Aeneid 1-80 (part b) Flashcards
corpus, -oris
(n) body, corpse, form
cum (conj)
when, while, since, although
cum (prep)
(abl) with
c_nctus, -a, -um
all, whole, entire
c_ra, -ae
(f) care, anxiety, grief; love
cursus, -_s
(m) course, running; haste
(abl) (down, away) from, of, concerning, according to
dea, -ae
(f) goddess
deus, -_
(m) god, divinity, deity
dexter, -tera, -terum
right (hand); favorable; (f) (subst) right hand
d_c_, -ere, d_x_, dictus
say, speak, tell, call, name, describe, chant
dictum, -_
(n) word, speech, command
di_s, di__
(m) (f) day, time, season
d_vus, -a, -um
divine, heavenly, deified; (subst) divinity, god, goddes
d_, dare, ded_, datus
give (forth), grant, allow, bestow; put, place, make
domus, -_s
(f) house(hold), hojme, abode; family, race, line
d_num, -_
(n) gift, offering, prize, reward
d_c_, -ere, d_x_, ductus
lead, draw (out), protract; produce, think
while, as long as, until, provided
_, ex
(abl) out of, from, according to
see ag_
ego, me_
_ (pl n_s, nostrum)
e_, _re, v, itus
go, proceed, come
equus, -_
(m) horse, steed, charger
ripi, -ere, -u_, reptus
snatch (from), tear away; rescue; hasten
err_ (1)
stray, wander, err; linger
et (et…et…)
and, also, even, too; both…and…
ex, _
(abl) out of, from, according to
faci_, -ere, f_c_, factus
do, make, perform; grant, offer; suppose
f_ma, -ae
(f) fame, report, reputation
f_tum, -_
(n) fate, destiny, doom; oracle
fer_, ferre, tul_, l_tus
bear, endure; wear; report, say; carry (off), plunder; extol; tend; grant, offer
ferrum, -_
(n) iron; sword, weapon, tool
fessus, -a, -um
tired, weary, feeble, worn
f_nis, -is
(m) (f) end, limit, border; country; goal; starting-place
flamma, -ae
(f) flame, fire, torch; love
fl_ctus, -_s
(m) wave, tide, flood, sea
for, f_r_, f_tus
speak, say, tell, utter
fors, fortis
(f) chance, fortune, hap
fuga, -ae
(f) flight, haste, exile, speed
fugi_, -ere, f_g_
flee (from), escape, shun
fund_, -ere, f_d_, f_sus
pour (out), shed; lay low, slay, rout; extend
fur_, -ere, -u_
rage, rave, be frantic
fut_rus, -a, -um
future, destined (to be), impending, about to be
geminus, -a, -um
twin, double, two
genitor, -_ris
(m) begetter, father, sire
g_ns, gentis
(f) clan, race, nation, herd
genus, -eris
(n) birth, origin, race; descendant; kind, family
habe_, -re, -u, -itus
have, hold; consider
not, by no means, not at all
alas! ah! ah me!
h_c (adv)
here, there, hereupon
hic, haec, hoc
this, that; he, she, it
from this place, hence, thence
hon_s (or), -_ris
(m) honor, glory, reward; offering, sacrifice; charm, grace
to this place, hither, here
_dem, eadem, idem
same, the same
ignis, -is (m)
fire, flame, light, lightning, star; passion, love, fury, wrath
ille, illa, illud
that (famous); he, she, it
imm_nis, -e
huge, monstrous, enormous, mighty, dreadful, cruel, atrocious
imperium, -_
(n) command, power, dominion, rule, sway, mastery, realm
_mus, -a, -um
superl. of _nferus
(abl) in, on, in the case of, among; (acc) into, against, until, toward
inf_l_x, -_cis
unfortunate, accused, unhappy, ill-omened, unlucky, wretched
_nferus, -a, -um
low, below, underneath
ing_ns, ingentis
enormous, mighty, huge
(acc) between, among, during
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
(him, her, it)self; very
_ra, -ae
(f) wrath, rage, anger, passion
is, ea, id
this, that; he, she, it
now, already, finally, at once
iube_, -re, iuss, iussus
command, order, bid, enjoin (upon), urge
iussus, -a, -um
commanded, ordered, urged
l_bor, -_, l_psus
slip (by), slide, glide (by), descend; fail; faint, fall, perish; flow
lab_s, -_ris
(m) labor, hardship, task
lacrima, -ae
(f) tear, compassion
laetus, -a, -um
happy; fertile; fat, sleek
l_men, -inis
(n) threshold, doorway, entrance; abode; shrine; palace
l_tus, -oris
(n) shore, strand, coast, beach