AH Data Protection Policy Flashcards
What is the statutory deadline for processing subject access requests?
One month
Who enforces compliance with the data protection rules in the UK?
Information Commissioner
What is the first of seven Data Protection principles?
What is the second of seven Data Protection principles?
Restriction of purpose
What is the third of seven Data Protection principles?
Data minimisation
What is the fourth of seven Data Protection principles?
What is the fifth of seven Data Protection principles?
What is the sixth of seven Data Protection principles?
What is the last of seven Data Protection principles?
Is Credibility a data protection principle?
“Customer data should be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way” does this link to a Data Protection Principle?
Yes (Lawfulness)
What do you require before processing personal data when there is no contractual or legitimate interest?
Explicit consent from the customer.
How long is staff personal data retained for once the employee leaves AH?
10 years.
Info which can be used to identify (directly or indirectly) an individual is a definition of what?
Personal data
What is classified under special category for personal data?
Race or ethnic origin.
Political, religious or philosophical beliefs.
Trade union membership.
Genetic info.
Biometic data.
Data concerning health and sickness records.
Data concerning a person’s sex life or orientation.
Data about convictions and offences.