Air Assault Operations Flashcards
FM 3-99
Airborne and Air assault operations
What does air assault support?
Offensive, defensive, and stability operations throughout the depth and breadth of the AO
Air Assault definition
Movement of friendly assault forces by RW aircraft to engage and destroy enemy forces or to seize and hold key terrain
Air Assault Task Force Commander (AATFC)
-Highest ranking maneuver commander
-Controls the battle from A2C2 aircraft or from the tactical operations center
Ground Tactical Commander (GTC)
-AATFCs subordinate maneuver commanders
-On the first serial into the objective area, communicating with the AATFC during the flight
Air Assault Task Force operations officer (S-3)
-Assists the AATFC
-Leads the AATFC tactical command post when AATFC is airborne
Air Mission Commander (AMC)
-Commander or the commander’s designated representative who leads a tactical mission
-Makes final decisions on the coordination and employment of all elements
-Manages the overall conduct and flow of the mission
Aviation Liaison Officer (LNO)
-Represents supporting aviation task force
-Subject matter expert
Brigade Aviation Officer (BAO)
-Coordinates plans between ground force and all aviation assets
-Permanent staff to the BCT, advising AATFC on general aviation capabilities
Fire Support Officer (FSO0
-Plans, coordinates, and synchronizes fires
Flight Lead
-Leads the flight according to the mission brief and commander’s intent
-Selects routes
What key personnel serves as the subject matter expert?
Aviation Liaison Officer (LNO)
Limitations of AATF
-Extreme weather conditions
-Threat aircraft, air defense, and electronic warfare
-Suitable PZ/LZ
Vulnerabilities of AATF
-Attack by aircraft/air defense weapons during movement phase
-Small arms fire
-Electronic Warfare
-Air strikes
Adverse weather, extreme heat and cold, and other environmental conditions are considered________ of AATF
Purpose of initial planning conference____
-Ensure common information
-Understand distance & general time involved for each lift
-Output of refined WARNORD
Purpose of Air Mission Coordination Meeting____
-80 to 90 percent solution on their requirements
-Combat power required to each HLZ
-Plans finalized
Purpose of Air Mission Brief
-Decision Brief from staff to AATFC for approval
What is the Decision Brief from th AATF staff to the AATFC for approval?
Air Mission Brief (AMB)
Purpose of Combined Arms/AATF rehearsal___
-Ensures synchronization across entirety
-Confirms air routes support ground tactical plan
-Confirms synchronization of maneuver and fire support control measures
Purpose of Aircrew operation order__
-Oriented to the aviation-specific needs
-Includes logistics; aviation maintenance, aircraft recovry teams, fuel, or ammunition
Purpose of aviation Task Force Rehearsal__
-Participating aircrews conduct detailed rehearsal
-Aviation oriented details and plans
-Flight profiles or aviation related contingencies
Air assaults are planned in ____ to ensure timing and synchronization
Reverse Sequence
What are the 5 stages of the reverse planning sequence?
1)Ground tactical plan
2)Landing plan
3)Movement Plan
4)Loading plan
5)Stagging plan
What is the foundation of a successful air assault?
Ground tactical plan
LZ selection considerations….
-Enemy disposition
-Unit tactical integrity
-Supporting Fires
Landing plan considerations
-Land in order of assault
-Serial flights as a team
-Maintain appropriate separation of serials
-Land +- 50 M from intended landing point
-Land +/- 30 sec from planned time
-Land +/- 15 from the planning heading
-Unload ground forces <30sec
Landing zone status reports
-HLZ Condition
-Update enemy situation
-Updated friendly situation
-Recommendation to the AATFC
What HLZ final update call indicates enemy activity on or near the landing zone above the AATFC’s acceptable level?
Cherry, Hot
Considerations in response to hot LZ____
-Fight through contact
-Divert to next HLZ in PACE plan
-Abort remaining serials
-Delay serials and execute direct/indirect fire plan
Air Movement Plan provides___
-Air routes
-En route formations
-Terrain flight modes
-Suppression of enemy air defense
-Air assault security
-Mission Command
PZ Selection__
-Proximity to troops
-Vulnerability to attack
-Surface conditions
Responsibilities of PZ control officer (PZCO)
-Responsible for overall success of all PZ activities
-Establishes control over the PZ
-Plans/Initiates security
-Establishes communication
-Ensures PZ clear of obstacles
-Marks PZ
Definition of Lift, Serial, Chalk…
Lift; All A/C assigned to the mission who will make a rotation to the landing zone
Serial; Tactical grouping of two or more A/C under the control of a serial commander
Chalk; Each A/C within the lift
To maintain unit fighting, infantry squads will be assigned to a _______, platoons will remain in the same______, and companies will remain within the same _____.
Chalk, Serial, Lift