Agent Flashcards


What is the general definition of an agency relationship


An agency relationship is a legal and business relationship between two parties, where one party (the agent) acts on behalf of the other party (the principal) and is authorized to make legal decisions or transactions on their behalf.

The principal hires the agent to represent them in a specific transaction or set of transactions, and the agent is authorized to act in the principal’s name and make decisions or enter into agreements that will be legally binding on the principal.

In this relationship, the agent owes the principal a fiduciary duty, which means that the agent is obligated to act in the principal’s best interests and not engage in any behavior that would benefit the agent to the detriment of the principal. This fiduciary duty includes a duty of loyalty, obedience, and care.

An agency relationship can exist in many contexts, such as between a company and its employees, a client and their attorney, or a principal and their real estate agent. The agency relationship is established through a contract or agreement between the principal and the agent, which outlines the scope of the agent’s authority and responsibilities, as well as any compensation or fees involved.

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What are the key characteristics of an agency relationship?


Consensual relationship: The agency relationship is based on an agreement between the principal and the agent. The principal must expressly or impliedly authorize the agent to act on their behalf, and the agent must agree to act as the principal’s representative.

Fiduciary duty: The agent owes a fiduciary duty to the principal, which means that the agent must act in the best interests of the principal, avoid any conflicts of interest, and not engage in any behavior that would harm the principal.

Principal’s control: The principal has the right to control the actions of the agent in the course of the agency relationship. The principal can specify the scope of the agent’s authority, provide instructions, and set limitations on the agent’s actions.

Agent’s authority: The agent has the authority to act on behalf of the principal, subject to any limitations specified by the principal. This authority can be actual or apparent.

Binding on the principal: The actions of the agent are legally binding on the principal, provided that the agent acts within the scope of their authority.

Third-party relationships: The agent interacts with third parties on behalf of the principal. The principal can be held liable for the actions of the agent in these interactions.

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Which agents are “employees” and which agents are “independent contractors”?


Control: Employers have greater control over the work of their employees, while independent contractors have more control over how they perform their work.

Training: Employers typically provide training to employees, while independent contractors are expected to have the necessary skills and expertise to perform their work.

Equipment and supplies: Employers provide employees with the necessary equipment and supplies, while independent contractors typically provide their own.

Taxes and benefits: Employers are responsible for withholding taxes and providing benefits to employees, while independent contractors are responsible for their own taxes and benefits.

Liability: Employers are generally liable for the actions of their employees, while independent contractors are liable for their own actions.

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What six factors have been traditionally used in making determination of which agents are “employees” and which agents are “independent contractors”?


There are several factors that are traditionally used in making a determination of whether an agent is an “employee” or an “independent contractor.” These factors help to assess the level of control that the principal has over the agent’s work and the degree of independence of the agent. While there is no fixed rule or formula, the following six factors are often considered:

Control: This refers to the degree of control that the principal has over the agent’s work. If the principal has the right to control how, when, and where the work is performed, then the agent is more likely to be classified as an employee.

Tools and equipment: If the principal provides the tools, equipment, and materials needed to perform the work, then the agent is more likely to be classified as an employee.
Financial relationship: If the principal reimburses the agent for expenses, provides benefits such as health insurance, and withholds taxes from the agent’s pay, then the agent is more likely to be classified as an employee.

Duration of relationship: If the relationship between the principal and agent is expected to be ongoing and indefinite, then the agent is more likely to be classified as an employee.

Method of payment: If the principal pays the agent a salary or hourly wage, then the agent is more likely to be classified as an employee. If the principal pays the agent a flat fee or commission, then the agent is more likely to be classified as an independent contractor.

Level of skill: If the agent provides specialized or highly skilled services, then the agent is more likely to be classified as an independent contractor.

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Although all six factors can be relevant and weighed in determining
whether to come down on the side of employee or the side of independent contractor, which single factor has traditionally been viewed as being especially important?


Among the six factors used to determine whether an agent is an employee or an independent contractor, the level of control that the principal has over the agent’s work has traditionally been viewed as the most important factor. This is because the level of control is often indicative of the degree of independence of the agent. If the principal has the right to control how, when, and where the work is performed, then the agent is more likely to be classified as an employee. On the other hand, if the agent has more control over their work, then they are more likely to be classified as an independent contractor.

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How much weight would be given to a written agreement between the principal and agent that declares that the agent is an independent contractor?


A written agreement between the principal and the agent that declares that the agent is an independent contractor is a relevant factor in determining whether the agent is an independent contractor or an employee. However, the existence of such an agreement is not necessarily determinative of the classification. Other factors such as the level of control that the principal has over the agent’s work, the method of payment, and the tools and equipment used by the agent may be given more weight in certain circumstances.

Courts and regulatory agencies will examine the substance of the relationship between the principal and the agent, rather than relying solely on the form of the agreement. Therefore, if the principal exercises a significant degree of control over the agent’s work, provides tools and equipment, and withholds taxes and provides benefits, the written agreement declaring the agent an independent contractor may not be given much weight.

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Does the agency agreement need to be in writing?


In most jurisdictions, the agency agreement does not necessarily have to be in writing. However, having a written agency agreement is highly recommended as it helps to avoid misunderstandings and disputes between the parties involved.

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What is a “power of attorney”? What does it mean to be a “durable” power of attorney?


A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that grants someone else the authority to act on your behalf in legal, financial, or other matters.

The person who gives the authority is called the “principal” or “grantor,” while the person receiving the authority is known as the “agent” or “attorney-in-fact.”

A durable power of attorney (DPOA) is a type of POA that remains in effect even if the principal becomes incapacitated or unable to make decisions for themselves. A DPOA is intended to provide continuity in decision-making when the principal is unable to manage their own affairs.

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How can even someone who has been fired still be considered to be an “agent” of the principal in some circumstances?


Even if someone has been fired, they may still be considered an “agent” of the principal in some circumstances if they had previously been authorized to act on behalf of the principal. This is because agency relationships are based on the concept of authority, and the authority to act as an agent can continue even after the employment relationship has ended.

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When does an agent have Actual Express Authority to enter into a contract with a third party that will bind the principal to that contract?


An agent has express authority to enter into a contract with a third party when the principal explicitly grants the agent the authority to do so. Express authority can be granted orally, in writing, or by conduct, but it must be communicated clearly to the agent.

However, the express authority must be within the scope of the agent’s authority. The scope of the agent’s authority is determined by the terms of the agency relationship, as well as any limitations or restrictions placed on the agent’s authority by the principal. If the agent exceeds the scope of their authority, the contract may not be binding on the principal.

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When does an agent have Actual Implied Authority to enter into a contract with a third party that will bind the principal to that contract?


An agent has actual implied authority to enter into a contract with a third party when the authority to do so is not explicitly granted by the principal, but is reasonably inferred from the nature of the agency relationship or the agent’s position.

Actual implied authority may arise from:

Custom or Trade Usage: If a particular trade or industry has a customary practice of allowing agents to enter into certain types of contracts on behalf of their principals, then an agent in that trade or industry would likely have implied authority to enter into those types of contracts.
Prior Conduct or Course of Dealing: If the principal has previously allowed the agent to enter into similar contracts on their behalf, then the agent may have implied authority to enter into similar contracts in the future.

Necessity: If the agent needs to enter into a contract with a third party in order to carry out the principal’s instructions or to protect the principal’s interests, then the agent may have implied authority to do so.
Apparent Authority: If the principal leads a third party to believe that the agent has the authority to act on their behalf, even if the agent does not actually have the authority, then the agent may have apparent authority to enter into the contract.

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When does an agent have Apparent Authority to enter into a contract with a third party that will bind the principal to that contract?


An agent has apparent authority to enter into a contract with a third party when the principal leads the third party to believe that the agent has the authority to act on their behalf, even if the agent does not actually have the authority.

Apparent authority can arise in several ways, including:

Conduct of the Principal: If the principal acts in a way that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the agent has the authority to act on their behalf, then the agent may have apparent authority. For example, if a principal allows an agent to attend meetings and negotiate with third parties on their behalf, this conduct may lead third parties to believe that the agent has the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the principal.

Custom or Trade Usage: If a particular trade or industry has a customary practice of allowing agents to enter into certain types of contracts on behalf of their principals, then an agent in that trade or industry would likely have apparent authority to enter into those types of contracts.

Prior Representations: If the principal has made representations to third parties that the agent has authority to act on their behalf, then the agent may have apparent authority based on those representations.

Prior Representations: If the principal has made representations to third parties that the agent has authority to act on their behalf, then the agent may have apparent authority based on those representations.

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Why did Soule still have apparent authority to act on behalf of Equitable Life Assurance even though he had been fired?

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As a general rule, does the agent have personal liability on the contract if the agent had Actual Express Authority to enter into the contract on behalf of
the principal with the third party?


As a general rule, if an agent had actual express authority to enter into a contract on behalf of the principal with a third party, the agent would not have personal liability on the contract. This is because the agent is acting on behalf of the principal and not in their personal capacity.

The principal is the one who is bound by the contract and is responsible for fulfilling its obligations. However, if the agent acts beyond the scope of their authority, the agent may be held personally liable for any losses or damages that result from their actions.

It is important to note that the specific terms and conditions of the contract, as well as any applicable laws, may affect whether the agent has personal liability on the contract. It is always advisable for agents to seek legal advice if they are uncertain about their liability in a particular situation.

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As a general rule, does the agent have personal liability on the contract if the agent had Actual Implied Authority to enter into the contract on behalf of the principal with the third party?


As a general rule, if an agent had actual implied authority to enter into a contract on behalf of the principal with a third party, the agent would not have personal liability on the contract.

Actual implied authority refers to the authority that the principal has given to the agent through their actions, conduct, or previous dealings. It is not explicitly stated but can be inferred from the circumstances surrounding the transaction.

If the agent acted within the scope of their actual implied authority, they would be seen as acting on behalf of the principal, and the principal would be bound by the contract. As such, the agent would not have personal liability on the contract.

However, if the agent acted beyond the scope of their actual implied authority, they may be held personally liable for any losses or damages that result from their actions.

It is important to note that the specific terms and conditions of the contract, as well as any applicable laws, may affect whether the agent has personal liability on the contract. It is always advisable for agents to seek legal advice if they are uncertain about their liability in a particular situation.

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As a general rule, does the agent have personal liability on the contract If the agent had only Apparent Authority to enter into the contract on behalf of the principal with the third party?


As a general rule, if an agent had only apparent authority to enter into a contract on behalf of the principal with a third party, the agent may have personal liability on the contract.

Apparent authority refers to the authority that the principal has given to the agent through their actions, conduct, or previous dealings, as perceived by the third party. It is not explicitly stated but can be inferred from the circumstances surrounding the transaction.

If the third party reasonably believes that the agent has the authority to enter into the contract on behalf of the principal, the principal may be bound by the contract. However, if it is later found that the agent did not have actual or implied authority to enter into the contract, the agent may be held personally liable for any losses or damages that result from their actions.

It is important to note that the specific terms and conditions of the contract, as well as any applicable laws, may affect whether the agent has personal liability on the contract. It is always advisable for agents to seek legal advice if they are uncertain about their liability in a particular situation.


Assume that an agent did not disclose the existence of the principal to the third party. Assume further that the agent is acting with Actual Express or Actual Implied Authority to enter into a contract on behalf of the principal with the third party. If the principal eventually breaches that contract, can the third party sue both the principal and the agent for breach of contract?


If the agent did not disclose the existence of the principal to the third party but was acting with actual express or actual implied authority to enter into a contract on behalf of the principal, the third party may be able to sue both the principal and the agent for breach of contract if the principal eventually breaches the contract.

The third party may be able to argue that they entered into the contract based on the belief that the agent was acting on their own behalf and not as an agent for the principal. However, if the court finds that the agent was acting with actual express or actual implied authority on behalf of the principal, then the principal would be primarily responsible for fulfilling the obligations under the contract.

In general, an agent who is acting within the scope of their actual authority is not personally liable for the obligations under the contract. However, if the agent did not disclose the existence of the principal to the third party, the third party may argue that the agent was acting as a principal and may seek to hold the agent personally liable for any losses or damages that result from the breach of contract.


Can the Principal be Held Liable for the Agent’s Torts?


A tort is a civil wrong that results in harm or injury to another person, such as negligence, defamation, or intentional harm. If an agent commits a tort while acting within the scope of their authority, the principal may be held liable for the harm or injury caused by the agent.

This is known as the principle of vicarious liability, which holds that an employer or principal is responsible for the wrongful acts of their employees or agents that are committed in the course of their employment or agency. The purpose of this rule is to ensure that injured parties are able to recover compensation for their losses, and to encourage employers and principals to take steps to prevent such wrongful acts from occurring.

However, it is important to note that there are limits to the principle of vicarious liability. Generally, the agent’s actions must be within the scope of their authority, and not outside of it, for the principal to be held liable. Additionally, the principal may be able to avoid liability if they can show that they took reasonable steps to prevent the harm from occurring or that the agent acted outside of the scope of their authority.

Overall, whether a principal can be held liable for the torts committed by their agent depends on the specific facts and circumstances of each case. It is always advisable for principals and agents to seek legal advice if they are uncertain about their potential liability in a particular situation.


When is the Principal “vicariously” liable for the negligence of the agent?


To determine whether an agent was acting within the scope of their employment or agency at the time of the negligent act, the court will typically consider factors such as:

Whether the act was authorized by the principal;

Whether the act was committed during the course of the agent’s employment or agency;

Whether the act was committed to further the principal’s business interests;

Whether the act was foreseeable by the principal; and

Whether the act was committed for the benefit of the principal.


What is the doctrine of “respondeat superior” and how is it applied?


Negligent acts or omissions committed by employees or agents while on the job, such as a delivery driver causing an accident while making a delivery for their employer;

Intentional torts committed by employees or agents in the course of their employment or agency, such as a security guard using excessive force while apprehending a shoplifter;

Defamatory statements made by employees or agents in the course of their employment or agency, such as an employee making false statements about a competitor to a client.

To determine whether an employer or principal can be held liable under the doctrine of respondeat superior, the court will typically consider factors such as:

Whether the wrongful act was committed by an employee or agent of the employer or principal;

Whether the employee or agent was acting within the scope of their employment or agency at the time of the wrongful act;
Whether the wrongful act was committed in furtherance of the employer’s or principal’s business interests.


What the doctrine of repondeat superior says about Negligence vs. intentional torts?


Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, an employer or principal may be held liable for the wrongful acts of their employees or agents if the employee or agent was acting within the scope of their employment or agency when the wrongful act occurred. This means that the employer or principal may be held liable for the negligent or intentional torts committed by their employees or agents, provided that the torts were committed within the scope of their employment or agency.

However, it is important to note that there are some differences between the liability of employers or principals for negligent acts versus intentional torts. In general, an employer or principal is more likely to be held liable for the intentional torts of their employees or agents than for their negligent acts. This is because intentional torts are often seen as more closely connected to the employment or agency relationship than negligent acts.


What the doctrine of repondeat superior says about Employee vs. independent contractors


The doctrine of respondeat superior applies only to employees and not independent contractors. Under the doctrine, an employer can be held liable for the wrongful acts of its employees if the employee was acting within the scope of their employment at the time of the wrongful act. However, an employer generally cannot be held liable for the wrongful acts of independent contractors because they are not considered employees.

In general, an employer has less control over the work of independent contractors than over the work of employees. As a result, the doctrine of respondeat superior does not apply to independent contractors in the same way that it applies to employees. Instead, an employer may be held liable for the actions of an independent contractor only if the employer was negligent in selecting, supervising, or instructing the contractor.

Overall, the doctrine of respondeat superior applies only to employees, not independent contractors. Employers may be held liable for the wrongful acts of their employees, but they generally cannot be held liable for the wrongful acts of independent contractors unless they were negligent in some way.


What is within the “Scope of Employment”?


The term “scope of employment” refers to the range of activities that an employee is authorized to perform on behalf of their employer. If an employee engages in conduct within the scope of their employment and that conduct causes harm to a third party, the employer may be held liable for the employee’s actions under the doctrine of respondeat superior.

Generally, an employee is acting within the scope of their employment if they are engaged in activities that are reasonably related to their job duties and that are intended to serve their employer’s interests. This might include tasks that the employee was specifically hired to perform, such as delivering packages or providing customer service, as well as other activities that are incidental to the job, such as running errands or attending meetings.

Factors that may be considered when determining whether an employee was acting within the scope of their employment include:

Whether the employee’s conduct was specifically authorized by the employer
Whether the employee’s conduct was foreseeable based on the nature of their job duties
Whether the employee was on the clock and being paid at the time of the conduct
Whether the conduct occurred on the employer’s premises or in a location that was under the employer’s control
Whether the conduct was done with the intent to benefit the employer or further the employer’s interests


What are the two major factors used to determines “scope of employment”?


The two major factors that are typically used to determine the “scope of employment” are:

The nature of the employee’s job duties: This involves looking at the specific tasks and responsibilities that the employee was hired to perform. If the employee engaged in conduct that was directly related to their job duties, it is more likely to be considered within the scope of their employment.

Whether the employee’s conduct was intended to serve the employer’s interests: This involves looking at the employee’s intent when engaging in the conduct. If the employee was acting with the intent to benefit the employer or further the employer’s interests, it is more likely to be considered within the scope of their employment.