AG HBU Part 8. Level B Marketability Analysis for Multiunit Property: Steps 1–3 Flashcards


Place the appropriate letter next to the number:
A. Neighborhood
B. Competitive market area
C. Market area
D. Micro location analysis
E. Property productivity analysis
F. Macro location analysis

  1. Where the subject property’s direct competition is located
  2. A group of complementary land uses
  3. Focuses on the subject property’s relative location within the neighborhood
  4. Analysis of a property’s capacity to deliver goods and services to meet human needs
  5. The area where current and future household growth is measured
  6. Residential neighborhoods identified and compared on the basis of their appeal and characteristics
  1. B. Competitive market area
    Where the subject property’s direct competition is located
  2. A. Neighborhood
    A group of complementary land uses
  3. D. Micro location analysis
    Focuses on the subject property’s relative location within the neighborhood
  4. E. Property productivity analysis
    Analysis of a property’s capacity to deliver goods and services to meet human needs
  5. C. Market area
    The area where current and future household growth is measured
  6. F. Macro location analysis
    Residential neighborhoods identified and compared on the basis of their appeal and characteristics
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