Aerodynamics 1 Flashcards
What’s φ?
Wing Sweep angle
What’s Λ?
Aspect Ratio = b 2 / S
What’s λ?
Taper Ratio = la(tip chord) / l i(root chord)
What is U∞?
Free stream velocity
What is β?
Sideslip Angle
What is α?
Angle of Attack
What is p*?
Roll angular Velocity
What is q*?
Pitch angular velocity
What is r*?
Yaw angular velocity
what is lμ?
Mean aerodynamic chord
What is q∞?
Dynamic Pressure = (ρ/2) x V∞2
What is Cl?
Rolling Moment
What is Cm?
Pitching moment
What is Cn?
Yawing Moment
How to calculate CL?
What is s?
=b/2 (half wingspan)
How to calculate CD?
What is p∞?
Static Pressure
What is Γ?
What is the relation between CL and CLα?
How to calculate Zero Angle of Attack?
What is the relation between CD and CL?
CD =CD0 + k(CL2)
What is Zero Drag?
Drag that does not depend on lift, mostly friction and pressure drag.
What is ε?
Glide Angle. Angle in steady gliding flight in relation to the horizontal plane. = CD / CL = ∆h (loss of altitude) /∆s (covered distance
What is the center of Pressure?
The intersection point of the line of action of the resulting aerodynamic force R (composed of Lift and Drag) with the airfoil chord.
What is xD? and Formula
The Center of Pressure.
xD=-Cm0/CL - dCm/dCL
What is the Neutral Point?
Intersection point of the line of action of the additional forced based on Δα with the airfoil chord.
Point at which the overall pitching moments of the aircraft does not change with Δα, this point does not change with a change in CL
What is xN? And Formula
Neutral Point.
xN = -dCm/dCL
How to calculate Mach Number?
M∞ = V∞/c∞
How to calculate Reynolds Number?
Re = (ρ)(V∞)(l)/v∞
where v∞ is the Kinematic Viscosity
What are the steady level flight conditions?
L=W, and D=T
What is γ?
Path angle
What are the steady gliding flight conditions?
ε = -γ
-L sin(ε) + D cos(ε) = 0
L cos(ε) + D sin(ε) - W = 0
What is B? What units?
Specific Fuel Consumption
[kg/s * 1/N]