Aerobic Endurance Training Part 1 Flashcards
What is VO2max
maximal aerobic capacity
Lactate threshold
- speed of movement or % of VO2max at which a specific blood lactate concentration is observed
- exercise intensity or relative intensity at which blood lactate concentration begins to increase above resting baseline levels
- highest O2 consumption or exercise intensity achieved with < 1.0 mM increase in blood lactate concentration above the pre-exercise level
lactate threshold represents
an increase reliance on anaerobic mechanisms
use as a marker of the anaerobic threshold
lactate threshold begins at
50-60% VO2max in untrained individuals
70-80% in trained athletes
lactate threshold appears to be a better indicator than VO2max for
aerobic endurance performance
Onset of blood lactate accumulation
- is a second increase in the rate of lactate accumulation that has been observed at higher relative exercise intensities
- is the exercise intensity at which the concentration of lactate in the blood reaches 4,0mM
maximal lactate steady state
exercise intensity where maximal lactate production is equal to maximal lactate clearance within the body
what indicator is the best for aerobic endurance performance
maximal lactate steady state
exercise economy
a measure of the energy cost of activity at a given exercise velocity
what happens to athletes with a high exercise economy
expand less energy during exercise too maintain a given exercise velocity
an improvement in exercise economy enhances
maximal aerobic power and lactate threshold
what affects exercise economy during cycling
cycling velocity
aerodynamic positioning
what fuel source is utilized at high exercise intensities over 70% VO2max
greater reliance on CHO than fat
What is the benefit of using more fat as a fuel
conservation of muscle and liver glycogen
what can be a limitation during prolonged exercise
CHO availability
when is it good to ingest carbohydrates
endurance performance lasting more than 60 min
type 1 muscle fibers
- are predominant in elite aerobic endurance athletes
- high capacity for aerobic metabolism
- high mitochondrial density and oxidative enzyme capacity
exercise mode
improve aerobic endurance performance
selecting the appropriate exercise mode
training frequency depends on
- an interaction of exercise intensity and duration
- the athletes training status
- the specific sport season
sufficient rest, relaxation, rehydration, post exercise nutrition
too much training may
increase risk of injury
frequency needs to be less than 5 times a week
regulation of exercise intensity
critical to the success of each training session and ultimately the entire program
most accurate methods for regulating exercise intensity
monitor O2 consumption during exercise to determine its VO2max
periodically measure concentration of blood lactate to determine the relationship to the lactate threshold
heart rate
most frequently used method without VO2max
means of regulating intensity with heart rate
determine specific HR associated with the determined VO2max or
determine HR associated with the lactate threshold
Less accurate means of using HR to regulate intensity
Karvonen Method
percentage method
can be used to accurately regulate intensity when there are changes in fitness levels
valid monitoring tool
factors that may influence RPE
training status
fitness level
listening to music
watching tv or video
environmental temp
nutritional consideration
external feedback
exercise velocity can regulate intensity
exercise pace
power measuring devices can regulate intensity
metabolic rate is closely related to mechanical power production
allows reproducible intensity efforts
general recommendations of exercise progression
at least 1 recovery or active rest day in each week
frequency, intensity or duration should increase more than 10%
exercise intensity should be changed if you cant change frequency or duration
monitor progression of intensity to avoid overtraining
type on aerobic training parameters
slide 30
intensity during LSD
lower in training than in competition
can be a disadvantage bc does not stimulate the neurological patterns of competition
muscles not used to competition