AHA: TAA incl hereditary aortopathy & BAV + TEVAR Flashcards
ongoing/subsequent imaging monitoring in BAV with aortic sinuses (root) or asc Ao diameter ≥4.0cm
lifelong TTE/CMR/CTA
interval by rate of progression & fam hx
“1. In patients with BAV and a diameter of the aortic sinuses or ascending aorta of ≥4.0 cm, lifelong serial evaluation of the size and morphology of the aortic sinuses and ascending aorta by echocardiography, CMR, or CT angiography is reasonable, with the examination interval determined by the degree and rate of progression of aortic dilation and by family history.” (2a)
ongoing/subsequent imaging monitoring in BAV s/p AVR with aortic sinuses (root) or asc Ao diameter ≥4.0cm
lifelong serial imaging
“2. In patients with a BAV who have undergone AVR, continued lifelong serial interval imaging of the aorta is reasonable if the diameter of the aortic sinuses or ascending aorta is ≥4.0 cm.” (2a)
aortic root or asc Ao threshold to replace in BAV
\≥5.5cm (1)
\≥5cm with RF(s) for dissxn @ COE (2a) OR pt low-risk @ COE (2b)
\≥4.5cm with concomitant SAVR @ COE (2a)
A:h≥10 @ COE (2a)
Do the indications/size threshold to rx/replace aneurysm differ for aortic root v asc Ao in BAV/HTAD/Marfan’s/Loeys-Dietz/Turner?
Do the indications to replace root v asc Ao for aneurysm differ for sporadic?
How does the mgmt of the asc Ao in setting of root aneurysm differ in Marfan’s compared to other situations (sporadic or other HTAD/syndromes)?
replace the asc Ao WITH the rootkom
even if not aneurysmal / regardless of size
indication(s) to replace aortic root or asc Ao in BAV
- >5.5cm (1)
regardless of sx status - asx + 5.0-5.5cm + dissxn RF @ CVC (2a)
- asx + 5.0-5.5cm + low-risk @ CVC (2b)
- SAVR + ≥4.5cm @ CVC (2a)
Is it OK to spare the valve in a normally-functioning AV when replacing the aortic root or asc Ao in BAV?
“4. In patients with a BAV who meet criteria for replacement of the aortic sinuses, valvesparing surgery may be considered if the surgery is performed at a Comprehensive Valve Center.” (2b)
initial mgmt of uncomplicated type B (desc) aortic dissxn
medical tx (1) i.e. anti-impulse tx:
1. IV β-blockade (esmolol) to HR 60-80 (AHA) / HR<60 (SESATS: ∝↓AEs)
2. vasodilators to SBP<120 (AHA)
initial mgmt of ANY acute thoracic aortic dissxn OR injury
anti-impulse tx:
1. IV β-blockade (1) (esmolol) > non-dihydropyridine Ca-channel blocker (2a) to HR 60-80
2. ± vasodilators to SBP<120 (1)
a-line in ICU (1)
pain control (1)
except in hypoTN/hypovolemic shock trauma pts (obviously)
A:h (Ao cross-sectional area : pt height) ratio threshold for aneurysm rx
≥10 cm2/m
in: sporadic, BAV, Marfan’s
Ao landing zones
all vessel landmarks are to the distal end of their origin in the chest & to the prox end of origin in the abdomen
- thoracic
- zone 0 = STJ to innominate artery
- zone 1 = to L carotid
- zone 2 = to L subclv
- zone 3 = to T4 / 2cm distal to L subclv
- zone 4 = to T6 / mid-desc Ao
- zone 5 = to celiac (prox origin)
- abdominal
- zone 6 = celiac to SMA (prox origin)
- zone 7 = SMA to renals (prox origin)
- zone 8 = renals
- zone 9 = infrarenal to Ao bifurc
- zone 10 = CIAs to EIA (prox origin)
- zone 11 = EIAs
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 0
asc Ao incl innominate:
STJ through distal origin of innominate artery
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 1
L carotid:
end of innominate artery through distal origin of L carotid
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 2
L subclavian:
end of L carotid through distal origin of L subclv
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 3
1st 2cm desc Ao:
end of L subclv + 2cm distal / through T4
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 4
mid-desc Ao:
T4 through T6
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 5
low/distal desc Ao:
T6 to prox origin of celiac
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 6
celiac axis:
celiac to prox origin of SMA
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 7
SMA to prox origin of renals
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 8
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 9
infarenal Ao:
end of renals to Ao bifurc
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 10
Ao bifurc to prox origin of EIAs
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
Ao zone 11
from prox origin of EIAs
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 3. Classification of Aortic Anatomic Segments by 11 Landing Zones
aortic root anatomic definition
sinuses of Valsalva
= annulus to STJ
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 1. The Anatomy of the Aorta and Its Main Branches
asc Ao anatomic definition
STJ to prox origin of innominate
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 1. The Anatomy of the Aorta and Its Main Branches
aortic arch anatomic definition
innominate through L subclv artery (prox origin to distal origin)
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 1. The Anatomy of the Aorta and Its Main Branches
desc thoracic Ao anatomic definition
end of subclv to diaphragmatic hiatus
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 1. The Anatomy of the Aorta and Its Main Branches
classifications of Ao dissxn acuity/chronicity:
(by SVS/STS 2020 Reporting Standards)
from sx onset
classifications of Ao dissxn acuity/chronicity:
(by SVS/STS 2020 Reporting Standards)
2w (1-14d)
from sx onset
classifications of Ao dissxn acuity/chronicity:
(by SVS/STS 2020 Reporting Standards)
3mo (15-90d)
from sx onset
classifications of Ao dissxn acuity/chronicity:
(by SVS/STS 2020 Reporting Standards)
> 3mo (>90d)
from sx onset
DeBakey aortic dissxn classification
Type I = asc tear + desc
Type II = asc tear only
Type IIIa = desc tear thoracic only
Type IIIb = desc thoracic tear + abd
Stanford aortic dissxn classification
type A = involving asc (± desc)
type B = involving desc only
regardless of site of entry tear
recommended measurement of thoracic Ao diameters
inner-edge to inner-edge
unless wall abnormalities e.g. atherosclerosis, discrete wall thickening: outer-edge to outer-edge
recommended measurement of aortic root diameter
maximum sinus to sinus
aortic root or asc Ao threshold to replace in non-syndromic HTAD
≥5.0cm (1)
≥4.5cm with RFs OR concomitant <3 surg @ COE (2a)
risk factors (“high-risk features”) for aortic dissxn in BAV
- FH of dissxn @ <5.0cm
- rapid Ao growth (≥0.3cm/y)
- Ao CoA
- “root phenotype”
risk factors (“high-risk features”) for aortic dissxn in non-syndromic HTAD
- FH of dissxn @ <5.0cm
- FH unexplained sudden death <50yo
- rapid Ao growth (≥0.5cm/1y x1y OR ≥0.3cm/y x2y)
risk factors (“high-risk features”) for aortic rupture in desc TAA
- rapid Ao growth (≥0.5cm/1y)
- +sx
- genetic aortopathy
- saccular aneurysm
- ♀
- infxs/mycotic aneurysm
risk factors (“high-risk features”) for aortic rupture in TAAA (thoracoabd Ao aneurysm)
- rapid Ao growth (≥0.5cm/1y)
- +sx
- significant ∆ in appearance/morphology
- saccular aneurysm
risk factors (“high-risk features”) for aortic dissxn in non-syndromic HTAD
- FH of dissxn @ <5.0cm
- FH unexplained sudden death <50yo
- rapid Ao growth (≥0.5cm/1y x1y OR ≥0.3cm/y x2y)
risk factors (“high-risk features”) for aortic dissxn in Marfan syndrome
- FH of dissxn
- rapid Ao growth (>0.3cm/y)
- diffuse aortic root & asc Ao dilation
- marked vertebral artery tortuosity
risk factors (“high-risk features”) for aortic dissxn in Loeys-Dietz syndrome
- FH of dissxn (esp @ young age or small Ao diameter)
- rapid Ao growth (>0.3cm/y)
- severe extra-aortic features
- certain pathogenic variants
- women with TGFBR2 & small body size
risk factors (“high-risk features”) for aortic dissxn in Turner syndrome
- Ao CoA
- Ao dilation
imaging surveillance of Marfan syndrome (starting @ dx)
TTE @ dx + 6mo to assess growth rate 🠆 Q1Y (1)
postoperative imaging surveillance for Marfan syndrome s/p aortic root replacement
MRI > CTA Q1Y x2y 🠆 Q2Y
(for distal TAD)
medical mgmt of Marfan syndrome
β-blocker and(2a)/or(1) ARB @ max-tolerated doses
medical mgmt of Loeys-Dietz syndrome
β-blocker and/or ARB @ max-tolerated doses (2a)
aortic root threshold to replace BOTH root & asc Ao in Marfan syndrome
replace root AND asc Ao together
≥5.0cm (1)
≥4.5cm with RFs @ COE (2a)
A:h≥10 @ COE (2a)
aortic arch/desc Ao threshold to replace in Marfan syndrome
≥5.0cm (2a)
initial imaging w/u of Turner syndrome
TTE + cMRI @ dx to assess for BAV, root/asc dil, CoA, other congen heart defects (1)
🠆 if no dilation or RFs TTE or MRI Q10Y (1)
if ASI>2.3 aortic imaging (NOS) Q1Y (1)
initial imaging w/u of Loeys-Dietz syndrome
TTE @ dx + 6mo to assess growth rate 🠆 Q1Y (1)
MRI or CTA head to pelvis @ dx (1) + Q2Y (2a)
aortic root or asc Ao threshold to replace BOTH root & asc Ao in Loeys-Dietz syndrome
replace root AND asc Ao together
TGFB3: ≥5.0cm
else: ≥4.5cm
TGFBR1/2 with RFs: ≥4.0cm
else = SMAD3, TGFB2, TGFBR1/2 without RFs
aortic arch/desc Ao threshold to replace in Loeys-Dietz syndrome
TGFBR1/2 or SMAD3:
≥4.5cm (2b)
aortic root or asc Ao threshold to replace in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
“shared decision-making” @ COE
ASI (aortic size index)
max Ao diameter (cm) / BSA (m2)
(used for Turner syndrome ≥15yo: rx ASI≥2.5)
AHI (aortic height index)
max Ao diameter (cm) / height (m)
(used for sporadic TAA: rx AHI≥3.21 @ COE)
aortic root or asc Ao threshold to replace in Turner syndrome
ASI≥2.5 with RFs (2a)
ASI≥2.5 (2b) (without RFs)
(aortic size index = max Ao diam / BSA)
can replace root or asc Ao alone, or can do both together
goal BP for medical mgmt of sporadic TAA
⇒ ↓MACE (1)
aortic root or asc Ao threshold to replace in sporadic TAA
aortic root OR asc Ao:
+sx (1)
≥5.5cm (1)
rapid Ao growth (≥0.5cm/1y x1y OR ≥0.3cm/y x2y) (1)
≥5.0cm @ COE (2a)
A:h≥10 if h>1σ above/below μ @ COE (2a)
ASI≥3.08 OR AHI≥3.21 @ COE (2b)
asc Ao only:
≥5.0cm + concomitant SAVR (2a) OR other concomitant <3 surg (2b)
≥4.5cm + concomitant SAVR @ COE (2a)
aortic arch threshold to replace in sporadic TAA
+sx (1)
≥5.5cm + low-risk (2a)
hemiarch with aTAA rx extending into prox arch (2a)
elephant trunk with aortic arch aneurysm rx extending into prox desc Ao (2b)
hybrid or endovascular if high-risk for open surgery (2b)
desc Ao threshold to replace in sporadic TAA
≥5.5cm (1)
<5.5cm with RFs (2b)
≥6.0+cm if high-risk for surgery (2b)
Ao threshold to replace in h/o repaired dissxn or IMH with residual chronic TAD
≥5.5cm (1)
pt risk factors for ↑cxs with open desc TAA rx
age ≥75yo > 65-75yo
COPD with FEV1≤50%
h/o stroke
pt risk factors for ↑cxs with endovascular desc TAA rx
fxnal status (dependence)
thoracoabd extent
“pulm dz”
need for EIA access (instead of CFA)
zone 1/2 landing
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of desc TAA with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
AHA does not specify
so do open
general/big-picture recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of desc Ao TAA/type B dissxn
EXCEPT in genetic aortopathy EXCEPT in acute type B dissxn
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of TAAA (thoracoabd Ao aneurysm) with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
open rx (1)
TEVAR with fenestrated or branched stent grafts @ COE (2b)
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of ruptured desc TAA
TEVAR ⇒ ↓periop M&M (1)
can cover L subclv and/or celiac (2b)
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of ruptured type B dissxn
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of non-ruptured but complicated type B dissxn
TEVAR (2a)
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of uncomplicated type B dissxn with RFs
may consider TEVAR (2b)
risk factors (“high-risk features”) in uncomplicated type B aortic dissxn
- imaging
- Ao diameter >4cm
- false lumen >2cm
- entry tear >1cm
- entry tear @ lesser curve
- ↑∆ Ao diam >0.5cm on serial imaging
- bloody pleural effusion
- radiographic-only malperfusion
- clinical
- refrx HTN on max doses of >3 med classes
- refrx pain >12h
- need for readmission
risk factors (“high-risk features”) in PAU
- diameter ≥2cm
- depth ≥1cm
- “significant” ↑ diam or depth
- a/w saccular aneurysm
- ↑pleural effusion (“increasing”)
complicated type B IMH (features)
- malperfusion
- periaortic hematoma
- percardial effusion with tamponade
- persistent/refrx/recurrent pain
- rupture
risk factors (“high-risk features”) in uncomplicated type B IMH
- dissxn
- ↑Ao diam
- ↑hematoma thickness
- Ao diameter >5cm
- hematoma ≥1.3cm
- focal intimal disruption i.e. acute phase development of PAU in desc Ao
- ↑ or recurrent pleural effusion
risk factors (“high-risk features”) in uncomplicated type A IMH
- dissxn
- ↑Ao diam
- ↑hematoma thickness
- Ao diameter >5cm
- hematoma ≥1.0cm
- focal intimal disruption i.e. acute phase development of PAU in asc Ao or arch
- pericardial effusion @ adm
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of ruptured TAAA (thoracoabd Ao aneurysm)
open rx (1)
TEVAR if pt stable @ COE (2b)
Ao threshold to replace in TAAA (thoracoabdominal Ao aneurysm)
≥6.0cm (1)
≥5.5cm @ COE (2a)
<5.5cm with RFs (2a)
recommendation for SCI (spinal cord injury) ppx in open TAAA (thoracoabd) rx
spinal (CSF) drain ⇒ ↓temp and/or perm SCI (1)
recommendation for SCI (spinal cord injury) ppx in open OR endovasc TAAA (thoracoabd) rx
if delayed (≤2w postop) SC dysfxn, “timely measures to optimize SC perfusion & ↓intrathecal pressure” (1), i.e.:
- cardioversion of tachyarrhythmias
- spinal (CSF) drain (if not already)
- MAP>100
- transfuse to Hb>10
- volume resusc
- supplemental O2
SC perfusion pressure = MAP - SC fluid pressure
incidence of immediate/early spinal cord dysfxn after TAAA (thoracoabd) rx
2-15% depending on extent etc (AHA)
incidence of delayed (up to 2w postop) spinal cord dysfxn after TAAA (thoracoabd) rx
AHA recommendation for imaging surveillance after TEVAR TAA rx
CT @ 1mo + 1y 🠆 Q1Y (1)
or MRI (2a)
AHA recommendation for imaging surveillance after open surgery TAA rx
CT or MRI @ 1y 🠆 Q5Y (2a)
if no residual aortopathy
if residual, Q1Y (2a)
mgmt of type B aortic dissxn with rupture tamponade
TEVAR ± false lumen embo
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type B aortic dissxn with mesenteric or renal malperfusion
endovascular fenestration OR TEVAR
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type B aortic dissxn with limb malperfusion (lower extremity ischemia)
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type B aortic dissxn with mesenteric or renal malperfusion with persistent ischemia s/p endovascular fenestration
target vessel stenting
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type B aortic dissxn with mesenteric or renal malperfusion with persistent ischemia s/p TEVAR
target vessel stenting OR extra-anatomic bypass
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type B aortic dissxn with limb malperfusion (lower extremity ischemia) with persistent ischemia s/p TEVAR
extra-anatomic bypass
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type A aortic dissxn with rupture tamponade
emergency surgery
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type A aortic dissxn with stroke
emergency surgery
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type A aortic dissxn with mesenteric or renal malperfusion
emergency aTAA/arch rx surgery ± antegrade TEVAR OR
endovascular fenestration 🠆 surgery
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type A aortic dissxn with limb malperfusion (lower extremity ischemia)
emergency aTAA/arch rx surgery + antegrade TEVAR
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type A aortic dissxn with mesenteric or renal malperfusion with persistent ischemia s/p emergency aTAA/arch rx surgery + antegrade TEVAR
target vessel stenting
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
mgmt of type A aortic dissxn with limb malperfusion (lower extremity ischemia) with persistent ischemia s/p emergency aTAA/arch rx surgery + antegrade TEVAR
target vessel stenting
AHA aortopathy guideline
Figure 21. Acute Aortic Dissection: Malperfusion Treatment Options
How should you manage the aortic valve in the setting of acute type A aortic dissxn partially involving the root but with a healthy AV?
aortic valve re-suspension preferred (1)
How should you manage the aortic valve & root in the setting of acute type A aortic dissxn destroying the root or with root aneurysm or genetic aortopathy but with a healthy AV?
valved conduit Bentall preferred (1)
over valve-sparing root @ COE (2b)
recommendation for mgmt of dissxn flap extending through the arch into desc Ao in the setting of acute type A aortic dissxn
may consider antegrade TEVAR ⇒ ↓malperfusion & late distal Ao cxs (2b)
recommendations for cannulation strategy in acute type A aortic dissxn
axillary > femoral ⇒ ↓stroke & retrograde malperfusion (2a)
direct Ao or innominate with imaging guidance reasonable alternative (2a)
complications of acute type B aortic dissxn
- rupture
- branch artery occlusion & malperfusion (complete or patial occlusion of a major branch regardless of clinical e/o ischemia)
- dissxn extension prox or distal
- Ao enlargement (progressive of true and/or false lumens) during acute phase
- intractable pain
- uncontrolled/-able? HTN
complications of IMH
- malperfusion
- periaortic hematoma
- pericardial effusion with tamponade
- persistent/refrx/recurrent pain
- rupture
mgmt of complicated type A OR B IMH
same as dissxn
“urgent” rx (1)
mgmt of type A IMH (± complicated)
same as dissxn
“prompt” open rx (1)
medical mgmt in selected high-risk pts withOUT RFs (2b)
mgmt of uncomplicated type B IMH
same as dissxn
medical tx (1)
mgmt of uncomplicated type B IMH with RFs
basically same as dissxn
rx may be reasonable (2b)
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of complicated type B IMH
basically same as dissxn
TEVAR OR open rx
TEVAR if zones 2-5/favorable anatomy (2a)
open rx if unfavorable anatomy for TEVAR (2a)
mgmt of PAU with rupture
basically same as dissxn
“urgent” rx (1)
mgmt of asc (“type A”) PAU with IMH
basically same as dissxn
“urgent” rx (1)
mgmt of arch/desc (“type B”) PAU with IMH
“urgent” rx (2a)
mgmt of isolated PAU (no rupture, IMH, cx)
+sx ∝ radiologic findings ⇒ rx (1)
asx with RFs ⇒ may consider elective rx (2b)
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of asc/prox arch (zones 1-2) PAU
open rx (1)
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of dist arch (zones 2-3)/desc PAU
open rx OR TEVAR (2a)
blunt traumatic thoracic aortic injury (BTTAI) grades
- intimal tear ± flap
- contained rupture (pseudoaneurysm)
- free rupture
AHA aortopathy guidelines
Figure 23. Classification System for BTTAIs
initial mgmt of blunt traumatic thoracic aortic injury (BTTAI) grade 1 (intimal tear)
non-op with f/u imaging (1)
AHA aortopathy guidelines
Figure 23. Classification System for BTTAIs
initial mgmt of blunt traumatic thoracic aortic injury (BTTAI) grade 2 (IMH)
non-op with f/u imaging (2b)
OR rx (“intervention”) with RFs (2a)
AHA aortopathy guidelines
Figure 23. Classification System for BTTAIs
initial mgmt of blunt traumatic thoracic aortic injury (BTTAI) grade 3-4 (contained - free rupture)
rx (“intervention”) (1)
AHA aortopathy guidelines
Figure 23. Classification System for BTTAIs
risk factors (“high-risk features”) in blunt traumatic thoracic aortic injury (BTTAI)
- posterior mediastinal hematoma >1cm
- mediastinal hematoma causing mass effect
- lesion : normal Ao diameter ratio >1.4
- Ao pseudo-coarctation
- lg L HTX
- asc Ao/arch/great vessel involvement
- arch hematoma
recommendation for TEVAR v open rx of blunt traumatic thoracic aortic injury (BTTAI)
imaging surveillance for BTTAI s/p medical tx only, aortic dissxn + IMH s/p medical mgmt OR TEVAR or open rx
CT > MRI @ 1mo, 6mo, 12mo 🠆 Q1Y (1)
imaging surveillance for PAU s/p medical mgmt only
CT @ 1mo 🠆 Q6mo x2y 🠆 Q1Y (2a)
MY postoperative imaging surveillance for any endovascular aortic procedure
before discharge +
@ 1mo, 3-6mo, 12mo
🠆 Q1Y
all Ao root/asc size thresholds to replace
- ≥5.0cm (with RFs/concom) in benign (sporadic, BAV)
≥4.5cm with excuses (e.g. SAVR @ COE) in benign
+ (with RFs/concom) in nsHTAD, Marfan
+ in OK Loeys-Dietz - ≥4.0cm in bad Loeys-Dietz
- ASI≥2.5 in Turner
sporadic: ≥4.5-5.0cm
BAV: >4.5-5.0cm
nsHTAD: ≥4.5cm
Marfan: >4.5cm
Loeys-Dietz TGFB2/3: ≥4.5cm
Loeys-Dietz TGFBR1/2,SMAD3: ≥4.0cm (2b)
Turner: ASI≥2.5
indication(s) for C-sxn (over vaginal delivery) with aortopathy
h/o chronic dissxn (1)
root and/or asc ≥4.5cm (2a)
nsHTAD root and/or asc ≥4.0cm (2b)
Ao size threshold to replace pre-partum
≥5.0cm in benign (sporadic, BAV)
≥4.5cm in else (nsHTAD, Marfan, Loeys-Dietz)
≥4.0cm with RFs
(Turner: ASI≥2.5)
sporadic: ≥5.0cm (1)
BAV: ≥5.0cm (1)
nsHTAD: ≥4.5cm (1) OR ≥4.0cm with RFs
Marfan: ≥4.5cm (1) OR ≥4.0cm with RFs (2b)
Loeys-Dietz TGFB2/3: ≥4.5cm
Loeys-Dietz TGFBR1/2,SMAD3: ≥4.0cm (2b)
Turner: ASI≥2.5
mgmt of acute type A aortic dissxn in 1st or 2nd trimester
urgent surgery with fetal monitoring (1)
mgmt of acute type A aortic dissxn in 3rd trimester
urgent C-sxn 🠆 surgery (1)
mgmt of acute type B aortic dissxn in pregnancy
same as usual
medical tx for un-cx / TEVAR or surgery for cx
mgmt of significant Ao CoA (either native or recurrent) + HTN
endovascular stent or open rx (1)
additional screening imaging after dx of Ao CoA (adult)
CTA/MRI head for intracranial aneurysm (2b)
recommended BP measurement in Ao CoA
all 4 extremities
(BUE + 1 LE)
definition of/criteria for “significant” Ao CoA
- UE HTN (at rest or with pathologic exercise response)
- 1 of:
- UE:LE gradient >20mmHg
- peak-to-peak gradient across Coa by cath >20mmHg
- mean gradient across CoA by ECHO Doppler >20mmHg
indication(s) for rx of Kommerell’s diverticulum
diverticulum orifice >3cm and/or divertic + adjacent desc Ao >5cm
“In patients with Kommerell’s diverticulum, depending on patient anatomy and comorbidities, repair may be reasonable when the diverticulum orifice is >3.0 cm, the combined diameter of the diverticulum and adjacent descending aorta is >5.0 cm, or both.” (2b)
rule of thumb for minimum size of access vessels based on sheath/delivery system size
sheath size ÷ 3
(e.g. 24Fr TEVAR sheath ÷ 3 = 8mm access needed)
standard TEVAR/interventional wire length
180cm (or 260cm for exchange)
typical wire for initial access in TEVAR
Benston Starter (straight floppy tip)
0.035” x 180cm
catheter exchange
wire length in TEVAR
(also usu stiffer)
typical wire for TEVAR device delivery/deployment
Amplatz Super Stiff
(straight flex tip 6cm)
0.035” x 260cm
next step wire for TEVAR delivery/deployment if typical wire does not pass
Lunderquist Extra Stiff (even stiffer than Amplatz)
(straight flex tip 4cm)
0.035” x 260cm
alternative to typical wire for initial access in TEVAR (e.g. if tortuous, stenotic)
0.035” x 180cm
-- others are non-hydrophilic-coated usu with tetrafluoroethylene (TFE)
“The hydrophilic-coated Glidewire manufactured by Terumo Medical Corporation features a nitinol mandrel with a polyurethane outer coating instead of a metal coil. The polyurethane material contains tungsten for radiopacity, and this surface is further coated with a hydrophilic polymer; most manufacturers now offer similarly constructed wires. This wire is well-known for its ability to track in tortuous areas and stenoses. However, care must be taken when using this or any hydrophilic-coated wire, as there is greater risk of dissection or perforation due to the little resistance offered by these wires when advanced through vessels (“best friend and greatest enemy!”).”
conventional definition of arterial aneurysm (any location)
diameter ≥1.5x nl
normal diameter of root/Ao (at sinuses of Valsalva)
normal diameter of STJ
AHA definition of “enlarged” for root/Ao
normal diameter of asc Ao
normal diameter of aortic arch
normal diameter of desc Ao
normal diameter of abd Ao
sheath size for TEVAR
20-24Fr ⇒ ≥8mm iliacs (fems?)
max available TEVAR stent graft prox diameter
(⇒ usu max Ao size can stent 36-38mm)
tapered stent grafts avail
available TEVAR stent graft lenghts
overlap length for TEVAR stent grafts
cannulae/cannulation strategy for TEVAR
L CFA micropuncture → dilate/upsize to sheath then TEVAR delivery system
+ R CFA 5Fr sheath for pigtail (aortogram)
TEVAR stent graft sizing for acute dissxn
0-10% oversize
TEVAR stent graft sizing for aneurysm (non-acute)
20% oversize
1st choice TEVAR stent graft for acute dissxn
- covered
- 8-10cm (shortest: just cover entry tear)
- 0-10% oversized diameter (up to 44mm max)
indication(s) for spinal drain in TEVAR (or open desc Ao rx)
YES, also:
- >15-20cm covered
- prior aortic stents or procedures
- covering L subclv
- postop sxs of LE ischemia
spinal drain mgmt
- drain to CSF pressure (CSFP) <10mmHg
- Q1H, passive drainage, 5mL at a time (then check CSFP before more drainage)
- max drainage: 20mL/h
- d/c @ 24-48h for TEVAR / 72h for open (asx)
TEVAR procedure steps
- CVC, BUE a-lines, neuro monitoring (SSEP=somatosensory evoked potential), spinal drain, Foley
- US-guided cannulation of bilat CFA (non-TEVAR side 5Fr sheath for pigtail / TEVAR side wire then stent)
- heparin (100u/kg)
- pigtail side soft wire up to arch → pigtail
- ACT≥250
- arch aortogram in LAO → fine-tune fluoro position/check landing zones
- L soft wire (Bentson) up to arch → exchange catheter → super stiff wire (Amplatz)
- IVUS + TEE to check true lumen
- upsize/insert TEVAR deployment device
- pull back pigtail
- ↓MAP to 60 / ↓SBP to 80 (HR<90)
- completion aortogram (∅ balloon)
- close & ↑MAP >80 (for spinal cord protection)
spinal cord protection maneuvers (ppx)
- spinal drain to CSFP ~10 (8-12)
- MAP>80 (80-100) / SBP≥140
- CI≥2.5
- Hb≥8
- O2 to sat>95%
- Q1H NCs
spinal cord rescue maneuvers (sx)
- spinal drain if not already
- lay flat
- drain to CSFP≤5
- MAP>100
- Hb>10
- O2 to sat>95% (100%???)
- neuro c/s
- L subclv-carotid bypass if covered
TAAA (thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms) extent classification
- I = suprarenal desc Ao = below L subclv to above renals
- II = entire desc Ao = below L subclv to aortic bifurc
- III = lower desc Ao = below 6th (“T6”) intercostal space to bifurc
- IV = entire abd Ao = below T12 to bifurc
- V = middle desc Ao = below T6 to above renals
2 options for alternative access for CFAs<8mm for TEVAR
- L lower paramedian retroperitoneal access to sew 8-10mm graft onto L EIA
- 10mm endoconduit (covered stent) of entire L EIA
potential cx(s) of covering/jailing L subclavian artery with TEVAR
- posterior circulation stroke
- LUE ischemia
mgmt of type 2 endoleak from L subclavian artery on TEVAR post-placement aortogram
call vascular/IR colleagues and coil/embolize it (can do at interval)
What type of endoleak(s) is/are mandatory to address on the table?
- type 1 (prox/dist)
- type 3 (porosity)
types of endoleak
- a/b = prox/dist
- side-branch back-filling
- overlap between components
- porosity
- endotension (“magic”)
minimum ACT for TEVAR