Aggression Flashcards
What are the biological explanations?
Neural mechanisms
Hormonal mechanisms
Genetic factors
B1. Neural mechanisms- the limbic system- A01
helps to co-ordinate behaviours that satisfy motivational and emotional urges
B1. Neural mechanisms- the limbic system- evaluation- A03
+ Summer= 14yr old had a tumour in his limbic system, when treated with drugs, his aggression decreased, shows the system is linked with aggression
- not clear cut= is made up of many components, not clear which parts may be implicated
B1. Neural mechanisms- the amygdala- A01
evaluates the importance of sensory information and prompts an appropriate response
B1. Neural mechanisms- the amygdala- evaluation- A03
+ Pardini= longitudinal study, took MRIs of males, found that lower amygdala volumes are associated with higher levels of aggression and violence
- exact role is unclear= Muller= found psychopaths had increased activity in the amygdala compared to non psychopaths when shown pos and neg pictures
B1. Neural mechanisms- the hippocampus- A01
involved in the formation of long-term memories
can compare conditions of the current threat with similar past experiences so they can show an appropriate response
B1. Neural mechanisms- the hippocampus- evaluation- A03
+ Raine= two groups of violent criminals- impulsively / ‘cold calculated criminals’- criminals who acted impulsively had different sizes of each side of the hippocampus= asymmetry impacts ability of the amygdala and hip to work together
B2. Hormonal mechanisms- Serotonin- A01
- a neurotransmitter
-lower levels of serotonin leads to a lack of control of impulsive and aggressive responses
-normal levels exerts a calming effect on neural firing in the brain
B2. Hormonal mechanisms- Serotonin- evaluation- A03
+ Raleigh= monkeys fed on experimental diets high in serotonin showed decreased levels of aggression, individuals with diets with low serotonin showed increased levels of aggression
+ prac apps= increasing serotonin in juvenile delinquents and in institutionalised patients reduces their aggressive tendencies
- deterministic= link of aggressive behaviour to reduction of serotonin in criminals doesn’t allow for free will, suggests criminals are not to blame for their actions
B2. Hormonal mechanisms- Testosterone and cortisol- A01
testo= male sex hormone involved with aggression
cort= produced by adrenal medulla and reacts to stress
they have a negative correlation
B2. Hormonal mechanisms- Testosterone and cortisol- evaluation- A03
+ Wagner= if male mouse is castrated, overall levels of aggression decreased, if its received testosterone injections, aggression levels increased
-HOWEVER= can’t generalised, unethical
+ Dabbs= measured salivary testosterone in violent and non violent criminals, those with higher levels had a history with more violent crimes
B3. Genetic factors- twin and adoption studies- A01
-twin studies= compare degree of similarity for a particular trait
-adoption studies= show the influences of genes and genes in aggression
B3. Genetic factors- twin and adoption studies- evaluation- A03
+ Miles and Carey= meta-analysis of 24 twin and adoption studies that demonstrated the genetic basis of aggression, results suggest genetic influence could account for up to 50% of the variance in aggression
- many studies have relied on either parental or self- reports of their behaviour
- difficult to separate genetic and environmental factors, behaviour may only be expressed if the environmental conditions are favourable
B3. Genetic factors- MAOA gene- A01
-monoamine oxidase A is an enzyme
-breaks down neurotransmitters into chemicals to be excreted
-dysfunction in operation of this gene may lead to abnormal activity of the MAOA enzyme, affects the levels of serotonin in the brain
-one variant leads to low MAOA activity and is associated with with forms of aggressive behaviour
B3. Genetic factors- MAOA gene- evaluation- A03
+Capsi= using 500 male children discovered those with the low variant of MAOA were more likely to be anti-social than those with the high variant
-importance of genes and environment= Capsi= those more likely to be anti-social is true only if they had been maltreated as children
The ethological explanation of aggression- A01
-suggests main function of aggression is adaptive
-seeks to understanding the innate behaviour of animals by studying their natural environment
-innate releasing mechanism= built-in physiological process like a network of neurones in the brain- releases a specific sequence of behaviours- fixed action pattern:
-unaffected by learning
-single purpose
-response to stimulus
-ritualistic aggression= not aggressive but shown in the form of threat displays- used to assess strengths of competition