Air NZ Study Flashcards
Maximum Speed Cat B/C on SID
165 & 265 kts
What climb gradient do SID’s require?
3.3% or 200ft/NM
Normal take off minima?
300ft and 1,500m Visibility
Reduced take off minima conditions?
1 - Centreline marking or centreline lighting
2 - Pilot must assess the weather on the runway
3 - Aircraft has auto feather or auto coarse.
Reduced take off minima weather?
0ft Cloud & 800m Visibility.
Max Holding Speed 14,000ft and Below?
Max Holding Speed 14,000-20,000ft
Max Holding Speed 20,000ft and above
Max holding speed turbulent conditions?
Outbound hold timing below and above 14,000ft?
1 minute below and 1.5 min above
Standard holding pattern direction?
CATB IAF Speeds?
CATB Speeds FAF?
CATB Circling Max Speed?
CATB Missed App Speed?
CATC Circling Speed?
CATC Missed App Speed?
Calculating pressure altitude, how many ft per hPa?
When do the runway centreline lights turn red?
300m before the end of the runway.
When do the runway lights alternate red white before the end of the runway?
900m before the end of the runway
What are the Air NZ values?
- Can Do
- Welcome As A Friend
- Be Yourself
- Share Your New Zealand
Turbulence Seperation on Final?
5NM - Heavy
7NM - Super
Turbulence Seperation Takeoff?
Heavy - 2 Min Full Length, 3 Min Full Length
Super - 3 Min Full Length, 4 Min Intersection
What does GS on a METAR/TAF stand for?
Small Hail/Snow Pellets
What is the radius of a TAF?
Missed approach gradient?
How to calculate a 2.5% climb gradient?
Ground Speed x 2.5
Define CAVOK
5,000ft Cloud Base
10km VIS
No Rain, Smoke or Haze
No Significant Weather
Define NOSIG
The weather isn’t expected to change for the next 3 hours
What is GR?
What is MI on a METAR?
What is BR on a METAR?
How early to turn onto an arc?
1% of GS. Eg 150kt is 1.5NM before the arc.
Crosswind Calculation
Clock Face Method;
30 Degrees (30 Mins) = 50% of Wind
45 Degrees (45 Mins) = 75% of Wind
60 Degrees (60 Mins) = 100% of Wind
What climb gradient ensures containment in CTR?
Where would one find a table of climb gradients?
ENR 1.5
Standard SID Climb Gradient?
Cat B Max Speed On SID?
Max Speed Cat C On SID
Take off Minima if certain conditions are met?
800m Visibility
How many degrees AOB in a Holding Pattern?
25 degrees or 3 degrees per second whichever requires the least
Is a sector entry off a heading or a track?
Is there any flexibility on what sector you can fly?
5 degrees either side of heading
When can you descend below MSA/DH/DA?
- Approach can be conducted at normal rates of descent using normal manoeuvres to conduct a normal landing
- On a circling approach the aircraft must be maintained in the circling area
- Visibility not less than the approach
- Reference to the landing environment is continuously maintained
Circling Area Cat C
4.2 NM
Circling Area Cat B
For a visual approach at night what must the pilot have in sight?
The runway lights specifically.
With regard to the cloud ceiling, what is required for a visual approach?
The cloud ceiling cannot be below the initial approach altitude
What things would require an alternate at an aerodrome?
Time - 1 hour before & 1 hour after arrival
Cloud - At least 1,000ft above the minima
Visibility - 5km or 2km more than the minima whichever is greater.
Where do you find the requirements for an alternate airport?
Table in ENR 1.5
What is pressure height?
Altitude if 1013 was set
How to calculate pressure height with QNH 1024 and Elevation of 1,000ft?
1013-1024 = 11hpa
1,000-330 = 670ft
What is density altitude
Density altitude is pressure altitude corrected for temperature
How to calculate density altitude
Round Pressure Alt nearest 500ft
Find ISA Temp
Take ISA Temp Away From OAT
Multiply ISA deviation by 120ft
Add two temp together to get density alt
Calculate Density Height Given OAT 18 and Pressure Height of 2,850ft
1 - Round PH to 3,000ft
2 - ISA Temp for 3,000ft is 9
3 - ISA +9 is Deviation
4 - 9x120= 1,080ft
5 - 1,080+2,850 = 3,930
What’s the formula to calculate drift in flight?
Windspeed / Ground Speed in Miles a Minute
HDG: 100deg
Wind: 130/40
Find Drift
180kt = 3NM/Minute
30degrees difference between heading and track = 50% wind speed = 20kt
20kt/3nm a minute = 6.66 deg drift
What does a forward CoG do to rate of climb?
Reduces the Rate of Climb
What is TODA?
TORA + any clearway and or stopway available
What is MCrit?
The minimum number at which airflow over some part of the aircraft reaches the speed of sound.
What is PUDSUC
Pitot Underread Descent Static Underread Climb
How long after receiving a RAIM Warning must you advise ATC
10 Minutes
If you receive a RAIM failure when must you advise ATC
Number of satellites required for RAIM
Number of satellites required for FDE
What is TODR
Take off distance required. Includes ground roll and distance travelled over the ground
What’s the conversion from KM to Miles