aggression Flashcards
hot blooded aggression with example and definition
angry and impulsive behaviour couple with physiological arousal
Eg. Tony martin (1999): shot at 3 intruders, killed 1 (a 16 year old) following a spate of burglaries at his home. Initially sentenced to life imprisonment; commuted to 3 years due diminished responsibility.
cold blooded aggression def and example
premeditated way of getting what you want eg. Rape, murder.
Case: the moors murders: Ian Brady and Myra Hindley (1963-65): killed 5 children and buried the bodies in saddleworth moors.
What are the brain regions associated with the limbic system?
Thalamus/ Hypothalamus
What is a key role of the limbic circuit?
Collection of structures in the centre of the brain.
In humans and animals, the amygdala acts as a threat sensor from the environment. in humans there is a positive correlation between how reactive the amygdala is and aggression levels in a n individual.
What is the limbic circuit also known as?
Papez cuircit
What are three key regions of the limbic system involved in aggression?
The limbic system is a collection of structures in the centre of the brain. One of its functions is to processes emotional responses such as aggression.
The amygdala has been identified as being linked to the production of aggressive behaviour, FMRI’s show increased activity during aggressive responses. (Gospic)
The hypothalamus has a role in integrating and expressing emotional responses, it can trigger aggressive behaviour as part of the fight or flight response.
These areas of the limbic system communicate with an external layer of the brain, the OFC, controls executive function (decision making) which attempts to control aggression produced by the limbic system.
What is the link between Kluver & Bucy’s (1937) research in animals and Kluver-Bucy syndrome
Discovered the destruction of the amygdala in a monkey who was dominant in a social group caused it to lose its dominance in the group.
Kluver-Bucy syndrome is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder due to lesions affecting bilateral temporal lobes, especially the hippocampus and amygdala; symptoms include placidity.
What did Mark & Ervin (1970) report in a patient receiving stimulation to her amgydala?
A woman receiving painless stimulation to her amygdala became enraged and smashed her guitar against the wall.
Explain the research by Gospic et al. (2011), and how it sheds light on the role of the limbic system in aggression.
In this research ppts played ‘the ultimatum game’. Subject a is termed the proposer, subject B is the responder. Subject B was subjected to mild provocation.
The researchers used fMRI to monitor brain activity while playing.
They found that when subject B rejected the offer there was increased response in the amygdala in those subjects.
They also found that when the ppts took Benzodiazepines, which are used to calm anxiety, it halved the number of rejections and decreased amygdala activity.
In conclusion it suggests an association between reactive aggression and the amygdala.
LIN et al. (2011) - research for neural mechanisms of aggression
Ontogenetic: by introducing light sensitive proteins into target cells, researchers can precisely activate or inhibit these cells with light pulses.
Line et al:
They used optogenetics to stimulate the hypothalamus to investigate its role in controlling aggression in male mice.
Activation of this area caused aggressive behaviours, such as attacking other mice and even inanimate objects.
Inhibition of the hypothalamus caused the mices aggressive behaviours to subside
This research provided direct evidence that the hypothalamus (which received connections from the amygdala) is a critical brain region for initiating and regulating aggression.
What evidence is there for a role of serotonin in violent behaviour?
Serotonin has widespread inhibitory effects on the brain – slowing down neuronal activity.
Aggression in humans and animals is associated with low levels of serotonin.
Normal levels in the OFC reduce the firing of neurons and allow for a greater degree of behavioural self control.
Decreased levels disturb this mechanism reducing self control and increasing impulse behaviour (including aggression).
animal studies for neural mechanisms of aggression
Pharmacologically blocking or genetically modifying 5-HT2a receptors. Mice with a deletion of the gene responsible for 5-HT2a expression exhibit less aggressive behaviour compared to typical mice. Stimulating 5-HT2a can lead to aggression, especially when the animal perceives threat or competition.
antipsychotics for neural mechanisms for aggression
Drugs for schizophrenia block the D2 receptor, but some have impacts on other receptors. Risperidone and olanzapine block the 5-HT2a receptor, and have been shown to reduce aggression in patients with schizophrenia or dementia.
serotonergic metabolites for neural mechanisms for aggression
Viekunnen et al (1994)
Viekunnen et al (1994) compared levels of a serotonin breakdown product (5-HIAA) in the cerebrospinal fluid of violent impulsive and violent non-impulsive offenders. The levels were significantly lower in the impulsive offenders. The levels were significantly lower in the impulsive offenders. This is because the reduction of the 5-H1AA means that there is decreased serotonin activity in the brain which has an effect on controlling impulsive (reactive) aggressive behaviour.
serotonin-depletion studies for neural mechanisms for aggression
Passomonti et al. (2012) used acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) as a way to temporarily reduce serotonin (tryptophan is the precursor for serotonin). The results showed that ATD reduced connectivity between the PFC and amygdala when participants viewed angry faces, suggesting that oownserotonin might impair the PFCs ability to regulate the amygdala’s response to aggression-related cues.
post morgen studies for neural mechanisms for aggression
Rosell and Siever (2015) reviewed post-mortem studies indicating that individuals with histories of impulsive aggression or violent behaviour often show an up regulation of 5-HT2a receptors (perhaps compensating for low serotonin) in the PFC, particularly in the orbitofrontal cortex.
Neural mechanisms for aggression AO3
A strength of the argument supporting the involvement of limbic activity n in aggression, comes from studies in offenders suggesting that abnormal activity in brain areas associated with emotion regulation may play a role in violent behavior.
E – Raine et al (1997) used PET scans to compare the limbic activity of individuals who had committed murder by reason of insanity with non-murderers, finding reduced activity in limbic regions in the murderer group.
E – additionally, asymmetries in the limbic activity (L<R), we’re found, which could impair emotional processing and regulation.
C – however, murder due to insanity may not be directly equate to directly aggression. A study by Coccaro et al. (2007) therefore provides important context, showing that patients with Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) exhibited reduced activity in the OFC and amygdala when shown angry faces.
L – the reliabaility of these findings is strengthened by the use of PET scanning in both studies, which provides objective and consistent measurements of brain activity, supporting the interpretation that dysfunction in limbic and prefrontal regions may contribute to aggression.
neural mechanism for aggression AO3
A strength of the argument that the limbic system is involved in aggression comes from case study evidence that damage to the limbic system through trauma or disease can lead to aggressive behaviors.
E – Burns and Swerdlow (2003) reported a case study which pedophelia emerged following a tumor in the orbitofrontal cortex, which resolved after surgery.
E – this demonstrates that disruption of the amygdala can lead to aggression and is supported by a similar case study reported by Sumer (2007) of a 14 year old girl with extreme aggression was shown to be result of a tumor pressing on her amygdala
C – although these findings are supportive, it must be acknowledged that case studies may not allow extrapolation to the population; it would be important to know which efferent and afferent connections to the amygdala in these cases were implicated, for example.
L – taken together, these findings demonstrate that case study evidence is consistent with other data, such as functional imaging studies, indicating that limbic activity relates to aggressive behaviour, though the case study data should be interpreted with caution and triangulated with other evidence.
neural mechanisms for aggression AO3
A strength of the serotonin explanation for aggression comes from drugs research, which shows that increasing serotonin activity reduces aggressive behavior.
E – Berman (2009) conducted a study in which ppts were given either a placebo or a does of paroxetine (a drug that increases serotonin activity). Ppts then took part in a lab based game were they administered shocks in response to provocation. The findings revealed that ppts who received paroxetine consistently gave fewer and less intense shocks, particularly among those with a prior history of aggressive behaviour.
E – the demonstrates that an increase in serotonin reduces aggression in a controlled experimental setting, offering evidence beyond correlational findings commonly reported in serotonin studies.
C – however, while these results are promising, the interpretation is limited by the lack of direct measures of serotonergic activity such as receptor occupancy or serotonin levels in the brain. Without these measures, it is unclear whether the observed reduction in aggression is directly due to increased serotonergic transmission or other indirect effects of paroxetine.
L – overall, the findings, though suggestive, do not conclusively establish a causal link between serotonin activity and aggression, which undermines their validity. To more robustly support the serotonin hypothesis, future studies should incorporate neuron marine or biochemical essay as to directly measure changes in serotonin receptor activity in response to drug administration.
neural mechanisms for aggression AO3
A limitation of research on the neural basis of aggression is that much of it is correlational, which restricts our ability to establish causality.
E – correlational studies are often necessary due to ethical constraints, as directly provoking aggression in a laboratory setting would not protect ppts from harm. As a result researchers frequently rely on brain scans to observe correlations between aggression and brain structures like the amygdala or orbitofrontal cortex (OFC).
E – however, without experimental manipulation, it remains uncertain whether changes in the amygdala or OFC lead to increased aggression, or if aggressive behaviour might induce changes in these brain regions.
L – this limitation raises the possibility of an unidentified third variable influencing both aggression and neural changes, such as fluctuate level of neurotransmitters. Consequently, while these studies provide valuable insights, their correlational nature limits the validity conclusions we can draw about causation in aggression research.
What is androgen?
Testosterone is one of the male sex hormones (androgens), which are responsible for masculine features throughout the body:
What are the biological effects of testosterone?
Brain – increased sex drive, improved mood, confidence, memory function
Muscles- muscle growth, increased strength, increased endurance
Bones – bone mass density maintenance
Bone marrow – red blood cell production.
Suggest 3 reasons why testosterone is thought to have a role in aggression in males.
Males are generally more aggressive than females.
Testosterone has a role for regulating social behaviour via its influence on the brain implicated in aggression.
Daly and Wilson (1988) – aggression is highest in males 20+ years old when testosterone peaks
What animal data support the role of testosterone in aggression?
Giammanco et al (2005): demonstrated experimental increases in testosterone are related to grater aggressive behaviour and the removal of the testes reduces the degree of anger.
What did Dolan et al.’s (2001) study find with regard to testosterone and aggression?
Found a positive correlation between testosterone levels and aggression in a sample of 60 male offenders in uk max security hospitals. The men mostly based personality disorders and history of impulsive (reactive) violent behaviour.
What evidence is there for the role of hormones in female aggression?
There i some evidence that progesterone plays an important role in aggression in women.
Levels of progesterone vary during the ovulation cycle are lowest after menstruation.
Ziomkiewick (2012) found a negative correlation between progesterone levels and self reported aggression.
hormonal mechanisms for aggression AO3
A strength of the hormonal explanation of aggression is that there is supporting empirical evidence.
E – mehta and joseph’s (2006) measured ppts testosterone levels before and after a competitive game loss. Following the loss, 73% of those with increased testosterone chose to recall end the winners (operationalised as aggression), compared to only 22% of those whose levels decreased.
E – this demonstrates than an increase in testosterone following a status loss can lead to more aggressive actions, providing support for the role of testosterone in context-dependent aggression.
C – however, the study implies a narrow definition of aggression. Real world aggression can be expressed in many ways , such as verbal aggression or physical confrontations, which may not be fully captures here.
L – this suggests that while testosterone may play a role in certain competitive contexts, it’s impact on aggression might vary in more diverse or complex social situations.
hormonal mechanism of aggression AO3
P: A limitation of the explanation that increased levels of testosterone increases aggression, is that it appears to be an incomplete explanation.
E – Carre and Mehta (2011) proposed the dual-hormone hypothesis, which suggest that high testosterone only promotes aggression when cortisol levels are low. When cortisol is high, it appears to inhibit testosterones influence on aggression.
E – this demonstrates that attempting to explain a aggression through the role of a single hormone may be overly reductionist, as multiple hormonal factors can interact to influence behaviour, as well as many social factors.
L – this limits the validity of testosterone- asked explanations of aggression, as it fails to account for the moderating role of cortisol, suggesting that a more nuanced, multi-hormone approach may better reflect the biological basis of aggression, which must then also take into account non-biological factors in the persons environment.
What are the 4 broad approaches to the study of the influence of genetics and environment on behaviour (such as aggression)
Twin studies
Adoption studies
Gene studies
Gene/environment interaction
To determine the genetic component of aggression (nature) vs the environmental component (nurture) each influence needs to be disentangled.
This can be done by looking at:
Twin studies
Adoption studies
Family studies.
Explain the rationale for twin studies
MZ twins – 100% shared DNA
DZ twins – 50% shared DNA
The degree of similarity in the same measurable react is called concordance rate – the presence of the same trait in both members of a pair of twins.
Usually, we compare concordance rates to DZ twins as they are only 50% related.
High concordance rates in MZ twins suggest a heritable component to where r is being measured.
What did Coccaro et al. (1997) show in their twin studies
Studies specifically aggressive behaviour (physical assault) in adult twins.
He found that MZ twins has concordance rates of 50% and DZ at 19%.
This shows that the component of the aggression is genetic as they have higher concordance rates in MZ twins than DZ twins.
Verbal aggression was 28% in MZ and 7% DZ.
How is this study different than other twin studies that have looked at the influence of genetics on aggression?
Most other twin studies have focussed on criminal behaviour generally and not specifically aggression. So, it is difficult it determine the validity of this study.
Explain the rationale for adoption studies
If a positive cooprrelation is found between aggressive behaviour in adopted children and aggressive behaviour in their adopted parents then an environmental effect is implied.
If the correlation is between the adopted child and their biological parents then a genetic effect is applied.
Describe the findings of 3 studies that have examined the role of genetics on aggressions using adoptions.
Rhee and Waldman(2002) carried out a meta-analysis of adoption studies of direct aggression and anti-social behaviour (a prominent feature being aggresion).
They found the genetic influences accounted for 41% of the variance in aggression- the same finding as twin studies.
Hutchins and Mednick (1975) conducted a study in 14,000 adoptions in Denmark found that a significant number of adopted boys with criminal convictions had biological parents (esp father) with criminal convictions.
Validity – criminal convictions may not link to aggression.
Brennan and Mednick (1993) found that genetic influences were significant only in cases of property crime not in violent crime.
Which gene has been implicated in aggression, and what is the mechanism thought to be?
Monoamine Oxidase A
- The MAOA gene controls the production of the MAO-A enzyme.
- The MAO-A enzyme regulated the metabolism of monoamines (dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin)
- Low levels of serotonin are associated with high levels of aggression.
Which allele of the gene has been associated with aggression?
Genes can come in high or low variants.
The MAOA-L (low variant) results in low activity of the MAO-A enzyme (MAO-A deficiency).
This gene has been linked to high levels of aggression
Which neurotransmitters does the MAO enzyme metabolise (break down)?
Regulates the metabolism of monoamines (dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin)
Low levels of serotonin are associated with high levels of aggression.
Why is this referred to a the ‘warrior gene’?
The warrior gene – MAOA has been dubbed the warrior gene because the low activity variant (MAOA-L) are seen much more frequently in populations with a history of warfare- with 2/3rds of these population having low activity versions.
Lea and chambers (2007) showed that the MAOA-L variant was possessed by 56% of New Zealand Maori men, compared to 34% caucasians. Māori people have a reputation for being warriors.
How did Brunner et al’s(1993) study implicate the MOAA-L gene variant in aggression?
Studied a Dutch family in which 28 of the males behaved very aggressively and violently (eg. Rape, attempted murder and assault).
These men were found to be abnormally low levels of MAO-A enzyme and the MAOA-L gene variant (sometimes referred to a Brunner syndrome)
- Socially sensitive research – saying it’s due to the gene and other people who have that gene might not be rapists or murderers.
How did Stuart’s (2014) study suggest that the MAOA-L variant is implicated in aggression?
Found that of 97 men convicted of intimate partner violence (IPV those with the MAOA-L variant gene were the most violent perpetrators and this resulted in the worst injuries on their partners.
How did Caspi et al. (2000) suggest that there may be a gene x environment interaction with MAOA-L?
Genes do appear to be crucial in aggression but they do not function in isolation.
It appears that MAOA-L gene activity is only correlated with adult aggression when combines with traumatic life experiences.
This can be explained using the Diathesis-stress Model.
Caspi 2002 study
Caspi (2002) studied 500 male children. They found those with the MAOA-L gene are more likely to grow up and behave anti socially but only if they had also been mistreated as children.
Children with MAOA-H who were also maltreated and those with MAOA-L who had not been maltreated did not display antisocial behaviour.
This suggests it is an interaction between the gene (a vulnerability) and its environment that us important (diathesis-stress).
The findings are reliable as they were also found by Frazzetto et al. 2007)
genetic factors AO3
P - A strength of the genetic explanation of aggression is the empirical support for heritability in aggressive behaviour.
E – Rhee and waldman (2002) conducted a meta analysis of twin and adoption studies, finding that genetic factors account for 41% of aggression variance, suggesting a substantial hereditary influence.
E - this implies that aggression is partly genetic, not solely environmental.
C – however, the 41% variance indicates the importance of other influences, like family dynamics, social experiences, and stress. These factors likely interact with genetic predispositions, meaning that while genetics contributes to aggression, environmental and situation factors are also crucial for a comprehensive understanding.
L – this approach has high validity as it considers both genetic and environmental influences, aligning with evidence that aggression results from a complex interplay of factors.
Genetic factors AO3
P: A limitation of the genetic explanation of aggression is the difficulty measuring the effects of genetics alone and separating them from the environment.
E – McDermott (2009) showed that pots with MAOA-L behaved aggressively in a money-allocation lab experiment but only when they were ‘provoked’. Otherwise they acted the same as MAOA-H.
E – this shows that aggression is more likely to be explained by an interationist approach with the importance of the gene vulnerability (MAOA-L) and the environment (provocation) and this makes it more complex to measure.
L – this interaction can be explained by the diathesis stress model but it does not tell us the extent to which the gene or the environment plays due to the difficulty of measuring each factor alone, undermining the validity of a purely genetic explanation.
Genetic factors AO3
P: A limitation of the genetic explanation is that there are likely to be multiple genes involved in aggression which makes it difficult to research.
E – Stuart (2014) showed that intimated partner violence in men was not just associated with MAOA-L but also the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT). It was a combination of both of these genes that was most linked to IPV.
E – this shows that it is too reductionist to isolate one gene. The search for tiger genes is a very active body of research. Vassos (2014) could find no association between a singular gene and aggression in a meta-analyses; Tielbeek (2018) found that 40 genes were associated with aggression, in a study of 30,000 individuals.
L - this casts doubt that one single gene alone may be responsible for aggression, questioning the validity of a single-gene explanation of aggression.
Genetic factors AO3
P: A limitation of the methodology used in many aggression studies is that most ppts have been convicted of violent crime.
E – for example, studies by raine et al. (1997) and coccaro et al. (2007) have identified limbic dysfunction in violent criminals. However, this raises two issues: first, convictions for violence are few compared to the number of violent acts resulting in a conviction. The sample is therefore biased to those convicted of violence.
E – secondly, offenders designated as ‘violent’ on the basis of conviction are not necessarily the most violent and persistent offenders eg. A one off murderer would be labelled violent even if no other violent history.
L – these points may explain why so many studies have not found a heritable component, because the samples have low population validity and lack generalisability.. Prospective genetics studies would be difficult due ti ethical considerations of a socially sensitive research area.
Assumptions about ethology.
An ethnological explanation seeks to understand the innate behaviour of animals (including humans) by studying them in their natural environment.
The focus of an ethnological explanation is to try and account for behaviour in terms of its adaptive value to specific species.
Aggression is also seen as providing an adaptive function by ethnologists.
Aggression is seen in all animal species and in believed to be an innate behaviour. If a behaviour is innate, evolutionary psychologists propose that behaviour must be beneficial to the organism: help survival, protect resources (land/food).
What is Lorenz’s definition of aggression
Konrad Lorenz is the founder of ethology.
He defined aggression as the ‘fighting instinct in beasts and man that is directed against members of the same species’.
What assumptions does he make that make the study of aggression in animals relevant to that in humans
Konrad Lorenz is the founder of ethology.
He defined aggression as the ‘fighting instinct in beasts and man that is directed against members of the same species’.