Aeneid Book 1 Flashcards
os, oris, n.
Mouth, face, speech
fatum, i, n.
Fate, destiny, doom oracle
vis, vis, f.
Force, violent, energy
saevus, a, um
Cruel, stern, force
memor, oris
Mindful, remembering, unforgetting
patior, i, passus
Suffer, endure
condo, ere, didi, ditus
Found, establish
moenia, ium, n.
Walls, city, structures
laedo, ere, si, sus
Strike, hurt, offend, thwart
caelestis, e
Divine, heavenly
ostium, i, n.
Mouth, entrance
ops, opis d.
Help, resources, power, wealth
posthabeo, ere, ui, itus
place after, esteem less
colo, ere, ui, cultus
cultivate, dwell, honor, cherish
sino, ere, sivi, situs
permit, allow
foveo, ere, fovi, fotus
cherish, fondle
progenies, ei
offspring, progeny
verto, ere, i, rsus
(over) turn, change
excidium, i, n.
destruction, overthrow
metuo, ere, ui
fear, dread
vetus, eris
old, former, ancient
necdum adv.
not yet, nor yet
iniuria, ae, f.
wrong, insult, injustice
invisus, a, um
hated, hateful, odious
rapio, ere, ui, ptus
snatch (up), plunder
arceo, ere, ui
keep off, defend, restrain
immitis, e
fierce, cruel
moles, is, f.
mass, burden, difficulty
aes, aeris, n.
ruo, ere, i, ruitus
fall, rush, sink, plow
aeternus, a, um
eternal, everlasting
vulnus, eris, n.
wound, blow
truly, indeed, surely
pontus, i
classis, is f.
fleet, army, ship
disicio, ere, ieci, iectus
scatter, disperse
ratis, is, f.
raft, ship
turbo, inis, m.
whirl (wind, pool), storm
scopulus, i, m.
rock, cliff, crag
conjunx, jugis, m/f
husband, wife, spouse
quisquam, quaequam, quicquam
any(one), any(thing)
praeterea adv.
besides, hereafter
supplex, icis
suppliant, humble
talis, e
such, of such sort, the following
patria, ae, f.
homeland, country
cor, cordis n.
heart, spirit, feelings
furo, ere, ui
rage, rave, be frantic
vastus, a, um
desolate, vast, enormous
luctor, are, atus
wrestle, struggle
sonorus, a, um
roaring, howling
murmur, uris, n.
murmur, roar, rumble
fremo, ere, ui, itus
murmur, roar, lament, groan, rage
celsus, a, um
lofty, high, towering
mollio, ire, ivi, itus
soothe, tame
caelum, i, n.
sky, heaven, weather
profundus, a, um
deep, high, vast
spelunca, ae, f.
cave, cavern
abdo, ere, didi, ditus
put away, hide
foedus, eris, n.
agreement, condition, treaty
certus, a, um
fixed, sure
laxus, a, um
loose, free, lax
mulceo, ere, lsi, lsus
calm soothe
inimicus, a, um
hostile, unfriendly
penates, ium, m.
household gods
incutio, ere, cussi, cussus
strike (into) (+dat)
obruo, ere, ui, utus
overwhelm, crush
praestans, antis
surpassing, excellent
Deiopea, ae, f.
conubium, i, m.
marriage, wedlock
propius, a, um
one’s own, permanent
proles, is, f.
offspring, progeny
desire, choose, hope for
fas, n. indecl.
right, divine law, duty
capesso, ere, ivi, itus
undertake, perform
win over, unite
epulae, arum, f.
banquet, feast
cavus, a, um
hollow, vaulted
impello, ere, puli, pulsus
drive, strike (against)
(even) as, just as
agmen, inis, n.
army, line, troop; course
ruo, ere, i, ruitus
fall; rush; sink; plow
blow (over, through)
Eurus, i, m.
east wind
Africus, i, m.
southwest wind
Notus, i, m.
south wind
creber, bra, brum
frequent, crowded
volvo, ere, i, volutus
revolve, (un)roll; undergo
rudens, entis, m.
rope, cable
ater, tra, trum
black, gloomy, deadly
incumbo, ere, cubui, cubitus
lie upon, brood over (+dat)
intono, are, ui
thunder, roar
polus, i, m.
pole, sky, heaven
mico, are, ui
quiver, flash
aether, eris, m.
upper air, sky, ether
praesens, entis
present, instant
extemplo, adv.
immediately, straightaway
solvo, ere, i, solutus
relax, loose(n)
tendo, ere, tetendi, tentus
stretch; hasten, strive, (ex)tend, aim
sidus, eris, n.
star, constellation, meteor; season, weather; heaven
beatus, a, um
happy, blessed
oppeto, ere, ivi (ii), itus
encounter, meet (death)
effundo, ere, fudi, fusus
pour out
iaceo, ere, ui, itus
lie (low, outspread)
scutum, i, n.
galea, ae, f.
toss, buffet; utter
strideo, ere, di
creak, rustle, roar
procella, ae, f.
blast, gale
velum, i, n.
cloth, canvas, sail
ferio, ire
strike, beat
frango, ere, fregi, fractus
break, shatter
remus, i, m.
cumulus, i, m.
heap, mass
praeruptus, a, um
steep, towering
pendeo, ere, pependi
dehisco, ere, hivi
gape, split, open
aperio, ier, ui, ertus
open, disclose
harena, ae, f.
sand, beach
aestus, us, m.
boiling (surge), tide
lateo, ere, ui
lie hid, hide, lurk
torqueo, ere, rsi, rtus
turn, twist, whirl
Arae, arum, f.
the Altars, a ledge of rocks between Sicily and Africa
dorsum, i, m.
back, ridge, reef
syrtis, is, f.
sand bar, reef
urgeo, ere, ursi
drive force, press
inlido, ere, si, sus
dash against (into), (+dat)
vadum, i, n.
shallow, shoal, depth(s)
agger, eris, m.
mound, bank
cingo, ere, cinxi, cinctus
gird(le), encircle
veho, ere, vexi, vectus
carry, convey
fidus, a, um
faithful, trustworthy
vertex, icis, m.
peak, summit, head, top; whirlpool
puppis, is, f.
stern; ship, vessel, gallery
excutio, ere, cussi, cussus
cast out, shake off
pronus, a, um
leaning forward, headlong
at, ast
but, yet, however, at least
imbidem, adv.
in the same place
rapidus, a, um
swift, whirling, consuming
swallow (up)
appareo, ere, ui, itus
rarus, a, um
scattered, far apart
gurges, itis, m.
abyss, gulf, whirlpool
tabula, ae, f.
plank, board
gaza, ae, f.
treasure, wealth
imber, bris, m.
rain, flood, water
rima, ae, f.
crack, fissure
fatisco, ere
split, open, gape
misceo, ere, ui, mixtus
mix, confuse, stir
emitto, ere, misi, missus
send forth
commoveo, ere, movi, motus
move, disturb
refundo, ere, fudi, fusus
pour back
prospicio, ere, spexi, spectus
look out (on), see
placidus, a, um
calm, quiet, peaceful
disicio, ere, ieci, iectus
scatter, disperse
ruina, ae, f.
downfall, ruin
dolus, i, m.
deceit, wiles, trick, freud
Zephyrus, i, m.
west wind
dehinc adv.
then, thereupon
fiducia, ae, f.
confidence, trust
audeo, ere, ausus sum
dare, venture
praesto, are, stiti, stitus
surpass, be better
compono, ere, posui, positus
compose, construct, calm, quiet
poena, ae, f.
punishment, penalty, satisfaction, revenge, vengeance