Aeneid Book 2 Flashcards
accompany, attend, escort, follow
credo, ere, didi, ditus
believe, trust (+dat)
donum, i, n.
gift, offering, prize, reward
dolus, i, m.
deceit, wiles, trick
lignum, i, n.
wood, timber
hide, conceal, secrete
lateo, ere, ui
lie hidden, hide, lurk
whoever, whatever
validus, a, um
strong, mighty
hasta, ae, f.
spear, lance, dart
ferus, i, m.
beast, monster, horse
alvus, i, f.
belly, body
recutio, ere, cussi, cussus
strike (back), shake
mens, mentis, f.
mind, feeling, intention
laevus, a, um
left, foolish, unlucky
befoul, defile; mar, mangle
latebra, ae, f.
hiding place, cavern, lair
sors, sortis, f.
lot, fate, destiny, oracle
sacerdos, dotis, m. (f.)
sollemnis, e
annual, customary, solemn
taurus, i, m.
bull, bullock, ox
sacrifice, slaughter; honor
autem adv.
moreover, but, however
orbis, is, m.
circle, fold, coil; earth
anguis, is, m. (f.)
snake, serpent
pariter adv.
equally, side by side
arrigo, ere, rexi, rectus
raise, rear
iuba, ae, f.
mane, crest
pone adv.
behind, after
fold, curve, twist, wind
volumen, inis, n.
fold, coil, roll
tergum, i, n.
back, body, rear
foam, froth, spray
agmen, inis, n.
army, line, troop; course
amplector, i, plexus
embrace, enfold
implico, are, avi (ui), atus (itus)
depascor, i, pastus
feed on, devour
bind, tie, fasten
collum, i, n.
squameus, a, um
cervix, icis, f.
divello, ere, i (or vulsi), vulsus
tear apart
perfundo, ere, fudi, fusus
soak, drench
mugitus, us, m.
bellow(ing), roar
saucius, a, um
wounded, stricken
securis, is, f.
delubrum, i, n.
shrine, temple
tego, ere, texi, tectus
cover, hide
mereo, ere, ui, itus
deserve, ear, merit
robur, oris, n.
soak; strength
laedo, ere, i, sus
strike, hurt, offend
intorqueo, ere, rsi, rtus
hurl (against) (+dat)
entreat, pray (for), beseech
pando, ere, i, passus
spread, open, loosen
accingo, ere, cinxi, cinctus
gird (on), equip
subicio, ere, ieci, iectus
place under (+dat)
vinculum, i, n.
chain, bond, cable
fetus, a, um
teeming, pregnant, filled
innuptus, a, um
unmarried, virgin
funis, is, m.
rope, cable
inlabor, i, lapsus
glide in(to) (+dat)
minor, ari, atus
tower (over); threaten (+dat)
inclutus, a, um
famous, renowned
limen, inis, n.
threshold, doorway, entrance; abode; shrine; palace
caecus, a, um
blind, hidden, dark
furor, oris, m.
madness, frenzy, fury
dedicate, consecrate, hallow
umquam, adv.
ever, at any time
veil, cover, deck, clothe
aeger, gra, grum
sick, weary, wretched
maestus, a, um
sad, mournful, gloomy
fletus, us, m.
weeping, tears, lament
pulvis, pulveris, m.
lorum, i, n.
thong, leather strap, rein
(ex)change, transform, alter
euviae, arum, f.
spoils, booty
puppis, is, f.
stern; ship, vessel, galley
squaleo, ere, ui
be rough, be filthy
barba, ae, f.
beard, whiskers
gero, ere, gessi, gestus
bear, carry (on)
ultro, adv.
voluntarily, further
address, accost, speak to
mora, ae, f.
delay, hesitation, hindrance
vultus, us, m.
countenance, face, aspect
moror, ari, atus
delay, tarry, heed
ruo, ere, i, ruitus
fall; rush; sink; plow
culmen, inis, n.
top, summit, peak, roof
Pergama, orum, n.
(citadel of) Troy
entrust, commit
denique, adv.
finally, at last
vitta, ae, f.
fillet, garland, band
penetralis, e
innermost, interior
saevus, a, um
fierce, harsh, stern
obstipesco, ere, stipui
be dazed, stand agape
carus, a, um
dear, beloved, fond
diripio, ere, ui, reptus
plunder ravage
casus, us, m.
chance, (mis)fortune; fall
copia, ae, f.
abundance, plenty, forces
saltus, us, m.
forest, glade, pasture; leap, bound, dancing
adeo, adv.
to such an extent, so (much)
lateo, ere, ui
lie hidden, hide, lurk, escape the notice (of)
Tyndaris, idis, f.
daughter of Tyndarus, Helen
clarus, a, um
clear, bright, illustrious
passim, adv.
everywhere, all about
infestus, a, um
hostile, threatening
praemetuo, ere
fear beforehand
abdo, ere, didi, ditus
hide, put away, bury
invisus, a, um
hateful, hated odious
exardesco, ere, arsi, arsus
blaze (up)
ulciscor, i, ultus
avenge, punish
scilicet, adv.
of course, to be sure, doubtless
incolumis, e
safe, sound, unharmed
pario, ere, peperi, partus
(re)produce, gain, acquire, give birth to
comitor, ari, atus
accompany, attend, escort, follow
minister, tri, m.
attendant, servant
although, even if
to praise
nefas, n. indecl.
impiety, unspeakable thing, crime
sumo, ere, mpsi, mptus
take, assume; (+poenam) exact (a pentalty)
expleo, ere, evi, etus
fill (out), fulfill
ultrix, icis
avenging, vengeful
cinis, eris, m.
ashes (of the dead), embers
refulgeo, ere, lsi, lsus
gleam, shine, glitter
almus, a, um
nurturing kind(ly)
caelicola, ae, m. (f.)
divinity, deity
pre(he)ndo, ere, i, ensus
seize, grasp
indomitus, a, um
uncontrolled, ungoverned
fessus, a, um
tired, weary, feeble, worn
aetas, atis, f.
age, time
acies, ei, f.
edge, eye(sight); battle line, army
haurio, ire, hausi, haustus
drain, drink (in)
ensis, is, m.
sword, knife
invisus, a, um
hateful, hated, odious
blame, censure, reprove
inclementia, ae, f.
cruelty, harshness
sterno, ere, stravi, stratus
lay low, spread, strew
tueor, eri, itus (tutus)
watch, look at, protect, eye
blunt, dull, dim, weaken
caligo, are, avi
be dark, darken
praeceptum, i, n.
advice, instruction
pareo, ere, ui, itus
obey, yield (+dat)
avello, ere, (vuls)i, vulsus
tear (off, from)
quatio, ere, quassus
shake, shatter
eruo, ere, ui, utus
overthrow, tear up
accingo, ere, cinxi, cinctus
gird (on), equip