Agriculture Flashcards
Both to Level 2
What must farmers have in place by 15 May 2025 as part of the Whole Farm Plan?
At least two plans and audits relevant to their business.
Name three types of audits and plans farmers can choose for the Whole Farm Plan.
- Carbon Audit
- Biodiversity Audit
- Soil Analysis
- Animal Health and Welfare Plan
- Integrated Pest Management Plan
When must the plans and audits carried out under the Whole Farm Plan be renewed?
Until when will funding for farm advisory advice continue?
At least March 2027.
How many funded Integrated Land Management Plans (ILMP) can a farm business receive?
One funded ILMP.
What is the purpose of the Whole Farm Plan?
To enhance conditionality in return for basic payments.
What advice is their funding available for through the Farm Advisory Service?
*Integrated Land Management Plans (ILMP)
*Specialist Advice Plans
*Mentoring for new entrants
*Carbon audits
What is GAEC 6 in relation to Cross Compliance?
Maintenance of soil organic matter.
What new standards will be added to GAEC 6 in 2025?
New peatland and wetland standards.
List activities prohibited on peatland and wetland areas under the new standards.
- Ploughing, cultivations, and reseeding
- New drainage and maintenance of existing drainage systems causing further drying
- Application of pesticides, fertilizers, including manure, lime, and soil conditioners
- Creation of new roads and tracks causing vehicle rutting
- Activities damaging vegetation cover exposing the soil
- Disruption of connections between rivers/water courses and wetlands
What exemptions apply to the activities prohibited on peatland and wetland?
Activities may be allowed if part of a peatland restoration project or given prior written approval.
What is the minimum peat depth for the new standards to apply?
What is the eligibility requirement for calves under the Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme (SSBSS) starting in 2025?
Calves are eligible if their dam has a calving interval threshold of 410 days or less, or if the calf is the first registered birth associated with that dam.
Fill in the blank: The Agricultural Reform Programme and accompanying Route Map were published in _______.
June 2023
What is grass silage?
Chopped grass that is then usually clamped and fermented to encourage more sugars to be released. It is used as winter feed for cattle
What is an NVZ?
A nitrate vulnerable zone is a designated area that is at risk of agricultural nitrate pollution. Rules are imposed on farmers such as, closed periods where they are not permitted to spread organic manures, strict record keeping of spreading, livestock on farm, slurry stores and risk maps.
What is a Killing Out percentage?
Determines how much saleable carcase weight is obtainable.
Cattle - 55%
Pig - 75%
Lamb - 45%
Why do companies need an ASV?
The reason for valuing stock at the end of an accounting period is to identify and carry forward those costs incurred before that date but which will not give rise to income until a later period. By carrying forward those costs they can be matched with the income when it arises.
Either for taxation purposes or general accounting.
What is the start date of the scheme year for the Basic Payment Scheme?
1 January - All Cross Compliance conditions must be met from this date.
When does the management period for EFA buffers and EFA field margins start?
15 January
What is the deadline for RPID to receive an application to transfer Basic Payment Scheme entitlements?
2 April (or first working day after if this falls on weekend or public holiday)
Effective date of 15 May of that year.
By what date must land used to claim Basic Payment Scheme payment be at your disposal?
15 May
What is the deadline for RPID to receive any amendments or additions to your SAF (if received on or before 15 May) without reducing your payments?
31 May
When does the management period for EFA fallow end?
15 July
When does the management period for EFA nitrogen fixing crops end?
1 August
What must be met until the end of the scheme year?
All Cross Compliance conditions.
What does good husbandry mean?
The responsible management of agricultural land, crops and livestock in a way that is sustainable, productive and environmentally responsible
Can you explain what a typical farming system would look like in your area?
Typically mixed arable and livestock, with few dairy.