircraft equipment
* No special annotation required on flight plan
* If VFR flight plan, need VFR fuel requirments // If composite flight plan, need IFR fuel requirments
When is an alternate required?
When is an alternate not required?
Alternate Required
- IFR flight longer than 3 hours
- Weather at destination below 3000’ or 3sm Vis up to 1hr after ETA
- When destination is a radar-only or GNSS-only, regardless of flight time or weather
Alternate NOT Required
- IFR flights 3 hours or less where WX for duration of flight & ETA + 1hr are at or above ceiling 3000 ft & 3 SM Vis
- Flights confined to local flying area & WX at or above 2000 ft & 3 SM Vis
- When operation necessity dictates (alternate impossible or impractical) auth by Comd 1 Cdn Air Div
What is Special VFR (SVFR) and what are the requirements to use it?
Special VFR, is VFR flight authorized by ATC to operate within a control zone in weather conditions that are below the VFR minima.
Minimum Vis: 1 SM
Op Requirements:
* Must remain clear of cloud and within sight of the surface at all times.
* Min height above surface: 500 ft
What is the standard area of a MF/ATF and enroute procedure?
Radius of 5NM cappped at 3000’ AAE (Above Aerodrome Elevation)
Enroute Reporting Procedure
* Report position, altitude and intentions atleast 5 mins prior to entering zone
* Maintain listening watch on MF/ATF while in the area
* Report when clear of the area
What are the four ways you can be grounded?
What are the grounding periods for medical situations?
- Chain of Command
- Policy (B-GA-100)
- Self-Grounding
- Medical
- 72 Hours - General Anaesthetics, Blood donations
- 24 Hours - Cycloplegic Refraction (Eye Drops)
- 12 Hours - Local/Regional Anaesthetic, Immuniuzation, Desensitization (4 hours following maintenance doses)
- Alcoholic Beverages - 12 hours prior to flight / 8 hours prior to reporting for duty
- Cannabis Usage - 28 Days
When is a Flight Plan not required to be filed?
- VFR flight conducted within 25nm radius of departure aerodrome or within local flying area, that will land at departure aerodrome or other landing area listed in local Flying Orders
- Formation flight where formation leader has filed a flight plan
- Operational or practice operational flights under close control
- Flights to / from locations where communication facilities are inadequate for filing a flight plan and/or an arrival report within one hour after landing