agency Flashcards
What is an agency relationship?
What capacity is needed?
Does it require a written agreement?
Subject to SOF?
- fiduciary relationship by consent
- principal needs contractual capacity, not agent
- doesn’t necessitate written agreement
- may be subjected to sof
actual express authority
- where to find?
- medium of agreement
- how can org grant
- explicitly granted
- in four corners of agency agreement
- written or oral
- also granted through decision-making process of org
implied authority
- agent reasonably believes they have auth
- b/c of principal’s actions
can be - incidental to express authority
- implied from acquiescence
How is authority terminated (5)
- Event/time
- change of circs
- breach of fiduciary duties
- unilateral act
- death or incapacity
exception to apparent auth in partnership ocob
actions by partner in ordinary course of business bind partnership UNLESS
1. partner lacks auth
2. third party knew or was notified
apparent authority
- partnership portrays partner as having auth
- others led to reasonably believe auth exists
ex: actions by partner in ordinary course of business bind partnership
Are mere representations of agent sufficient to create apparent auth
What kind of authority can power of position create
- agents title or position can establish
- apparent and actual implied authority
lingering authority
- agent whose actual authority has ended retains apparent authority
- maintained with all third parties p knows a interacted with
- until parties receive actual or constructive notice of termination
Authority/agency ratification + can it modify the rights of intervening parties
- creates relationship
- individual acting as agent w/o actual authority
- actions subsequently validated by the principal
- cannot modify the rights of intervening parties
principal requirements for ratification
- aware of all material facts
- accept the transaction
- capacity to accept transaction
When is principal liable for agency contracts?
When is agent also liable?
- principal, not agent, liable if actual auth, apparent auth, or ratification
- if principal undisclosed or partially disclosed, agent also liable
agent’s fiduciary duties
- duty of (reasonable) care (in carrying out agency)
- duty of loyalty (accounting for profits, acting solely for p’s benefit, avoiding adverse deals, refraining from competing, not using principal’s property incl. confidential info)
- duty of obedience to all reasonable instructions from principal
principal’s duties to agent
- not fiduciary
- indemnify agent for expenses & losses in service of p
- compensate agent for services
tort liability (agency)
- scope
- j&s l?
- intentional torts?
- detours & frolics?
- w/in scope of employment
- joint & several liability
- generally not liable for intentional torts unless NIA (necessary for employer’s goals, inherent to job, authorized by employer)
- may be liable for torts committed during detours but not frolics