Agency 3 Flashcards
Relations between Principal, Agent and Third Parties
were looking at relations btw these 3 parties, web of rels that are involved
- the agent is there to bring these two into binding rels, we want to know what consequences does that have for agent in respect of principle and for agent with respect 3rd party,
- and from 3rd parties perspective does it give rights against both of them or only rights against 1 of them
what else with intro?
its part of nature of agency rels that agent has fiduciary duties but might have commercial agents where governed by statue, so what statutory duties arise as well arise if ur an agent
Relations between P and A
-A’s duties to P
-A’s rights against P
Where there are duties in law there tends to be rights aswell – DUTIES= RIGHTS
Relations between P and T,
A and T
- A brings P and T into direct contractual relations- before we always assumed 3rd party new a acting for p but its more complex than that
- This doesn’t happen in every case- are rights diff if 3rd party knows im acting for p than if didn’t know
- What are the implications where P is disclosed?-aware
- What are the implications where P is undisclosed?-unaware
Anish kapoor case?- paint
this artist has exclusive rights to a paint blackets black paint as artisit he is the only person who can use that black
- another artist banned him for ever acquire pinkest pink, he got the pinkest pink,
- some1 acquired on his behalf…hed be some1s principle and person who acquired= agent and 3rd party said never propsed if gonna sell it to anish undisclosed, but same time if u r 3rd party u determined never to transact with some1- would you be bound to p if didnt know existed?
if no shouldn’t be bound then how far should law interevene- commercial certainty one of virtues for commercial law
Disclosed agency: implications
disclosed more simple - principal is the only person that can sue and be sued under that contract - not agent
Montgomerie v United Kingdom Mutual Steamship Association [1891] 1 QB 370
-disclosed agency wakefield?*
Wakefield v Duckworth & Co [1915] 1 KB 218
W photographer, member of D&Co requested photographs for purposes of trial. W claimed cost of photos from D&Co
‘Prima facie in such a contract the plaintiff would have recourse to the principal and not the agent’
Good illustration od this is –wakedieled- this photso meant to be used for trial in which d and co defencing client? Mr wakeffield records in books as the debt owed by d and coa nd when goes unpaid he sues and danco resists laibiltiy saying just acting on behal of principle they shouldn’t be sued- court agreed does not make them liable they were ordering photos on behald of client no themselves
Disclosed agency: liability for A?
Any general rule has exceptions and 1 of them is:
- parties have expressly contracted that agent is going to be LIABLE either concurrently alongside principle
- or the agent is liable to the exclusion of the principle
Montgomerie v UK Steamship…
-What is also another way to look at liability?
look at the way in which the party i.e agent has actually signed partic contract, and if there was intention should that agent should be bound or not
Internaut Shipping GmbH v Fercometal [2003] EWCA Civ 812
“Sold by Ongley & Thornton on account of owner…” Pike v Ongley & Thornton (1887) 18 QBD 708
so two ways in which a is bound?
- if expressly contracted to be bound
- or bound in way which signed doc - such a way clear they’re making themselves liable under contract
in expression of contract liability?
In an expression revision of contract you would have clause contract which will say contract btw p and 3rd stating rights of obl of both
-focus on signature when there is no specific clause= clear they were assuming some form of liab bc not all time parties have full contract e.g parties could just exchange letters and haven’t had contract with rights and obligations
-Ongley case?
determing agent liability from series of doc/communications which was case in Sold by Ongley & Thornton on account of owner…” Pike v Ongley & Thornton (1887) 18 QBD 708 - eu agents sending invoice 3rd party sold these goods on account of order- when 3rd party persuaded them to enforce that contract q whether they had assumed direct liab to 3rd or whether clear they were acting as agents from wording of invoice that they could not be deemed to have liab to 3r, here it was evident by accounting on account of owner shows there was p behind it so did not have liab under this sale contract
Disclosed agency: T’s enforcement rights?
Disclosed agency basics -Contract belongs to principal, except the agency have explciity assumed liability or they have implicity assumed liab by the way signed contact, BUT WHERE DOES IT LEAVE OUR 3RD PARTY
Disclosed agency: T’s enforcement rights cases?
Debenhams Ltd v Perkins [1925] All ER Rep 234:
‘When an agent acts for a disclosed p, it may be that the agent makes himself or hersef liable as well as the principal.
3rd parties actual enforcement?
-3rd party- this does not mean you can sue both you have to choose 1 but can’t get judgement on 1 and sue the other (captured doctrine)- merger and election -election says you have to elect who youre suing (who you’re enforcing your rights on) merger same effect but slightly trickier, saying when u have converted contract you have into judgment cant use same contract to get another judgement, so now contract with a forms basis of judgement im going to persue that judge to finality and dont have to use contract to persue p.
-overall for 3rd party enforcement?
So if ur a 3rd party In this scenario this gives u choice of ppl tos ue but doesn’t give right to sue bith= stronger position if ur general rule doesn’t apply but nto so strong that u sue veryone involved u have to make choice of who ur going to sue
Next step for disclosed agency?
- So that’s the kind of foundation of disclosed agency (expressly or implicitly make yourself liable if not 7)
- when our agent can be liable
- 3rd party enforcement rights
a can also be liable in 7 MAIN SITUATIONS so not that easy being an agent – tread careful in these areas with -so in what other sit can agent be laible where they have contracted into that liab directly?