Agricultural Farming Flashcards
What is the process of ammonium ions to nitrite?
What is the process of nitrate ions into nitrogen
Why does leguminous crops, with NF bacteria in nodules on their roots, grow better on soils with low conc of nitrate ions?
-N converted to ammonia
-produce aa
Using water potential, why does high conc of fertilisers to soil reduce plant growth?
-soil has lower WP
-plant takes up less water via osmosis
Suggest two advantages of processing waste in anaerobic digesters rather than open ponds
-conditions can be controlled
-products can be collected
Why would an anaerobic digester stop working without the cooling system?
-respiration increases heat
-denatures enzymes
Explain the consequences of leaching from over-application of fertiliser in ponds and lakes
-more algae/surface plants blocks light
-cant photosynthesise so plants die
-saprobionts breakdown dead material
-aerobically respire
-less O2 for fish to respire
-dead plants cant photosynthesise so less O2
Give an advantage of using natural fertiliser produced in the digester rather than an artificial fertiliser
-less leaching