Age of Shakespeare( non-dramatic verse) Flashcards
What is the Shakespearean Age?
Accession of Elizabeth in 1558 to death of James I in 1625
How can we divide the Shakespearean Age?
First 21 years of Queens reign( springtime or time of preparation);
24 years between publication of Shepheardes Calendar and her death( summer or full fruit borne);
22 years of reign of James I - Jacobean era ( decline or autumn)
Which period is one of the greatest in the history of world literature?
Age of Shakespeare
When were Spenser, Bacon and Shakespeare boys and when did they reach maturity?
During early years of Elizabeths reign; reached maturity during closing decades of 16th century when tides of life were at highest
England now felt the full effect of?
The revival of learning
Why was the revival of learning no longer restricted to scholars at court?
Many translations carried the treasures of classics far and wide to the public
” every breeze was dusty with the pollen of…”
Greece, Rome, Italy
Renaissance aroused what senses?
Intellect and aesthetic sense
The Reformation awakened what sense?
Spiritual nature
The same printing press which printed the classics also …? What happened next?
Put the English Bible into the hands of the people ,
Spread of interest in religion also deepened moral earnestness
Who were some men who discovered new worlds on the seas?
What did the discovery of new worlds do?
Made popular curiousity, zest for adventure and gave fresh ideas
The general prosperity of England
increased and for the first time in many years it enjoyed internal peace. WHY?
England had thrown off the yoke of foreign power in rupture with Rome
Feud of Catholics and protestants were over
In the collision with Spain Englishmen stood together against a common foe
An intense patriotism was one of the features of Shakespeare’s age. How did it show itself thus?
An interest in England past
Pride in England greatness
Hatred of Englands enemies
Loyalty to Englands queen
Whatever might be the individual quality of his work, the manysidedness of life about him was certain to be reflected in his work. In Shakespeare’s age…men…?
Lived intensely, thought intensely and wrote intensely.
Elizabethan poetry before Spenser.
What marked the golden age of Elizabethan literature?
Publication of Spensers Shepheardes calendar 1579
In the first half of the Queens reign, while there was lot of poetic activity, little verse of any distinct value was produced. Who wrote the best poetry then? What was the work?
Thomas Sackville, lord Buckhurst in ( Myrroure for Magistrates ) as a continuation of Lydgates ( Falles of Princes) - series of long tragical histories of famous Englishmen
Sackville’s 2 poems ( Induction)/intro and ( Complaint of Buckingham) are superior to rest of the collection. The noble but sombre ( Induction) is the finest single poem between Chaucer and Spenser.
First regular verse satire in english?
( Steele Glas) George Gascoigne
Spenser and his poetry.
Edmund Spenser, the greatest NON DRAMATIC poet of an age which was chiefly producing great drama was born when and educated where?
London 1552
Educated at Merchant - Taylor’s school and at Cambridge– where he read the classics and Italian literature, came under influence of strong Protestant spirit of Cambridge
Where did Spenser meet his intimate friend and who was it?
Spenser found a place in household of Earl of Leicester with whose nephew Sir Philip Sidney he had intimate friendship.
Where did Spenser travel and how did he feel about it?
Spenser went to Ireland as secretary to the new Lord Deputy Lord Grey de Wilton. He passed most of his life in Ireland miserably and hated the Irish.
He couldn’t secure a position at court and return to England so his only relief was writing the Faery Queene .
How did Spenser die and what happened before that to crush his spirits?
1598 Rebellion broke out in Tyrone where Spenser lived and his castle was plundered by a mob. His family barely escaped and he reached London at end of the year 1598. On 1599 next year he died at an inn in Westminster.
Spensers voluminous minor poetry itself wouldve assured him fame. Talk about the Shepheardes Calendar(1579)
Pastoral and artificial poem
Many classical allusions, Spenser follows model set by Greek poet Theocritus , by Virgil in Bucolica and by Renaissance French and Italian imitators of these
It’s divided into 12 parts for each month of the year
Story of the Shepheardes Calendar (1579)?
Under the guise of conventional pastoral imagery, the poet writes of his unfortunate love for mysterious Rosalind , deals with many moral questions and discusses religious issues of the day from standpoint of Protestantism.
What is Spensers other pastoral poem and who was the Calendar dedicated to?
Astrophel, an elegy on death of Sidney
Calendar was dedicated to him
Which melodious verses in honor of love and beauty were written by Spenser?
Foure Hymnes
Talk about some of Spensers minor love poems to Elizabeth Boyle - what is the finest of all his minor verses?
Amoretti a series of 88 sonnets in Italian Petrarchs manner, describes progress of his love for Elizabeth Boyle, whom he married.
His marriage inspired Epithalamium, the finest of all his minor poems and the noblest English wedding hymn.
The Faery Queene.
Originally was supposed to have? How many came out ?
12 books but only 6 were published in his lifetime and portions of 7th posthumously.
What is one of the longest and greatest English poems?
Faery Queene
What was Spensers own statement on the structure of Faery Queene? Where did he give this statement?
Each of the 12 books should be independent but connected as part of a general whole.
His scheme is explained at length in a prefatory letter to friend Sir Walter Raleigh.
Story of Faery Queene?
The Fairy Queen is keeping her annual feast for 12 successive days and on each day a certain knight at her command took an adventure, each such adventure is subject of one whole book.
Prince Arthur, his central figure, the hero of the greatest British legend of chivalry , having dreamed of the Fairy Queen went forth looking for her, meeting the various knights in their adventures along the way.
The appearance of Prince Arthur in each story of Faery Queene serves as a…
Critical link between each story
The Faery Queene is like its principal models of the Italian romantic epics of chivalry. What are its traditional characters and plot?
Characters- beautiful damsels, dragons, wizards
Plot- enchantments, tournaments, love passages
Spensers genius was fed by the reformation as well as by the Renaissance. He was unlike his Italian master Ariosto who only wrote to amuse..How?
Faery Queene is a didactic romance. The poet uses stories as vehicles for messages he wants to convey. Romance turns into allegory.
Allegorical story of Faery Queene? Give all the 6 knights and their story names.
The 12 knights are the 12 cardinal virtues of Aristotle’s philosophy. The adventures of each one are arranged to embody the experiences and conflicts each virtue has in the world.
Virtue also has ultimate triumph with aid of Arthur, an incarnation of the Divine Power.
1) Legend of Knight of the Red Cross or of Holiness
2) Sir Guyon or of Temperance
3) Britomartis or of Chastity
4) Cambell and Triamond or of Friendship
5) Artegall or of Justice
6) Sir Calidore or of Courtesy
Spenser has an ethical allegory. He also has allegory directly connected with the political and religious problems of his age. How?
Characters stand also for individuals or institutions representing those mental or moral qualities
Eg; Red Cross Knight goes to rescue parents of Lady Una from a dragon who kept them in a castle. As general allegory this is True Religion rescuing Humanity from Satan. But Spenser identifies True Religion with Protestantism and the foes of it as the Papacy and Romes political allies.
Demerits of allegory in Faery Queene?
As many of the political and religious allegories are relevant to his time only, they only have a historic value now.
His allegory is sometimes inconsistent and obscure.
The constant symbolism distracts from the human interest of the poem.
Defects of Faery Queene in general?
It suffers from extreme artificiality.
Old theme of romance almost collapses under the new spiritual meaning given to it.
Spenser lacks energy as a storyteller and has little dramatic power.
PLUS points of Faery Queene in general? WHY is Spenser called the poets poet?
Spenser has a wonderful sense of beauty. And picturesque power.
His work has a noble moral spirit which is the quality of pure poetry.
This is why Spenser is called poets poet. He exercised an influence on 18th century romantic revival.
Spenser was not only the greatest poet of his age but also the most representative. How?
Elizabethan England had the spirit of Renaissance combined with reformation which Spenser also had.
What was the kind of artistic langauge Spenser used to write?
He was a lover of Chaucer and made a dialect of his own which was purposely archaic.
He also made his own 9 line stanza ababbcbcc( last line is an Alexandrine with 6 iambic feet instead of 5) - Spensarian Stanza
Other Poets from 1579 to 1625. Minor poets of Shakespeare’s age.
These poets were numerous. What poetry collections followed in the wake of Tottels Miscellany?
The Paradyse of Daynty Devises, An Arbor of Amorous Devises
MOST famous was Englands Helicon
A special type of lyric in vogue was the?
Sonnet was introduced from Italy by Wyatt and Surrey. The Italian plan of writing sonnets in sequences was also adopted by many poets. Give some example of poems in sonnets( where all are love poems in the Italian manner) ?
Sidneys Astrophel and Stella
Sonnets of Shaskespeare
Spensers Amoretti
Draytons Idea
Daniels Delia
Another class of historically significant poetry?
Patriotic poetry
Examples of Patriotic poetry in Shakespeares age?
William Warners( Albions England) a poem setting forth history of England from prophet noahs days to elizabeths days
Samuel Daniels versified chronicles of many books on( The Civil Wars between the Two Houses of Lancaster and York)
Michael Draytons spirited ballad ( Battle of Agincourt) and ( The Barons Wars) - and (Polyolbion) an enormous ‘ Herculean toil ‘ in 30 books with poetic description of England
Jacobean era was age of decline in Shakespeares age. A tendency to imitation was beginning with new generation. But also a new kind of poetry was beginning with…
John Donne
Talk about John Donne and his poetry. Which school of poetry did he start ?
He was a celebrated divine and preacher
His poems are characterized by genuine feeling, harsh metres and strained, whimsical images, speech called ‘conceits’.
He started metaphysical school of poetry.