Air Power Fundamentals Flashcards
Mission Types- What is AAR?
Air-to-Air Refuelling
Mission Types- What is CAS?
Close Air Support
Mission Types- What is DCA?
Defensive Counter Air
Mission Types- What is OCA?
Offensive Counter Air
Mission Types- What is SEAD?
Suppression of Enemy Air Defence
Mission Types- What is DEAD?
Destruction of Enemy Air Defence
Mission Types- What is TST?
Time Sensitive Targeting
What does CAOC stand for?
Combined Air Operations Centre
What does AOD stand for and what kind of document is it?
Air Operations Directive - High level document regarding the who and what - Higher-level guidance translated into tactical-level air instructions which provides direction and guidance
What does ATO stand for and what kind of document is it?
Air Tasking Order - A mid-level document that tells you the who & what - Contains detailed tasking for all pre-planned air missions scheduled to operate during a specific timeframe.
What does AOD stand for and what kind of document is it?
Air Operations Directive - A high-level document giving the who and what - Higher-level guidance translated into tactical-level air instructions which provides direction and guidance and form the basis for the ATO
What does ACP stand for and what kind of document is it?
Airspace Control Plan - A high-level document informing of the where - Used for deconfliction, identification and minimizing fratricide
What does SPINS stand for and what kind of document is it?
Special Instructions - Informs of how something will be done - Intended to provide information, direction and guidance
What does ACO stand for and what kind of document is it?
Air Control Order - A mid-level document that informs of the where - provides the details of the approved requests for coordination measures such as airspace coordinating measures (ACM)
What does CGRS stand for in mapping?
Common graphical reference system
What does MGRS stand for in mapping?
Military Grid Reference System