Aging in Place Flashcards
trouble reading at close distances, Slight decline in visual field, slower adaptation to light and dark, reduced contrast sensitivity, reduced depth perception, increased sensitivity to glare
Macular Degeneration
loss to the central vision field
peripheral vision loss, difficulty navigating through crowds, difficulty reaching for items
Standard interview questions
Do you loose your place while readinh?What strategies do you use to identify your
What strategies do you use to identify your medicines? Tell them apart?medicines? Tell them apart?
Luxl Q/2
used to evaluate the amount of ligt needed by an individual to read, measures the amount of light (lux) and temperature (kelvin) that is ideal for reading
adaptive equipment for low vision
tactile markings, contrast enhancements, writing guides
low vision interventions
remove clutter, Lighting: task lighting vs ambient lighting
OT role in multicomponent program
semi-structured clinical interview to identify problem areas, observational assessment for targeted areas (safety, efficiency etc)
PT’s role in multicompoent intervention
balance and muscle strengthening, fall - recovery techniques
Outcomes regarding home intervention
Effective regarding decreasing difficulty Effective regarding decreasing difficulty with ADL & IADL, improving use of with ADL & IADL, improving use of strategies, reducing fear of falling, strategies, reducing fear of falling, improving self-efficacy improving self-efficacy
task specific resistance training
training in chair and bed- rise tasks
functional task exercise program
-Warm up, functional task exercise and cool
-Perceived exertion of 7-8 on a 10 point scale
during functional task exercise
-Clients/participants record their performance
Funcitonal task exercise continued
functional tasks involving moving with vertical component, moving with a horizontal component (carrying an object and changing between lying- sitting- standing)
Additional intervention approaches
cognitive interventions and IADL performance (ACTIVE program), self management interventions, home-based multi-disciplinary rehabilitation, lifestyle redesign
lifestyle redesign
Designed to slow age-related decline among community-dwelling older adults
- assists older adults in developing a personally meaningful, healthy lifestyle that is sustainable
- evidence that it is cost effective and improves pain, social function, mental health, vitality
Lifestyle redesign
small group sessions 2 hours. week plus up to 10 one hour individual sessions,
- develop plans to overcome obstacles
- participation in delected activities: rehearsal and repetition of changes