Aims Flashcards
Piliavin aim
To study bystander behaviour in a natural setting and also to investigate the effect of four situational variables on helping behaviour and ‘good samaritanism’
To investigate how obedient individuals would be to orders received from an authority figure even when it would result in physical harm to another person
To see the level of shock that would be administered by a participant victim under the orders of an authority figure
To learn more about helping behaviour in chimpanzees, specifically to find out whether chimpanzees:
• have the ability and flexibility to understand the needs of conspecifics
• can respond to those in need with targeted help
• can help conspecifics without being asked
To investigate whether doodling affects concentration. By enabling people. To attend more effectively/by enhancing their memory
To test whether a group of adults with Asperger Syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA) would be impaired on the revised version of the ‘Reading the mind with the eyes’ task
To test if there was an association between performance on the revised eyes test and measures of autistic traits
To investigate if there were sex differences in those with autism on the task (if females would score higher on the Eyes Test than males - female superiority)
To see if there was a negative correlation between the Eyes Test and the AQ test, for a sample of normal adults
To investigate whether giving false feedback suggesting that a participant had loved to eat asparagus as a child, would generate a false belief or memory of experiences linked to eating and enjoying asparagus
Dement and Kleitman
To investigate the relationship between eye movements and dreaming
To investigate whether a child would learn aggression by observing a model, and would reproduce this behaviour in the absence of the model, and whether sex of the role model was important
To demonstrate that if children were passive witnesses to an aggressive display by an adult, they would imitate this aggressive behaviour when given the opportunity
Saavedra and Silverman
To examine the role of classical conditioning in relation to fear and avoidance of a particular stimulus
In contexts of a specific phobia, researchers wanted to see if using a type of exposure therapy would reduce the disgust and distress associated with buttons
To investigate whether a parrot could comprehend symbolic understanding of same/different
To show that emotionally intense images will be remembered better than those that have little emotional impact on an individual.
Schachter and Singer
To test Two-Factor Theory of Emotion
To research if, given a state of physiological arousal for which the individual has no adequate explanation, cognitive factors can lead the individual to describe their feelings with any of a number of emotional labels