AI Dont You Know Flashcards
What is the German term for ‘subversion, overthrow, revolution’?
der Umsturz
What does ‘das (Hand)tuch’ mean?
What is the meaning of ‘kündigen’?
resign, dismiss (jdm.), quit, recall
What does ‘kundig’ mean?
informed, knowledgeable, expertly
What do ‘ursprünglich’, ‘zunächst’, and ‘anfänglich’ mean?
What is the German word for ‘rugs/carpets’?
der Teppich(e)
What does ‘in etw. (akk.) geraten’ mean?
to fall into sth (panic)
Turn into sth
What does ‘ähneln’ mean?
resemble, take after sb.
What does ‘jdm. nachgeraten’ mean?
take after sb
What is the meaning of ‘durchdrehen’?
snap, go berserk, go crazy, bug out
What is ‘der Fehlalarm’?
false alarm
What does ‘die Zwiebel’ mean?
What does ‘angezogen’ mean?
drawn, attracted, decent (sufficiently clothed)
What does ‘anziehen’ mean?
attract, dress
What is the meaning of ‘anständig’?
decent, reputable, proper, civilized
What does ‘etw. einreihen’ mean?
queue for sth
What does ‘sich einreihen’ mean?
line up, get in line
What does ‘abwegig’ mean?
strange, odd, devious, erroneous
What is ‘das Vorstellungsgespräch’?
job interview
What does ‘fragwürdig’ mean?
dubious, suspect, questionable
What does ‘vernehmen’ mean?
interrogate, hear sth
What is the meaning of ‘behaglich’?
cozy, comfortable, snugly
What does ‘klagen’ mean?
complain, moan, lament, litigate
What does ‘jdn anklagen’ mean?
accuse, indict, charge
What does ‘altbewährt’ mean?
classical, tried and tested
What does ‘einlösen’ mean?
redeem, honour (a promise), cash in
What does ‘einstellbar’ mean?
What is ‘der Bote’?
envoy, messenger, herald
What does ‘der Beton’ refer to?
What is ‘der Segen’?
What does ‘das Reh/Wild’ mean?
What are ‘Dekorationen/Auszeichnung’?
What does ‘ermäßigt’ mean?
What is ‘der Rabatt’?
discount, rebate, reduction
What does ‘staubsaugen’ mean?
What do ‘frech/kühn/mutig’ mean?
What is ‘der Trunkenbold’?
What does ‘die Verknüpfung’ refer to?
conjunction, nexus, concatenation, correlation (wiss.)
What is ‘die Anknüpfung’?
What does ‘an etw. anknüpfen’ mean?
build on sth, draw on sth, tie in with sth., Establish (ohne an… a Beziehung)
What does ‘verknüpfen’ mean?
relate, associate, link, knit sth (join together sth)
What does ‘versagen’ mean?
fail, malfunction, deny sb sth, choke/flop
What does ‘spannen’ mean?
tension, stretch, strain, cock sth
What does ‘(aus)leihen’ mean?
loan, lend
What is ‘der Völkermord’?
What does ‘verschachern’ mean?
sell off, barter away (pejorative)
What does ‘erledigt’ mean?
settled, done, finished, dead
What does ‘erledigt’ mean in slang?
Pooped, knackered.
What is ‘die Sprosse’?
Rung of a ladder, bit of deer antler.
What does ‘der Spross’ refer to?
Sprout, shoot (botanical).
Example: ‘echter Spross-chip off the old block.’
What does ‘Es liegt mir/Mir liegt was an dir’ mean?
I care about you (slang).
What does ‘in der Tat’ mean?
Actually, after all, as a matter of fact.
What is ‘die Zeitenwende’?
Watershed, change of times, turning point in history.
What does ‘sich vollziehen’ mean?
Take place.
Without ‘sich’: fulfil, consummate, administer, enforce, implement, accomplish.
What does ‘einrichten’ mean?
Establish, adapt, change, furnish a room.
What is ‘die Selbstverständlichkeit’?
Obviousness, implicitness, naturalness.
What does ‘ausgehend von’ mean?
Beginning with, starting from, ensuing from something.
What does ‘sowie’ mean?
Plus, and also, together with.
What is ‘die Herrschaft’?
Sovereignty, reign.
What does ‘dadurch’ mean?
Thus, hereby.
What does ‘hierauf’ mean?
Subsequently, afterwards, hereupon.
What does ‘neben + dative’ mean?
Besides, by, alongside.
Who is Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein?
Prussian statesman who introduced many reforms.
What is the meaning of ‘Belebung’?
revival, increase, resuscitation (fig.) enlivenment
What does ‘leiten’ mean?
conduct, manage, run, oversee
What is the translation of ‘zerstreuen’?
What does ‘festschreiben’ mean?
codify, establish, lay down
Bedingungen festchreiben- stipulate terms
What is the meaning of ‘Aufklärung’?
enlightenment, clarification, reconnaissance
What does ‘jenseits +gen’ mean?
beyond, across (on the other side), on the other side (adv. ohne gen)
What does ‘Auch wenn…, so’ imply?
even if/though…, still
What does ‘auf… folgend’ mean?
subsequent (auf… is what it is following)
What does ‘nicht zuletzt’ mean?
not least of all
What does ‘ganz zuletzt’ mean?
least of all, last of all (adv)
What does ‘für etwas sorgen’ imply?
to take care of something, to ensure something, or to provide for something.
German sometimes uses ‘sorgen’ idiomatically, especially in more formal contexts, to imply causation or influence rather than direct ‘care.’
What is the meaning of ‘schüchtern’?
What does ‘zurückhaltend’ mean?
reserved, reticent, restrained, reluctant
What is the translation of ‘scheu’?
timid, bashful
What does ‘ängstlich’ mean?
anxious, fearful
What does ‘scheuend’ imply?
shy away from, avoiding
What is the meaning of ‘unsicher’?
What does ‘verlegen’ mean?
embarrassed, awkward
What is the translation of ‘bescheiden’?
modest, unassuming
What does ‘lästig’ mean?
Pesky annoying
What is the meaning of ‘hartnäckig’?
stubborn persistent, tenacious
What does ‘gleichformig voranschreiten’ mean?
progress/advance uniformly forever
What is the German word for ‘meeting’?
What does ‘mitmachen’ mean?
What does ‘bewilligt’ mean?
granted, approved
What is the meaning of ‘Betreibung’?
Prosecution, debt collection
What does ‘vorlegen’ mean?
to present
What does ‘herbeten’ mean?
to rattle off
What is ‘Reifenprofil’?
tire or foot prints
What does ‘verdächtigen’ mean?
to suspect
What is the meaning of ‘Verdächtiger’?
What does ‘abhauen’ mean?
to elope, scoot, skedaddle, scarper
What does ‘hier sagen sich Fuchs und Hase Gute Nacht’ mean?
here the fox and hare say good night
What does ‘abbiegen’ mean?
to bend off, turn, fork, diverge
What is ‘Der Aufschub’?
delay, respite, deferring procrastination
What does ‘Redebedarf’ mean?
need to talk
What is the meaning of ‘Siedlung’?
settlement, colony, estate
What does ‘am Apparat’ mean?
on the phone (blower)
What does ‘Kreditrückzahlung aussetzen’ mean?
suspend the loan repayment
What does ‘es geht doch nur um einen Aufschub, bis sich das ganze hier beruhigt hat’ mean?
it’s just a matter of delaying things until everything has calmed down
What does ‘sich verkalkulieren’ mean?
to miscalculate (also figurative)
What does ‘schikanieren’ mean?
to persecute, bully, haze, or harass
What does ‘entstehen’ mean?
to arise, emerge, develop, crop up, or be formed
What does ‘zusammenstürzen’ mean?
to collapse
What does ‘aufhalten’ mean?
to suspend, hinder, or impede
What does ‘abmurksen’ mean?
to snuff, corpse/croak, or do sb in
What is ‘die Höhle’?
the cave
What does ‘lagern’ mean?
to store, encamp, stack, shelve, or camp
What does ‘das Zeug’ mean?
gear, stuff, or clobber
What does ‘vorbeischauen’ mean?
to stop by or drop in
What does ‘begreifen’ mean?
to grasp, conceive, comprehend, or fathom
What does ‘wenn der Markt Kapazitäten schafft, darf man nicht zögern’ mean?
If the market creates capacity, one must not hesitate
What is ‘Pfadfinder alarm’?
the (Boy)scout alarm
What is ‘Das Eichhörnchen’?
the squirrel
What does ‘Das heißt nicht, dass da nicht irgendwas abgeht?’ mean?
that doesn’t mean that nothing is going on there?
What does ‘stehen auf’ mean?
to like or fancy
What does ‘Die Zeichen stehen auf Sturm’ mean?
Theres a Storm brewing
The signs are pointing to…
What does ‘an/glotzen’ mean?
to peer, stare, or gawk at sth(sb)
What is ‘Die Narbe’?
the scar
What is ‘das Gewebe’?
the tissue, fabric, or weave
What does ‘sich verkalkulieren’ mean?
to miscalculate (also figurative)
What does ‘schikanieren’ mean?
to persecute, bully, haze, or harass
What does ‘entstehen’ mean?
to arise, emerge, develop, crop up, or be formed
What does ‘zusammenstürzen’ mean?
to collapse
What does ‘aufhalten’ mean?
to suspend, hinder, or impede
What does ‘abmurksen’ mean?
to snuff, corpse/croak, or do sb in
What is ‘die Höhle’?
the cave
What does ‘lagern’ mean?
to store, encamp, stack, shelve, or camp
What does ‘das Zeug’ mean?
gear, stuff, or clobber
What does ‘vorbeischauen’ mean?
to stop by or drop in
What does ‘begreifen’ mean?
to grasp, conceive, comprehend, or fathom
What does ‘wenn der Markt Kapazitäten schafft, darf man nicht zögern’ mean?
If the market creates capacity, one must not hesitate
What is ‘Pfadfinder alarm’?
the scout alarm
What is ‘Das Eichhörnchen’?
the squirrel
What does ‘Das heißt nicht, dass da nicht irgendwas abgeht?’ mean?
that doesn’t mean that nothing is going on there?
What does ‘stehen auf’ mean?
to like or fancy
What does ‘Die Zeichen stehen auf Sturm’ mean?
The signs indicate a storm
What does ‘an/glotzen’ mean?
to peer, stare, or gawk at sth(sb)
What is ‘Die Narbe’?
the scar
What is ‘das Gewebe’?
the tissue, fabric, or weave
What does ‘sich gegen etw. verhärten’ mean?
harden one’s heart against sth
What is the meaning of ‘unheilvoll’?
ominous, sinister, portentous
What does ‘das Unheil’ refer to?
mischief, calamity, misery, evil, harm
What does ‘heil ankommen’ mean?
arrived safely
What does ‘heil und gesund’ mean?
safe and sound
What is the meaning of ‘Botschaft’?
Embassy, message, subtext, communication
What does ‘jenseits’ mean?
beyond (gen.), on the other side
What is ‘Das Jenseits’?
afterlife, world the beyond
What does ‘kotzen’ mean?
hurl, vomit, puke
What does ‘die andere Backe hinhalten’ mean?
turn the other cheek
What does ‘ausgehen’ mean?
to date (mit), end, fade, come off, burn out, run out, fall out (hair), go out (clubbing or walking or leave the house)
What does ‘leer ausgehen’ mean?
to come away empty handed
What does ‘straffrei/los ausgehen’ mean?
get away scott free
What does ‘unentschiedend ausgehen’ mean?
end in a draw
What does ‘davon ausgehen, dass’ mean?
proceed from the assumption that
What does ‘von etw ausgehen’ mean?
start at from, assume, emanate from (sth)
What is ‘der Umkreis’?
perimeter, circuit, compass
What does ‘Im Umkreis’ mean?
in the locality, in the vicinity
What does ‘Im Umkreis von’ mean?
within (in a Radius/distance of) (Meilen- for miles around)
What is the meaning of ‘abwarten’?
wait but sit tight
What does ‘tot auffinden’ mean?
find sb dead
What is the translation of ‘entführen’?
to abduct sb
What does ‘einsperren’ mean?
confine imprison cage
What does ‘Laber nicht’ mean?
don’t talk
What is the meaning of ‘als wenn’?
as if, as though
What does ‘auch wenn/wenn auch/selbst wenn’ mean?
even if, where as, although, even though
What does ‘außer wenn’ mean?
except if, except when
What is the meaning of ‘erst wenn’?
not before
What does ‘immer wenn’ mean?
whenever, every time that
What does ‘an einem/am gleichen Strang ziehen’ mean?
to action concert, pull together
What is the translation of ‘zusammenhalten’?
bind sth, close ranks, stick together
What does ‘wie Pech und Schwefel zusammenhalten’ mean?
to be thick as thieves
What is the meaning of ‘hochkochen’?
boil over (fig) (emotions debate)
What does ‘das Unabänderliche’ mean?
the inevitable
What is the translation of ‘unabänderlich’?
immutable, irrevocable, ineradicable
What does ‘hinnehmen’ mean?
accept sth, tolerate
What is the meaning of ‘düster’?
dark (fig.)
What does ‘die Wande zum Wackeln bringen’ mean?
raise the roof
What does ‘etw gestehen’ mean?
confess sth
What does ‘zutrauen’ mean?
trust sb
What does ‘der feigen Sau’ mean?
cowardly pig
What does ‘vernichten’ mean?
annihilate, destroy, crush
What does ‘den Weg ebnen’ mean?
smooth the way for sth/sb
What does ‘dringend Verdacht’ mean?
strong suspicion
What does ‘mutmaßlich’ mean?
alleged, putative, presumptive, suspected
What does ‘betrauern’ mean?
to mourn sb
What does ‘gefasst’ mean?
prepared, conceived, planned
What does ‘unfassbar’ mean?
inconceivable, intangible, incredible, unfathomable
What does ‘ein Aufsehen erregen’ mean?
cause a stir
What does ‘Das ist mir wurscht’ mean?
I don’t mind idgaf
What does ‘sowieso’ mean?
anyway, anyhow
What does ‘jdn auf die Folter spannen’ mean?
to keep in suspense
What does ‘vor die Tür setzen’ mean?
throw sb out
What does ‘ungünstig’ mean?
adverse, awkward, inconvenient
What does ‘der Tschick’ mean?
What does ‘Stell dir vor’ mean?
Imagine, fancy that
What does ‘Ich fass es nicht’ mean?
I’ll be damned
What does ‘bedauern’ mean?
regret sth, be sorry for
What does ‘die Würfel sind gefallen’ mean?
the die is cast
What does ‘freizügig’ mean?
generous, revealing
What does ‘zügig’ mean?
swift, rapidly
What does ‘aufsperren’ mean?
What is the meaning of ‘Die Würde’?
dignity, grandeur, majesty
What does ‘sich verausgaben’ mean?
overspend, over exert oneself
(völlig) burn out
What does ‘erben’ mean?
to inherit
What does ‘überbewertet’ mean?
What is ‘die Achterbahn’?
What does ‘Das verbitte ich mir’ mean?
I won’t have it, tolerate that
What does ‘sperren’ mean?
ban, block, suspend, locks, close
What does ‘reinmachen’ mean?
put it away
What does ‘ich komm klar’ mean?
I got it, can handle it
What is ‘der Vorstand’?
Board of directors
What does ‘uberlegen’ mean as an adjective?
superior, predominant, sovereign
What does ‘uberlegen’ mean as a verb?
consider, reflect, think, deliberate
What does ‘Geschenkt!’ mean?
Forget it (all good)
What is ‘der Eisprung’?
What does ‘im Nachhinein’ mean?
afterwards, in hindsight, in retrospect
What does ‘von oben herab’ mean?
patronisingly, condescendingly
What does ‘von oben’ mean?
from above
What is ‘Rückendeckung’?
support, backing
What is ‘die Ermittlung’?
inquiry, investigation
What does ‘belästigen’ mean?
harass, molest
What is the meaning of ‘Entlassung’?
Redundancy, dismissal, lay-off.
What does ‘vermitteln’ mean?
Convey, impart (knowledge).
What is the meaning of ‘interfere’ in a business context?
Mediate, broker, facilitate.
What does ‘den Schaden regulieren’ refer to?
Adjust/settle the claim.
What does ‘(Umgekehrt) wird ein Schuh draus’ mean?
You’ve got the cart before the horse; the opposite is true; it’s exactly the other way round.
What does ‘den Bach runtergehen’ mean?
To go downhill, up the creek, down the toilet.
What does ‘Es wird eng werden’ imply?
It’ll be a tight squeeze.
What does ‘Es ist wie verhext’ mean?
I must be jinxed.
What is ‘die Abwechslung’?
Variety, diversion, change, alternation, variation.
What does ‘Auf gar keinen Fall’ mean?
No way, noways, no frigging way.
What does ‘meckern’ mean?
Bitch, gripe, beef, have a winge.
What does ‘sabbern’ refer to?
Drool, slobber.
What does ‘Ich muss mal (pinkeln)/wohin’ indicate?
I need to go (pee)/somewhere.
What does ‘Von irgendwas kann überhaupt nicht die Rede sein’ mean?
There is no question of anything at all… what there is is a shaky witness who thinks.
What does ‘mitkriegen’ mean?
to realise
twig sth
What does ‘sich über(akk)/bei beschweren’ mean?
to complain about sth
What is the meaning of ‘das Verhalten’?
What does ‘verhalten (adj)’ mean?
cautious, restrained, muted
What does ‘Es reicht’ mean?
that’s enough
What does ‘kapieren’ mean?
to figure, savvy, to get, understand
What does ‘Komm’ mean?
come on, come
What does ‘etwaig’ mean?
What does ‘jdn trösten’ mean?
to comfort sb
What does ‘je nach’ mean?
according to, depending on, subject to
(… Bedarf)
What is ‘der Teig’?
dough, pastry
What does ‘an etw (dat) kleben’ mean?
to adhere to
What does ‘rubbeln’ mean?
to rub vigorously
What does ‘quirlen’ mean?
to whisk, to beat
What does ‘ersteigern’ mean?
to purchase at auction
What does ‘auffallen’ mean?
to attract attention, to be apparent
(jdm) catch someone’s eye
What is ‘die Schulung’?
training, education, instruction
What does ‘übel’ mean?
sick, nauseous, disgusting
What does ‘herrlich’ mean?
superb, gorgeous, glorious
What does ‘ergeben’ mean?
to yield, amount to, reveal
loyal, devoted, (after nouns) addicted
What does ‘aufheitern’ mean?
to enliven, cheer, exhilarate
What does ‘Du kannst einpacken’ mean?
you can pack up and go home
(wrap, box, bag, pack)
What does ‘umsetzen’ mean?
to implement
abgeneigt, widerwillig, unwillig
reluctant, unwilling, adverse, disinclined