aggression Flashcards
strength of amygdala
-pardini et al found reduced amygdala volume predicts aggression. longitudinal study of male pp, some of the 56 pp had MRI scan at age 26 and it was found that lower amygdala volume was associated wuth high aggression
weakness of amygdala
exact role of amygdala is unclear. muller showed 6 psychopaths and 6 controls positive and negative images. found that the psychopaths had much higher activity in amygdala from FRMI. some studies say low amygdala volume equals aggression but others say the opposite
limbic system
area of brain that coordinates behaviour that satisfy emotional and motivational urges e.g aggression and fear
evaluates emotional importance of sensory information to prompt an appropriate response
support for hippocampus
- raine studied successful (cold and calculated) and unsuccessful (impulsive) criminals. MRI scan found assymetries in the hippocampus of the unsuccessful group. assymetry may impair the ability of the hippocampus and amygdala to work together leading to aggression
- sumer studied 14 year old girl who was aggressive and had epileptic siezures. she had a tumour in the limbic system diagnosed from MRI. treated with drugs and aggression levels were normal
weakness of the hippocampus/limbic system
-not clear cut as made of many components which are hard to isolate to see the impact of each alone, may be the interaction between these components that causes aggression
strengths of serotonin
- crockett used game playing and moral dilemmas to observe aggression. one group of pp had their serotonin levels lowered through manipulation of diet. others had levels increased by ssri. those who had lower levels of serotonin had higher levels of retaliation and those with higher levels responded with compassion
- raleigh found vervet monkeys fed diets high in tryptophan which increases serotonin had lower levels of aggression. those with low levels of tryptophan showed more aggression
weaknesses of serotonin
- crocketts supportive study has low external vaildity. game playing is not a direct physical aggressive response, lacks generalisability to real life
- deterministic and does not follow idea of free will. implications for criminals as they may not be responsible for their actions as our levels of serotonin are beyond our own control
strength of hormonal explanation
- wagner et al. mice who were castrated showed lower levels of aggression. when injected with testosterone they had increased aggression
- mcburnett studied longitudinally. 38 boys with problem behaviours in a clinic. the boys with lower cortisol level, measured by saliva tests, showed 3x more aggressive symptoms compared to boys with high levels. they were rated the meanest and most aggressive by peers
weaknesses of hormonal explan.
- inconsistent evidence and usually uses correlations which do not show cause and effect
- studies on animals e.g wagner cannot be generalised to humans
strengths of genetic factors
- support for twin studies by coccaro. found concordance for physical aggression 50% for MZ and 19% for DZ. verbal aggression= 28% MZ and 7% DZ. support for adoption studies by hutchings and mendick. studied 14,000 adopted boys in denmark and found many who had criminal convictions also had biological parents convicted for violence
- miles and carey. meta analysis of 24 twin and adoption studies demonstrating genetic basis. genetic influence could account for as much as 50% of the variance in aggression
weaknesses of genetic factors
- studies may be affected by other variables e.g age, assessment method etc
- deterministic
strength of MAOA
- caspi used 500 male children and found those with low varient of MAOA were more likely to have anti social behaviours
- morely and hall says there are strengths of research into genetic factors as it can help develop treatments for offenders or people with personalilty disorders that are risk factors for criminality
weaknesses of MAOA
- caspi study found those with low MAOA variant would only show anti social behaviours if maltreated as children, so evidence for environment
- links to free will vs determinism if genes are cause of aggression this is against the law and order system
media influences:
- experimental
- correlation
- lognitudinal
1- bartholow and anderson, pp played either violent or non violent game for 10 mins then completed taylor competitive reaction time task. those who played violent game gave blast of white noise much louder (5.9 decibels) compared to 4.6 for non violent
2- delisi. 227 juvenile offenders with histoy of violence. used structured interviews and found aggression correlated with how often they played video games and how much they enjoyed them
3-anderson. studied children aged 7-9 at two points in school year. those who had high exposure to violent video games were more verbally and physically aggressive and less prosocial