Agroecology Flashcards


What would be your main goal as an Assistant professor in Agroecology?


As a professor in Agroecology my focus would be to contribute to the formation of agroecologists who will be successful contributors to future food systems that must deal with production and economies, environmental impacts, and social equity issues. I want my students to incorporate ecological principles to the design and management of food and agricultural systems.

I have three main goals as an Assistant professor in Agroecology:

1) to educate undergraduate and graduates to link theoretical knowledge and skills to concrete real-life challenges, and develop autonomous learning capacity to adapt to an uncertain and rapidly changing future. To this end, a solid foundation in ecological theory will help students make evidence-based decisions to solve problems they will face throughout their careers.
2) Future agroecologists must have a solid foundation in ecology, however, it is fundamental that they have a systemic view when deciding about the best agroecological practice they are going to apply in an exercise or real-live experience. They must be aware of how environmental and ecological aspects connect to economic and social ones.
3) To ensure a multicultural environment, providing students with opportunities to gain cross-cultural experience and geographic exposure thus enhancing their international experience and common understanding of rural issues around the world.

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What are the main knowledge, skills and attitudes of an Agroecologist?


The agroecologist learns about farming operations and food chains, while at the same time learning to be a good communicator and facilitator able to turn theory into action. Besides that, agroecologists learn how to reflect and to be open to new ideas while recognizing the goals, needs and interests of the people they are working with.

Agroecosystem structure and functioning
Evaluation criteria with emphasis on overall system sustainability
Methods for system analysis
Knowledge of problem- and conflict management
Specific knowledge of relevant topics e.g. Ecological agriculture, Agroecology, Adaptive management, Ecology, Environmental management

Action competence
To bridge the gap between knowing and doing
Transform knowledge into action
Link theory to practice
To manage complexity and change
Reflection skills
Communication and facilitation skills
Teamwork / Co-operation skills – in general and interdisciplinary.
Autonomous, life-long learning
Programming and Statistical analysis skills

Learning to deal with ethics and values (personal and cultural)
Willing to take risks
Open-minded towards new methods, interdisciplinary approaches
Changes in general as opposed to status quo
Recognise the needs, values and interests of the actors and stakeholders
Investigative, Critical, Spirited, Determined, Approachable, Communicative

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