agriculture Flashcards
what are the two variants of farming
subsistence and commercial
what are the types of subsistence farming
primitive and intensive
what is the name(slash and burning) of shifting agriculture in North eastern part of India
what is the name(slash and burning) of shifting agriculture in manipur
what is the name(slash and burning) of shifting agriculture in MP
what is the name(slash and burning) of shifting agriculture in Chattishgargh and andaman
what are the examples of food crop
rice .wheat , maize, millets , pulses etc
what are the examples of cash crop
cotton, jute, sugarcane, tobacco , oilseeds , groundnut, linseed , sesamum ectc
what are the examples of plantation crop
Tea , coffee, Rubber , coconut, rubber, spices and estate
fruits and vegetables , honey
what are tropical crops
rice, sugarcane , jowar etc
what are temperate crops
wheat , potato , oats ,apple
what are crop patterns in India
Rabi crop, kharif crop , zaid crop
Rabi crop
temperate crop ( wheat, gram and sunflower)
october to march
khariff crop
monsoon crops ( krice, cotton , JHowar , Bajra)
July to october
zaid crops
summer crops ( watermelon , pumpkin , gourds , groundnuts) March to june
which crop is cultivated 1/4 th of Indias cultivation land
Rice - kharif crop, Delta region
what is the name of the state with the highest yield of wheat
Punjab due to the new new alluvium soils
which country is the largest producer of pulses
which part of the legumious plant makes it attractive for the farmers
restores the nitrogen fertility of the soil
what is the ratio of the fertilize
4:2:1 nirogen, phosphorus and potassium
which state produces jute
west bengal assam and bihar
India is the worlds largest producer of
Tea, darjeelin , assam contributes the max
what is type of coffee grown in India
what is the name of the practice where more than one crop is grown on the same field
Intercropping- seasonal change
khariff crops on monsoon and rabi ccrops on winter and summer crops
what is the name of the practice where two crops are grown on the same land simultaneouly
mized croping- where crops are grown on the same time and harvested simultaneously
what is crop rotation
different crops are grown on the same land at various time period ensuring the ferlitily of the soil is not damaged
who is the father of green revolution in the world
Norman borlaug
who is the father of Indian green revolution
Intensive agricultural development programme