Africa And Islam--final Flashcards
Holy scripture for islam
Lineage groups
Extended family groups
Secular leader in Islamic community
Birthplace of Muhammad and holy coty
Supreme being of Islam
Place of worship
Nomadic people whose camel caravans became known as the “fleets of the desert”
Koran commentary
Stateless societies
Independent villages ruled by chieftain of clan head
Subsistenence farming
Growing enough for personal use
Sunni Ali
Took control of Timbuktu and jenne and dominated the gold and salt trade in the late 15th century
The great prophet
Mystical, ascetic sect of Islam
Sundiata kieta
The George Washington of mali
Leaders do NOt have to be a direct descendant of muhammad
People who follow islam
Muhammad ture
Made a pilgrimage to Mecca and restored Timbuktu as a center of Islamic learning
Mansu musa
Made a pilgrimage to mecca after expanding his kingdoms and dropping the value of gold
Leaders MUsT be a descendant of Muhammad
Ibn Battuta
Arab traveler and explorer who documented the history of the Arab world
5 pillars of Islam
1 believe in Allah and Muhammad as his prophet 2 pray 5 times a day toward Mecca 3 fast during Ramadan 4 make the hajj 5 give alms to the poor
Explain the founding and influence of Islam. Spread, benefits, adversity
Muhammad founded it. Saw a vision while meditating, and preached in mecca and medina. Set up a Muslim community, returned with military to Mecca.
Adversity: overcoming their old traditions and beliefs, adopt a new way of life. Persecution.
Benefits: simple doctrine, seek knowledge, fast spreading