AFC Flashcards
Devaluation of currency against USD
July 1997-Jan 1998
Rupiah -83.6%
Baht -54.6%
Ringgit -44.9%
Peso -39.4%
Root causes of AFC
Imbalanced BOP (current account deficit)
Unsupervised financial regulation
Financial policies: fixed exchange rates, high domestic interest rates, excessive foreign loans
Overdependence on foreign & non performing loans
Govt guarantees
Domino investor loss of confidence
Stock market depreciation (1997-1998)
KL -79%
Bangkok -76%
Philippines -67%
Jakarta -65%
Financial liberalisation
I: 1988 reforms, 100 new banks
T: 1% of all liabilities to Thais
P: most significant turnout of 1980s was entry of 4 foreign 1 local bank. Limited forex activity, foreign borrowing – (1997) 45% of all liabilities to Filipinos
P Econ reforms
Reforms (1970) (1984-85)
Restrictions to credit access for directors, stockholders and related interests
Limit real estate loans to 20% of bank’s total loan portfolio
Commercial banks lend max 60% of property value
Thailand 52% of manufacturing firms (twice P/M 1985)
Thailand 70% increase in real wages vs other countries’ low wages
Current account
(1996) Sing 15.7% Thai -7.9% Indo -3.3% Mal -4.9% Phil -4.7%
Unregulated financial liberalisation
T: 1990 IMF Article 8 remove all controls on foreign exchange transactions, 1993 Bangkok International Banking Facilities conduit for ST lending, 100% foreign ownership, tax breaks for exporters
I: Oct 1988 reform package, failure of Badan Utang Piutang Negara
M: domestic lending 170% of GDP to bumis (Permodalan Nasional Berhad), property/stocks overheating
S: (1975) 6% reserves requirement for banks, liquid asset 18% (commercial banks), 10% (finance corps)
Domino effect
“Malaysia was hit without real justification in 1997” Delhaise
Side effect of maintaining high domestic interest rates
T: US loans 6% cheaper than domestic rates, BIBF incurred debt US$31.2b
Foreign debt
(1996) Thai 53% Indo 57% Mal 40% Phil 50%
Short term loans
(1997) Thailand 66% Indo 59% Mal 56% Phil < 20%
Extent of government control
T: (Mar 1997) Chart Pattana party resisted FM’s plan for 10 weak firms to strengthen capital bases bc vested interests. Central bank to pump $
(June 1997) Chart Pattana resisted suspension of 16 finance corps
Non-performing loans
T: (1987-1996) firms’ incremental output to capital ratio dropped 50%
I: (1992-95) property loans growing by 35%
M: property loans comprised 45-55%, total office space expected to rise by 55%
P: only 3% of total loans, adopted Western standards, US trained bank managers
Government guarantees
T: 1983 & 86 three major banks seriously indebted, govt bailed them out with >12b baht
I: 1992 Bank Summa collape, shareholders & senior management not accountable despite having made 55% of loans to insiders (flouted 10% limit)
M: (mid 1980s) 3 banks too weak for rescue forced to reduce capital
Government/official unaccountability
I: lack of transparency in lending decisions, (1994) state bank Bapindo made losses bc Golden Key Group’s main shareholder had no experience in petro-chemical industries. Loans made without contracts & adequate security
M: BNM published annual reports, disclosed level of NPLs