African Hedgehog Flashcards
What is the sex of the two African Hedgehogs we have at W.O.W.?
The two African Hedgehogs we have at W.O.W.?
What are African Hedgehogs classified as?
African Hedgehogs are classified as Mammilia.
What are the names of the two African Hedgehogs we have at W.O.W.?
The names of the two African Hedgehogs we have at W.O.W. Are Arrow and Spike.
What is the Range of African Hedgehogs?
African Hedgehogs are found from Western Africa to Southern Somalia.
What habitat can African Hedgehogs be found in?
African Hedgehogs can be found in dry savannas under logs, among rocks, and under roots of trees and brush piles.
What do African Hedgehogs eat?
African Hedgehogs are insectivores meaning they will only eat insects.
How much of their own body weight can African Hedgehogs eat in insects in one night?
African Hedgehogs can eat up to 1/3 of their own body weight in insects in one night.
What are baby Hedgehogs called?
Baby Hedgehogs are called Hoglets.
About how many baby African Hedgehogs are there in a litter?
There are about 2-10 baby hedgehogs in an African Hedgehogs litter.
About how much do newborn baby African Hedgehogs weigh?
Newborn African Hedgehogs weigh about 0.35 ounces.
What are African Hedgehogs prey to?
African Hedgehogs are preyed upon by birds of prey, badgers, and wild dogs.
About how much does a full grown African Hedgehog weigh?
A full grown African Hedgehog weighs about 18-25 ounces.
How long are full grown African Hedgehogs?
Full grown African Hedgehogs are about 6-8 inches long.
How many toes do African Hedgehogs have on their front feet compared to their back?
African Hedgehogs have 4 toes on their back feet and five toes on their front feet.
What is the African Hedgehogs main defense?
An African Hedgehogs main defense is to curl into a ball and have their spines poking anything that touches them.
How long will African Hedgehogs live in the wild?
African Hedgehogs will only live about 2-3 years in the wild.
How long will African Hedgehogs live in captivity?
African Hedgehogs will live about 8-10 years in captivity.