Agency 5 Flashcards

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What is lecture 5 about?


How does agent’s relationship with principal come to an end?
Termination by act of the parties
Termination by operation of law
Termination of commercial agencies

What are the effects of termination?
On parties’ rights and duties?

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-what about the termination?


How can agency rels come to end, to some exrenr if ppl to enter into agen delib should be able to leabe delib, how can end without act of consent – go voer this slide if necc

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(a) Termination by act of the parties?


Underlined for u the various forms of termination by acts of party, so can be

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-What are the various forms of termination?


termination by agreement

termination by performance

expiration of period of agency
fixed period based on agreement
fixed period based on custom
Dickenson v Lilwal (1815) 1 Stark 128
Usage in Irish provision trade regarding expiry of authority given to broker to sell

occurrence of a specified event


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  • what is termination by agreement?

termination by agreement- parties agreed that term come to end , I enter agree that our term ends today or months time etc

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  • What is termination by performance?

Term by performance- without agree- we have given agent partic brief to do something and done it then then that agen can come to end automatically, so if I have isntruced someone 1 to sell my bbaskin textobook once sold then our rels come to end, they FULFILLED FUNCTION?

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  • what is expiration of period of agency?

Expiration of period of agency- u can have agency rel for fixed period e.g this agency rel going to last up to 2020/ 2 years and up to them not agent anymore,-

  • fixed period by agreement quite straight forward, but also based on custom which applies on partic trade. This tends to be less usual but clearly when based on custom then this is quite outside anything party would have agreed themselves,
    e. g of this Dickenson case- here u have principles they isnturcted their agent to sell butter for them and gave on 3rd and 4th of july so they give instruction as this agent happens to be broker and remember broker can sell without haveingpossesion of goods, so on 6th july this broker found people to buy butter and sold, by time went back to p to say found, theys aid we also have sold and we cant deliver to ur buyer, dick sued p u should honour that contract with agent, and p argument was actually this was agency agreement, which came to end at end of fixed period based on custom. So by time our agent sold tutotial, his auth to sell anything had expired, based on custom end bc any auth thata egtn had to sell for u aexpired on day given. Need to privde proof evidence In that partic custom. Couple days later already expired??
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How can it also expire?


Also possible for a to expire on occurrence of specified event- lasr until specific event occurs (rels( e.g u are going to be my agent up until price of cotton goes up, or ur going to be my agent up until my business changes ownership , needs to event specified so both aaware whats gonna bring to end.

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How can it also end?

  • end on bases of revocation /ren- these have same effect- revoc- cos principle has terminated agency rels unilateraly by revoking agency auth- if take away auth act on me have revoked and terminated rels, renun when unilateral termin come from agent, can renounce ur auth to act for some1= rels comes to end
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(a) Termination by act of the parties – revocation/renunciation


Can agency be irrevocable?
Question on revoc and renun is – read on slide q – can oru p an a put self in positon where the agency can never be revoked e.g agency rel permanent, none of us csan withdraw
We have to approach by two angles 1 can we have ana gency rels that irremovable by virtue of stat, 2 can we have an agency rels that irrevocable by virtue of common law

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statute s.4(1) Powers of Attorney Act 1971 (Baskind, p.183)


Statute- don’t get too bogged but worth knowing some rels are irrevocable by virtue of stat and s.4 (1) gives good e.g of that type agency that irrevolble by virtue of statue- baskin gives other examples e.g where u have some1 who has been given power of attorney under the mental capacity act to act for some1 who going to be incapacited etc – reason why complic- cos very foten this ag would have ebeen given auth to act for some 1 but at same time agent wil also have interest of some kind in the partic trans, area of law which is quite messy = stat it is poss for agency rel be irr- cany withdraw a auth

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what does comon law say?


-common law poss?- statement grom bailey case – read aswritien -1 OF BIG JUDGEMENTS – lay down genral rule, , 1 principles laid down, is that agency auth is revo- so even if parties have contract irrevocable p can still revoke it is not set in stone- if do, this doesn’t prevent a from suein damages but it doesn’t change p right to revoke that auth, so parties may have contracted is not absolutely bidning, that’s our starting pont IT IS REVOKABLE

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  • when can auth of a be revoked and case?

‘the authority of an agent may be revoked by the principal, even if it is agreed by their contract to be irrevocable’ Bailey v Angove Pty Ltd [2016] UKSC 47

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-sit where revoke might be awkward and case?


THERE MIGHT sit which very awkard for p to revoke agency especially where a is exposed to liability 3rd parties e.g so if Kelly given auth toact as agent ansd she revokes , ut im accountable to 3rd aprties, the obligations that Kelly should have been honoured, should she,

Anderson case- freq placing ebts on behalf of pri and even tho own name those bets I favour of p’s. mr anserdosn loses on some bets, but before mr Anderson makes good, he rovkes mr read auth so mr read as agent has auth revoked befoe his p actually paid money for lost bet, this means that mr read as agent is now exposed to claims of 3rd parties for those lost bets, u have to pay us the moneys owing o those best u placed cos lost bets and mr read – money that should come out ofwn pocket, no readon agent should be it and claimed indemi for loss debts compensate me. Cout inclied to agree ewith him. If p revoked agent auth and leave a highd ry then that cannot be revoked (auth) otherwise all to easy far too easy for p to avoid obligations by revoking auth anytime they choose.

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Read v Anderson (1883-84) LR 13 QBD 779 in short?


Read v Anderson (1883-84) LR 13 QBD 779
R placed bets on A’s behalf in own name. A revoked R’s authority. R sued for indemnity for lost debts.
‘If a principal employs an agent to perform an act, and if upon revocation of the authority the agent will be by law exposed to loss or suffering, the authority cannot be revoked.’

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(b) Termination by operation of law ?


Op of law term- indepednntly of any act/desire or consent of parties how does agency rels come to end

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Death- if 1 parties died partic p that will bring to end as a as no one to act for. This can be awkward if as the agent u have not been paid ur comm are us till entitled to it where u have eprofmed partic acts and ur p no longer there to rem u-

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death case?


Campanari v Woodburn (1854) 15 CB 400: C to sell W’s picture, and receive £100. Picture sold after W’s death, was C still entitled to commission?


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camparani case in my words?


u- campanari- eman to sell makes best efforts to sell and only maanegd to sell when died, no aware p died, so by goes round to claim persmission, he aint ther, can he claim?, no this was sit where agents auth had been revoked by act of god, noones fault therefore cant be held acoutnable for comm- baskind make distin btw dissolution and bakrup as term acts by op of law- textbook put together, soe.g our p or a is a business that’s through partnership/company and that entity is dissolved, does that a rels come to end, is that a rels terminated by op of law if 1 of the parties busieness entites is dissolved effectively, short answr yes the agency rel will come to end. Histrociall y tend be distinc btw is it the p dissolved or is it agetns dissolved but increasingly rh assumption orbeleif where 1 parties busiens entity been dissolved where cant carry on business before they effectively cease business ceased trading then agency rels term operation fo law without consciously terminating

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-likewise if ur p becomes bankrupt or insolvent does the a rels come to end, so with diss, dissolution is cese trading, ppl can cease trading even if not broke necc whereas bank rp insolvency if our p /agent are in postio where finacialy unable to pay debts keep going, can u say term by op of law and short answer is – yes does come to end cos p cant do nothing restricting on fincial abilities. If it’s a insovleny- if clear agent cant continue and typical cant so if so then will come to end.

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mental incapacity and case?


mental incapacity
Drew v Nunn (1879) 4 QBD 661: ‘where such a change occurs as to [P] that he can no longer act for himself, the agent whom he has appointed can no longer act for him’

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  • mental incapacity and case? in my words?

mentally incapacity?- drew v nunn –controversial deci- mr nunn while hwas still in full control fo fac allowed goods to buy wife o credit frew from mr drew, she was eventualy hospitalised, mental hos he, while wife continued to enter contracrs, he argued wife had pledged him when he was contract, he was no tbound , cos point when ill wife should have stop it term, 2 strands, 1 appointef for yes willing to accept whatever auth wife had before came ill was term ocne became ill term when came clear couldn’t act for self then she couldn’t act fr him. – mr nun still liable on basis she had not lost her apparent auth, so basis of actual auth terminated by law she lost actual auth she wasn’t bound but far cour concerned while he was hil she didn’t ose apparent mental didn’t affect, bc surely he would held out wife auth to act for hm, so bound to pay not actual auth but not apparent auth , that continued.- messy

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frustration & case ?Marshall v Glanvill [1917] 2 KB 87

  • Agency rel come to end by op law furstion- where a frusted event occurs make the erofrmance of that contract what kind of act takes performance of contract out of ahnds of parties. Frustration has arisen- marshal- mr marshall appojted as rep of mr glanvil busiens in west midlands, puled up fro mil services, the judgement isn’t ta clear about this but clearly this was during 1st world war so dotn refer dricel to war, but rusting event contract could noo longer be , terminate dcompletele.
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Effects of termination?


How term effects right sof parties


Does A’s authority come to a complete end?


e. g. 3rd party unaware of revocation: Trueman v Loder (1840) 11 Ad&E 589- so if I revoked auth toa ct as my a and 3rd parties deal with him not knowing I revoked auth, am I stil bound as principle by those partic agreements and those
e. g. regarding collection of payments due to P: Bailey v Angove’s Pty Ltd [2016]


what happened in trueman?


what happen in trueman – that a auth was revoked del with 3r d parties as still p agent, and when p didn’t honour those contact, the 3rd aprties came after p to say that we though a was still a had no knwoeldeg of that revoke, p was obliged to honour that contracgt liable to any 3rd parties unaware of revoke.- agent doesn’t have any direct liab to those 3rd parties but the p may have some claim against thm. Has to honour but may have some recourse of a for continueing to act on his auth that ahd been revoked.


what happened in baileys?


Baileys- Australian wine maker appointing a party or agent d in uk and this d was going to be apry responsibkes elling wines I uk. And oenfothe clauses of contract if the agent went into insoveny that then rel term- d went into liquid – d notice by p no longer agent we are revoking ur atuth, but after auth revoked and ebfore received comm some of the customer who were in uk invoiced by d already went and paid money to d, invoice outstanding were paid to agent after auth ahd aended, so clearly byanow agent had lost auth the 3rd pary had made those payments in good faith, coming abck to ur q, does th p ahv any recourse agisnt agent for contiture collect moneya fter auth came to end? So this was dispute btw p and bailey the liquid for the company bc if r the p what do u want happen to money ? – paid to agent no logner agent want the money back? Abck in full , if ur the company and ur broke ho much money do u realistically have, what do u think happened to that 100,000 , so acutlaly gone into big pot made to help pay everything a owes. So effectively case tussle, al wec ano do hang onto money andpay back, probs wont get 10000 u wil get shre fo what paying everyone else. So liquid ..? Angove said no money ned to come abck to us…agent auth is revokeable even when ir- those payments that had been collecte dhad to go back to p 1 pece.

  • what is a’s ability to claim?

-A’s ability to claim: remuneration/compensation/commission

-Rhodes v Forwood (1876) LR 1 App Cas 256
7 year agreement for sale of coal terminated after 4 years, F sued for loss of future commission

-Turner v Goldsmith (1891) 1 QB 544
5 year agreement for sale of shirts ended after 2 years, T sued for loss of commission


claims and cases?


-a ability tyo calim –rem etc- so alsy week talked agents right tog et paid, if a auth if terminated how going toa ffect a right to income- these two cases good e.g of it. A entered fixed period, end prematurely

Rhodes- a want to claim comm lost for remaining 3 yrs u want, bc lost through no right of own. Her eparties enter in agrememtn for Rhodes to sell coal and everntually sod after 4 yr swhich means mr forrwoof lose ans sues for remain- court said no expressed or I, term to btw parties that mr forward was going tog et comm for remaining time. Ned to make sure ahev exppressil I appgramment that makes u edpressd implied.

Turner v goldsmith- tuner was succesufl- hea hd been hired by goldsmith tosell etc, sadly the factory burnt down mr goldsmith didn’t revie busiens, tu sued still remaining, was successful court held it could be diff bc no expectaito all shirts were goin to come from that factory. Ther fore mr turner entiled . Could ha done auth factories


(c) Termination of commercial agency


Talked about terminationaency common alw perpective – if commercial it can be terminated by 1 of 2 ways either notice or immediate term


-what is termination by notice and reg?


(i) Termination by notice
Reg. 15, minimum notice periods
1 month for the first year of the contract; 2 months for the second year commenced; 3 months for the third year commenced and for the subsequent years
and the parties may not agree on any shorter periods of notice.
longer periods: the period of notice to be observed by P must not be shorter than that to be observed by CA


-what is meant by term by notice?


notice- agency rels 1 parties wont to cme to enter and give notice to 1 party wna tto term, 1 reasons reg useful is give specific notice periods which appkie – contradct ran for 1 year = 1 month notice- read as written , so clealy min 1 montha dn mx 3 month that’s why reg useful prootecil commercial agents bc chances term overnight are slim and aprties ar enot aloowed to contract arund this for shorter notice. Cant by pass this by some contrail agrememetn but paeties are entieled for longer notice, provided that p cannot obsrve a shortner notice, soc an agre to logner and dif p to term and diff for comerical to term, but if have diff types of notice period cant be for p advantage. Also room for summary term and immediate

  • what is immediate term and reg?

(ii) Immediate termination
Reg. 16: failure of one party to carry out all or part of his obligations under that contract; or where exceptional circumstances arise.

“termination” includes expiration by effluxion of time Light v Ty Europe Ltd [2004] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 693

  • what is immediate term?

Immediate.- reg 16 this isn’t quite drastic cirum, these reg instat, so if ur p or a u can have immediate term where other par ynot honouring obli u should aheve to wait u should be able to imediatey termination, exceptional circumstance are frustrated events, cirums beyond what parties could have foreswen – thinking about more open eneded contracts and doesn’t make provison for fixed term??


case for immediate term?


Light v ty- temriantion I reg also covers sit where expired by paose of time, rels ran its course, so even tho doesn’t mention fixed term the cts have interp term to include fixed, reg should aoply to that if commercial agency rels.

  • what is reg 14 and 15?

Reg. 14An agency contract for a fixed period which continues to be performed by both parties after that period has expired shall be deemed to be converted into an agency contract for an indefinite period.

Reg. 15(5) minimum notice periods ‘also apply to an agency contract for a fixed period where it is converted under regulation 14 above into an agency contract for an indefinite period’


-what do reg take into account when comes to fix period?


1 things reg do take account of when comes to fixed term contracts is idea that u can ahev aprties that enter into fixed term contract, but even after that fixed term lasped that aprt contract needs to be perofmed by parties e.g lets say enter into commerciala gency rels with soemoena dnmeant talst 2019 and after we both cary on eprofming ob no logner fixed term but still comemrical ag btween us aunder reg 14 evena fter fixed term ended, if caryr on performing it has been converted into an idnef contract and ocne converted indef that means thos min notice period also applied as now open contract not fixed. Not leave commercial a higha dnry esppcially when contrinuing past fixed eriod


(c) Commercial agency – effects of termination: compensation/indemnity and reg>


(Reg. 17): the commercial agent shall be entitled to an indemnity if and to the extent that—
he has brought the principal new customers or has significantly increased the volume of business with existing customers and the principal continues to derive substantial benefits from the business with such customers; and
the payment of this indemnity is equitable having regard to all the circumstances and, in particular, the commission lost by the commercial agent on the business transacted with such customers.


-what does the reg also set out in terms of effects?


In terms of effects of term aswell the reg set out framework for the effect so term espeicially from financial perspctie. Which is why if ur soem1 acting agent for some 1 as ucha s possible want to bring urself protection of reg even if haven’t delib entered into commercial agency agre, if agent for some1 aschristen selling good and term a evenif weren’t she could say I am entitled to this as it was commercial a even if weren’t hinking that way

  • what should the grant of idem not prevent?

‘The grant of an indemnity … shall not prevent the commercial agent from seeking damages.’

‘… the commercial agent shall be entitled to compensation for the damage he suffers as a result of the termination of his relations with his principal.’

damage shall be deemed to occur particularly when the termination takes place in either or both of the following circumstances, …circumstances which—
deprive the commercial agent of the commission which proper performance of the agency contract would have procured for him whilst providing his principal with substantial benefits linked to the activities of the commercial agent; or
have not enabled the commercial agent to amortize the costs and expenses that he had incurred in the performance of the agency contract on the advice of his principal.

  • what is the 1 thing reg do?

1 things reg do distin btw idem and comp, so where commercial agency rel been term under reg 17 the a entield to indem to this extent i.e brought custoemrs to p and this sis oemthin p gonnabenefit from thena dn hby virture of that only faira paid indem. But if this agent entirled to indem nothing to revent them seeking comp and comp in form of damages and another apet of reg tells us what is damages so as agent ur entield to idnema dn stlll can get comp, comp alculayed in diff way . May be other ciums where dmage occurs whichw ere gonna uncover- dotn ned to go Ind epth.


(c) Commercial agency – effects of termination: compensation/indemnity



p. 193: ‘In effect, principals have to buy their way out of the agency agreement’
p. 195: clear that ‘the primary purpose of the indemnity is to allow the agent to recover a sum in return for the increase of business that the principal enjoys (and may continue to enjoy) due to the agent’s efforts’

  • what was said in baskind?

Baskind if u have p and termi commercial a cant fdo itwihtout financial conseuqnces urself as p. so as p effectively ur given agent payoff to go away. Commerical a payinghtem to reslease self from comemrical a , souldnt have to walka way with nothing if built fr ul, want to put in positon, so with indem the agency is goin recover something dor amount business brought ur way as principle

  • what was the object of drective and reg and case?

‘The object of the Directive and the Regulations was to provide a scheme to protect commercial agents from unscrupulous principals by providing for compensation at the termination of commercial agency contracts whether the termination was rightful or wrongful.’ AMB Imballagi Plastici SRL v Pacflex Ltd [1999] EWCA Civ 1618

  • objective in short?

Bring us back to overall prupsoe fo directive idea trying to find way of rpoetcion com a in apritc form unscurplius pricnils by finding away comp when term . Either way agent covered . Remember this is from our imbalalgi case- looke at creation fo agency rels and found was agent termin- were they comm ag when putt in own marer on goods = no therye not…- normally adter ag rel come to end?….


(c) Commercial agency – effects of termination: compensation/indemnity


Baskind, p.192: French/German approaches to compensation and indemnity

‘I will not enter the debate as to whether or not the courts in England and Wales ought to apply the principles of French Law in determining compensation, save to observe that it does seem to me that they are plainly not obliged to do so as a result of European Union law itself.
This is because the community legal order should not be assumed in general to have intended to define concepts by reference to the law of one or more national legal system unless there is an express provision to that effect’
Elias J, Bell Electric Ltd v Aweco Appliance Systems GmbH & Co KG [2002] EWHC 872

  • why do we have these?

Flag up – come in reading – why do we have this either or, whyd o we have indem comp and why ag can claim both goe sback to history of directirve, regulation stems form, and effectvily uhave at point where director had been formulated agrred grated etc keeping in mind eurpoed diretorive, the French gov was inclined to lobby for their to be comp for a and germans a to receive idem and clearly each date …compromise as that member states when incorpated own elg andyone couls choose 1 or other. Directoeve set out both and could choose and uk gov actually chose both. But 1 of q arisen if we have both should we apply those elemtns interpet in same way that tehyd be itnerpred in coutnies where theyd spring from, so if were going toa ppy comp rules, should we apply them same way frwnch qould , aopply them given that the cocept stemed form franch approach effecitvel, bell court sai d no a big debate around tat but as English crt not obliged to follow aprpaoch fo other elgal system.


(c) Commercial agency – effects of termination: compensation? and cases?


Tigana Ltd v Decoro Ltd [2003] E.C.C. 23: ‘the Regulation does not delimit the kind of loss for which compensation may be awarded’
Lonsdale v Howard & Hallam Ltd [2007] UKHL 32:
‘the Court of Justice has made it clear that the method of calculation is a matter for each Member State to decide. In Case C-465/04 Honeyvem Informazioni Commerciali Srl v Mariella De Zotti …the Court of Justice said:
“… although the system established by article 17 of the Directive is mandatory and prescribes a framework…it does not give any detailed indications as regards the method of calculation of the indemnity … [W]ithin that framework, the Member States may exercise their discretion as to the choice of methods for calculating the indemnity”’

  • what does english law have?

Set us up fro English ahs own approach for comp and idem elemts. This is tigana case- reg don’t limtie set boudnaires of comp awrd
-Lonsdale each meneber stae netieled so whcieve rcal is matter of distcion for each memer f state et etc, so each memerb state selfs which means we have ertian amount of freedom, alttidue within what reg 17 says .


(c) Commercial agency – effects of termination: compensation lonsadale?


Lonsdale v Howard & Hallam Ltd [2007] UKHL 32:
L commercial agent for H 1990-2003, termination with notice on H’s cessation of trading. L’s entitlement to compensation: H paid £7, 500, L claimed £19, 760
‘The English words “indemnity” and “compensation” are not very illuminating in marking the distinction between these two rights. They are both ways of dealing with the unfairness which it was thought might arise if the termination of the agency leaves the agent worse off and the principal better off than if the agency had continued.’
valuation ‘requires one to say what could reasonably have been obtained, at the date of termination, for the rights which the agent had been enjoying’

  • lonsdale in my words?

Why deos this matter – lonsadle best know case hol decision – what pproach should we do ? – lot of interest way court came to dec. howard sells shoe for them and agency came to end serve him with notice and pid comp 7,000 and he argued ned more comp applying particular test damages occuree etc, so entitled to way more 3x and his was probs first case high level trying to work what soould be English alw papraoch, courts found it difficult to distinguish what consti indem and comp. disitn btw 2. far court concerned important action ufnairnes son a wheerhas p enrchiened, so had to fet fairness , court said , value what a ahd lost date of temr so we will inde ag according to tehv alue of what he lsot on day thatc ommericial agency me to end so he lost this amount which wat he would have reciievd if continued this is what were teateing as his lsot. Which is very awkard does hat have mcu repciosn to support test. All that said is court treid to value what lsot fdate of tem, buseins was on verge of collapse anyways, so terms of value never gonna be huge amount, courts warded 5,000 so less. So his comp was actual base dmore on French approach and sia dhe wanted r3enhc to apply. Hol said mucn lower amount asbusiness was strugllyn anywa

  • (c) Commercial agency – effects of termination: compensation/indemnity - can ca lose right to comp and indem?

Can CA lose right to compensation/indemnity?

CA does not inform P within 1 year of termination of contract that he intends to pursue his entitlement (Reg. 17(9))
Claramoda Ltd v Zoomphase Ltd [2010] 1 All ER (Comm) 830

P terminates agreement on basis of act by CA justifying immediate termination (Reg 18(a))
Crane v Sky In-Home Ltd [2007] 2 All ER 599

CA has terminated agency contract himself
(unless justified by P’s actions, or age/infirmity/illness on CA’s part) (Reg 18(b))

CA assigns rights and duties under the contract to another person (Reg 18(c))


-in my words can lose?


Thos cirum on which our commercial a cangeet c and I but is there any sit wehre can lose. 1. ca termin with 1 year- they shouldin form p want to persure claim comp or idnem- so if a within 1 yr does not notify principle, tehn use their entitle, so fi commercial agent put u under presuure to noty p udner 1 yr and enables p to know that after 1 yr agnt donthva right ocome back. Think ti would be straight forward ut sit where lil doc evidence so nend to be lots of evidence, when termined, when got in touch, court had to derive fro lost of doc etc ewhich was very diff, so best to have as mucn written down as poss

  1. Use right sot comp, if p terminiate agreemtn on basic of ca doin gosmetin for immediate term- breech of duty repudiay breach cca, ca act terminate then cant come back and claim comp and indem. Crane v sky home- felel in exception mr crane somone1 eho sodl sky subscripe etc and he wasa hel dpremi repud for equip provide he offere xtended warranty, sky but it was his own warrnaty = msi rep and this = repud = immediate term by p and if commited repud = not entitled to comp or idem
  2. If ca terminate contrats srl f- indem u reonocuned age, only tiem elts sa p commited breach of duyt so bc p u terminated , or no choice also has ca?
  3. Assined to someoneo else so if im ca and I assinf out to b then I ahev noc laim fro comp or idem.

(c) Commercial agency – effects of termination on contractual arrangements - regs and crane case?


Reg. 19 ‘The parties may not derogate from regulations 17 and 18 to the detriment of the commercial agent before the agency contract expires.’

But see Crane v Sky In-Home Ltd [2007] 2 All ER 599:
C sales agent selling subscriptions to S broadcast services
C supplying set-top boxes, aerials, converters etc
was C a commercial agent?
was sale of the equipment secondary?
see Schedule to 1993 Regulations

  • what about 17 and 18?

These protectionreg 17 and 18 are so highv alued that aprties not allowed to contract around them. Cant by apsy re 17 and 18 by agreement of aprties any agreement that aprites enter to that efec will be void. Sicne set det commercial ahent this eman that if aprties enter into agrememtn which provides tornger protection for comemrical agent then that agreement would be invalid? So lets sya hev agreement that gives longer notice periods to com a or gives ca more comp indem rights then that will not fall reg 19, that wil be valid agrememtn as not contracting around to det of commercial agent. All that’s said is there till way for p and Comerica a to find way round those protections inr egs contractial 1 few case is crane repud breach and bit of deciosn bc mr crane sold sub but same time rpviiden equipa dn the when sky term – idnepm comp? wasn’t any certain regadji gwhether he ca, but doing so in way second then ur not ca ?so the way which reg awkward so if ur providing servce mr crane di and then want u doig to eng is secondary tos ervice, so remember commercial agents only ppl who neg sale sof goods for pri so if, no ur not, if only selling equp he def would have been ca but he also proide service sellin subspcrip, primry function is sell on hejalf of pif not don’t fall in protection of regulations. But if ur principle wants to fin way around reg especially terms ag probs 1 of ur best bets


(c) Commercial agency – effects of termination on contractual arrangements0 what about reg 20?


Reg. 20: A restraint of trade clause shall be valid insofar as
(a) it is concluded in writing; and (b) it relates to the geographical area or the group of customers and the geographical area entrusted to the commercial agent and to the kind of goods covered by his agency under the contract.
A restraint of trade clause shall be valid for not more than two years after termination of the agency contract.
Nothing in this regulation shall affect any enactment or rule of law which imposes other restrictions on the validity or enforceability of restraint of trade clauses or which enables a court to reduce the parties’ obligations on the parties.


-what is restraint of trade in my words?


Restraint of trade?- seeking to restrain some 1 from trading , so if lets asy ur employer a lot of ur capital is ur people , those people stop wrokign fro u want to restrain them from selling so that they cants teal ur custoemrs. So in context of p a rels if p erm agency rels but still want to restrain for comp wouldn’t want agent to rep comp, trying to restrain bute ffetcively this is 1 of things law consider should we intervene o hadn off aprpahc? So can these be applied very unfairly if unfair should courts inerve and if not unfair should we just say well aprtie garen, so there are common law req for estraint of trade but a lot fo this echoes want uf idn I contract anyswayy so if ur on p for u to be abel to impose restint of trade claus eon ag I cmon can be verbal but udner reg ahs to be in writing and has to relate to parit cgeo area or customer stha have been covered ag has been working e.g ag working idlands have to stop in midnaldns cant bse Scotland, also if aprticu roup custom, e.g if aston cnt stop from warcik uni.
- Cant last more tha 2 years restraint unreasonable = 20yrs lol and as u ca see paragraph 3 they do acknowhlede this is are covered by cmmon law aswell I can be covered by common or toehr exisitn rules of law of aprtic contru, os whateve said reg wont affect any of ruels of alw, doesn’t udnermien weaken amny xitenin clause restraint of trad eor anything whci allows court to modify restiant trad,e amy bes ciitnf not interfering court may ahev power to itnerven, were not itnerven power of court sieth…???


Summary – Termination of agency


Understanding different modes of termination
common law
coming to an end ‘because the parties so wish it’ Munday
coming to an end ‘independently of the will of the parties’ Munday
commercial agencies

Understanding the effects of termination
on A’s rights and obligations (common law)
on A’s rights and obligations (commercial agency)

Why is it ‘vital’ for P and A to understand how agency can be terminated, and what the effects of termination are?


-last point?


Even if we kow why is it important, why is it relvant . Sales next wek, teeny excerices voluntary. AGENCY LAW COMPLETE.