Agreement (Offers) Flashcards
What is an offer?
A statement that someone is willing to contract on firm and definite terms
The person who is making the offer
Person whom the offer is made to
What are the two roles of offers?
- Must be ‘definite’ - must really mean to be bound by it
- Must be ‘certain’ - what exactly is being offered
Gibson v Manchester City Council
- Letter wasn’t an offer because it stated ‘if you would like’ which doesn’t show a willingness of definite terms. Therefore, wasn’t an offer but an invitation to treat.
Partridge v Crittenden
- Prosecuted for offering a sale of wild birds. He was not guilty as the advertisement was not an offer but an invitation to treat. Any offer leading to a contract would be made by the person who is responding.
Advertisements may be an offer in a unilateral contract
This means that a firm offer is made to a specified person (whoever sees the advert). The offeree needs to perform the act required by the offer and then the contract exists.
Most contracts are bilateral
One party makes an offer to another known party who then must communicate his/her acceptance.
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co
- Company advertised medicine. Stated that “if someone took the medicine and still got the flu, they’d give them £100’. C got the flu and court awarded her the money.
- Unilateral offer as it could be accepted by anyone.
Fisher v Bell
- Shopkeeper displayed a flick knife with a price tag in his shop window.
- Invitation to treat so the knife had not been offered for sale, not guilty.
British Car Auctions v Wright
- Auctioneers were prosecuted for wanting to sell an unfit vehicle.
- Prosecution failed as there was no offer.
Harvey v Facey
- Harvey tried to buy a farm for the lowest price after asking how much this would be.
- Reply was merely a reply to the request so not an offer.
When does an offer come into existence?
When it is communicated to the offeree.
Taylor v Laird
- Gave up captaincy to work as a crew member and got no wages. Ship owner had no communication of his offer to work as an ordinary crew member.
- No contract as the ship owner didn’t have an idea.
How can an offer be ended?
- Revocation
- Rejection or counter offer
- Lapse of time
Revocation - Routledge v Grant
- Grant offered house for sale, offer to remain open for two weeks. He no longer wished to sell the house which was an effective revocation of the offer.
- Offer could no longer be accepted as it had ended (been revoked)
Rejection - Hyde v Wrench
- Wrench offered to sell his farm for £1000 to Hyde. Hyde replied to £950. Wrench rejected the counter offer. Hyde then accepted the £1000.
- Counter offer ended Wrench’s original offer, Hyde could not accepted it - Wrench could have accepted Hyde’s offer of £1000.
Lapse of time - Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefiore
- C offered to buy shares at a fixed price in the hotel. Offer was accepted but he no longer wanted them as the share price had fallen; he refused to pay it.
- There was a long day between the offer and the acceptance meant the offer had lapsed.