Aethelred the Unready Flashcards
Why was there a crisis over monasticism?
Grievances from anti-reformers seemed personal (Oswald given see of Worcester over Aelfhere)
Characterised by regionalism
Threatened instaibility - thrown into a confusion
Why was there turmoil over Aethelred becoming King?
Edward backed by pro-reformers, became King in 975.
Suspicious death in 978, Aethelred crowned
Aethelred - illegitimate? (mother named as Consort)
What did the death of Bloodaxe trigger?
A more co-ordinated Viking approach. Danish construction of fortresses. Armies larger and stronger.
What is the importance of Eadric Streona?
Aethelred’s son-in-law
Loyalty changed to Cnut
Executed in London
What is the importance of Wulfnoth and Brihtric?
Crime accusations, fleets of ships sent out. Wulfnoth won, burning remaining ships. Loss of royal navy, regional (internal) tensions.
What did Aethelred’s paying of tribute signify?
Danegeld (tax for tribute) introduced in 1012
Tax in form of royal treasures, land etc. for tribute
Wealth incentivised Vikings
Around £107,000 given
Lack of victory, poor military and leadership skill?
What happened at the Battle of Maldon (988/991)?
988 - Viking defeat by ealdormen Byrhtnoth
991 - Viking victory as revenge
Acted foolishly?
Use of tribute
What was the treaty of 991?
Francia and England agree to not allow Vikings to use territory as base.
1002 - Aethelred’s marriage to Emma
How did Aethelred deal with Olaf?
990s - Alliance made, Olaf baptised. Took tribute money and became King of Norway
How did Sweyn take control of England?
990s - raid with Olaf
1003 - Christian King of Denmark
1009/12 - exploits Thorkell raiding
1013 - campaign to take over England success, Aethelred and family flee to Normandy
1014 - death
How did Thorkell change?
1009/12 - raid on England
1011/12 - Archbishop of Canterbury killed, alliance made with Aethelred
1015 - changes allegiance to Cnut
How did Cnut solidify his position in England?
1014 - replace Sweyn with Harold
1015 - capture of York, alliance with Earl Eric
Saxon leaders conceded to Cnut
Cnut marries Emma
How did Aethelred and Edmund deal with the later invasion of Vikings?
Flee to Normandy in 1013 after alliance with Uhtred falls through
1016 - Edmund made King, defeated by Cnut, dies
Sons flee to Hungary, protection of Stephen I
How did Aethelred rule England?
It remained similar to his forebears; he introduced a new law code.
Why did Aethelred introduce a new law code?
To gain peace and stability, boost trade (economy), more fair and efficient, maintain control over coins and to strengthen the role of the Church.
What did the law code: II Aethelred say?
It dealt with the calling of a truce between Aethelred and the Vikings. It set out what to do about the slaying of the other, governing trade with other countries (control shipping), and the paying of tribute.
What did the law code: III Aethelred say?
It reinforced what was expected of senior officials and finance: thegns being under the jurisdiction of the King. Fraud with money = death penalty.
Wantage Code: penalties for breach of peace, conduct of ordeals, jury
What did the law code: V Aethelred say?
The need to abide by Christian values (drafted by Wulfstan). Continued trend of abiding by a moral code of conduct.
What did the law code: VII Aethelred say?
Framed by Wulfstan. God’s help to ward off enemy - penance, paying alms and extra taxes. Desperate tone, emphasis on atoning for sins.
What did the law code: VIII Aethelred say?
Drafted by Wulfstan. Emphasise the importance and sanctity of the role of the Church. Pay homage to previous kings (attack on Aethelred’s failures?)
What was the significance of Aethelred’s law codes?
Revealed major part of strategy with Vikings, ability to be an innovator (jury system), importance of King attached to Church (reform movement support)
How important was Wulfstan the Homilist in aiding cultural change?
- Produced a large number of sermons/homilies - Sermon of the Wolf = England’s suffering due to immoral and apathetic behaviour of the English
- Used idiosyncratic prose style - sophisticated literary and unusual technique = ‘revolutionary writer’ (unable to determine how much of a change occurred)
- Evidence in law codes of his influence on Saxon political life
- Institutes of Polity - abide of collection of tithes to flourish
- Canons of Edgar - obligations and duties of parish priests, need to meet on regular basis for religious concerns, influenced by Carolingian canonical law
- Distributed widely, not fully original
How important was Aelfric in aiding cultural change?
- Produced series of sermons/homilies - Sermones Catholici = inform (vernacular) of the Antichrist, deal with Vikings by returning to a Christian way
- Produced religious writings on lives of saints - a just war, history of English monasticism, interpretation of dreams and Danish paganism
- Compilation of a Latin primer (first of its kind?), similar produced on vernacular
- Series of letters sent to clergy explaining duty under canonical law (expert of Church procedures etc.)
Driving force behind any cultural change, readable and understandable, in high demand
Why was Aethelweard’s translation of the Chronicle important?
- Contained additional material not in earlier versions (Continental affairs)
- Represents a family history, first of its kind in England
- Independent view of Aethelweard rather than original chroniclers
- Written in Latin (style criticised by William of Malmsebury)
Shows writers could write free from influence of a patron. Less a form of propaganda than the original versions of the Chronicle.
What was St. Brice’s Day massacre?
1002 - planned mass killings of all Danes (perceived threat on his life). May have been what caused Sweyn to come to England (revenge for his sister being killed allegedly).
Where were Vikings able to settle during Aethelred’s reign?
Isle of Wight
What can be said about Aethelred’s attempt to build an English fleet?
Failure of effort. Support for a more vigourous resistance from the English never sustained.
What did the period of 993-1006 show?
A more stable period of time, a flowering of literature (works by Ælfric, Byrhtferth, Wulfstan of Winchester), manuscripts, and other artwork.