Air Department Flashcards
Who is the mini boss?
CDR Bassel
Who is the HOD of Air Department?
Captain Doster
Who is the Air LCPO?
Master Chief Bill
What is V-1?
- Flight Deck
- Crash and Salvage
What is V-2?
Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment (ALRE)
What is V-3?
Hangar Bay
What is V-4?
What is V-5?
- Pri Fly
- Admin
What is the responsibility of the Air Boss during CQ?
The supervision and direction of aircraft launch and recovery.
What are the dangers on the flight deck?
- Jet Blast
- Rotor Wash
- Prop Arcs
What are the stations manned in Flight Deck Control?
- Aircraft Handling Officer(LCDR Caldwell)
- Flight Deck Officer(LCDR Stanley)
- Aviation Fuels Representative
- Sound-powered Phone Talkers
- Elevator Operators
- Weapons Personnel
- Squadron/Aircraft Maintenance Representative (Dog/Pup)
What are the positions manned in Pri-Fly?
- Air Boss
- Mini Boss
- Primary Flight Control Supervisor
- Land/ Launch Record Keeper
- Integrated Shipboard Information System (ISIS) Operator
- Forward Spotter
- Aft Spotter
- Recovery Equipment Controller
- Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS) Operator
Describe our Arresting Gear.
- MK7
- Hydro Pneumatic
When do we use the barricade?
Emergency arrestment of aircraft due to mechanical failure.
What is the primary job of the crash crews?
To save lives
Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System
-the visual landing aid normally used by pilots to bring aircraft down a glide slope
Manually Operated Visual Landing System
- used as a back up if FLOLS is inoperative or ineffective
- can also be rigged for LSO/pilot training
What does MOVALS consist of?
- light box
- LSO Controller
- power control box
- mounting facilities
What are the two types of barricades?
- Jet Barricade for fixed wing aircraft
- E2/C2 for props