Aging Process Flashcards
Summarize major physiologic, cognitive, psychosocial, moral, and spiritual developments and tasks of older adulthood.
In older adults, all organ systems undergo some degree of decline in overall functioning, and the body becomes less efficient.
Normal physiologic changes in structure and function of the body with aging are outlined in Box 24-3.
Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass that frequently occurs in older adults as part of the natural aging process.
The most commonly encountered chronic disorders are hypertension, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, respiratory disorders (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma), and stroke
Cognitive Development in older adults
Intelligence increases into the 60s, and learning continues throughout life. It is normal for an older adult to take longer to respond and react, particularly in new or unfamiliar surroundings
Mild short-term (recent) memory loss is common but can be remedied by an older adult using notes, schedules, and calendars.
Long-term memory usually remains intact.
Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), depression, and delirium may occur and cause cognitive impairment.
Psychosocial Development in older adults
Self Concept- intact
Ego Integrity
- Satisfied with achievements
- When the older adult feels as if he/she successfully accomplished task and goals earlier in life, they feel satisfied with their achievement
- Serenity and contentment
Despair – when one regrets the past, identifies past problems, feels hopeless, or maybe faced missed opportunities
Moral development in older adult
preserves morals
Spiritual development in older adults
source of strength; integrate faith and truth to see the reality of their own beliefs, or universalizing faith, where they trust a greater power and believe in the future.
Discuss common health problems of older adults
bladder control problems, sleep problems, delirium, dementia, falls, osteoporosis, weight loss
Discuss physical changes that occur with aging.
-fatty tissue is redistributed
-skin is drier
-wrinkle lines appear on face
-gray hair
-cardiac output decreases
-muscle strength, mass, agility gradually decrease
-loss of calcium from bones
-increase in fatigue
-visual acuity diminishes (presbyopia - near vision)
-hearing acuity diminishes (presbycusis - high-pitched sounds)
-hormone production decreases
Discuss functional changes that occur with aging.
in general, there is progressive decreases in the efficiency of physiologic processes, resulting in a fragile balance, which hinders the body’s ability to maintain homeostasis
physical or emotional stressors cause older adult to become more vulnerable because of decreased physiologic reserves
may continue to engage in all activities of middle age, but intuitively adjusts to a modified pace and more frequent rest periods
Changes in Integumentary System
- wrinkling / sagging ok skin, decreased skin elasticity; dryness / scaling
-balding more common in males, thinning of hair in females, loss of pigmentation in hair
-thickened nails, brittle, yellowed
-skin pigmentation and moles develop, skin can also become pale from the loss of melanocytes
-blood vessels in dermis become more fragile, causing increase in bruising and purpura (when small blood vessels leak blood under the skin; hemorrhaging)
Changes in Musculoskeletal System
-decreases in subcutaneous tissue and weight
-muscle mass and strength decrease
-bone demineralization; bones become porous and brittle; fractures are more common
-joints stiffen and lose flexibility, ROM may decrease
-overall mobility slows, posture stoops, height can decrease 1-3 inches
Changes in Neurologic System
-CNS responds more slowly to multiple stimuli; cognitive and behavioral response of older adult may be delayed
-rate of reflex response decreases
-temp regulation and pain/ pressure perception become less efficient
-there may be a loss of sensation in the extremities
-older adult may experience difficulty with balance, coordination, fine movements, spatial orientation, increasing risk for falls
-sleep at night typically shortens, and older adult may awaken more easily
Changes in Special Senses
-diminished visual acuity, increased sensitivity to glare, decreased ability to adjust to darkness, decreased accommodation, decreased depth perception, and decreased color discrimination
(may face difficulty reading small print, driving may be compromised)
- diminished hearing acuity; particularly diminished pitch discrimination in the presence of environmental noise; cerumen (wax) buildup - can cause older adults to withdraw from social events
Changes in Cardiopulmonary System
- blood vessels are less elastic, more rigid and tortuous
-venous return becomes less efficient; fatty plaque deposits continue to occur in the linings of the blood vessels
- lower-extremity edema and cooling may occur, particularly with decreased mobility
-peripheral pulses are not always palpable
- orthostatic hypotension can occur (low BP)
-the body is less able to increase heart rate and cardiac output with activity
- pulmonary elasticity and ciliary action decrease (clearing the lungs becomes less efficient)
- RR may increase, accompanied by diminished depth
Changes in Gastrointestinal System
Changes in Dentition