Air quality Flashcards
What is Particulate matter?
Fine grade material smaller than 10 micrometers (Pm10) that causes damage to human lunges and brochni
3 falling air quality costs
Damage to environment and agriculture
£10.7billion health cost
3.2million deaths globally in 2010
4 air quality Management strategies
PM control equipment
Banning leaded petrol and petrol substitutes
EU annual target of 40µg/m^3 is fined when exceeded
Smog definition
Smoke combined with atmospheric pollutants and fog
Photochemical smog
Chemical reaction of sunlight, nitrogen oxides and secondary pollutants creating tropospheric ozone
3 Smog risks
Respiratory issues
Damage to nervous sytem
Great smog of 1952 killed 12,000
3 Smog management strategies
1956 clean air act creates smokeless zones
Moving heavy industry out of inner city and densely populated areas
China air pollution control action plan will reduce coal use 65% in North China plain