Advanced exercise RX and Symptom behavior Flashcards
What exercise parameters can we use to dose movement ?
ACSM guidelines
FITT principle
american heart association
Use of RPE, Borg, Reps in Reserve
How can ACSM guidelines be used for?
ACSM is a framework for healthy people
When can the FITT principle be used?
can be used as a general exercise guidance
- can be used for gait, transfers (sit> stand) or neuroMSK
When can guidelines set out by the american heart association be used ?
improve cardio vascular health
rec’d to exercise 30 mins a day 5 days a week with mod- max intensity
When would you implement the use of RPE, Borg, or reps in reserve ?
when we are dosing more intense exercise, we can use these scales
What is the ACSM guideline for MT?
it varies
What is the ACSM guideline for Strength? endurance ? power?
strength 8-12 reps (10-15 for middle-older aged adults)
endurance- 15-20
power 2-4
What is the ACSM guideline for CV?
5 days/ week @ mod intensity
3days/wk @ vigourous
or combo
- < 10 mins for deconditioned individuals or broken up into 10 min intervals
What is the ACSM guideline for flexibility?
10-30 second holds 2-3x/week
daily recomdation with up to 60 sec holds 2-4 reps
- this is for a healthy population
- 30-60 sec holds for older adults
What is the ACSM guideline for Neuromoter?
unknown- 2-3days/ wk
PNF 3-6 second bouts of 20-75% contraction followed by assisted stretch
- nuero ed helps older adults with risks of falls
Name the levels of the RPE scale with activities and effort rating
10= max effort ; out of breath and not able to talk
8- extremely difficult; can hardly talk
6- almost feels uncomfortable
5- hard; short sentences
3- moderate bking, running and can conversation
2- light job- easy talking
1- ADLs
How are rps in reserve differnt from RPE ?
specific to resistance exercise and can be used for 1 RM test and see if the patient can do more
- used with higher level pts or athletes
What is the scale used in reps in reserve
10 = max effort, cant do any more 8= extremely difficult could do 2 more 5-6= could do 4-6 more 3-4= light effort, easy 1-2 = very easy
What is the patient presentation and response scale?
Using SINNS to dose exercise
- severity is realted to the impact of symptoms on life
- irritability related to the amount of activity + intensity of symptoms and item to ease
- Nature; working with a hypothesis or dx
- Stage subacute, acute, or chronic
- Stability improving, unchanged or worsening
what are considerations for high irritability
Increased severity and irritability implies decreased reps, # of exercises, and MT grades.
- Focus on quality of movement and controlling pain
what is considered high irritability
> 30-60 min to calm down
- disturbed sleep that is frequent and for a long duration
- normal ADLS cause high pain levels
- constant unrelenting pain
What is considered low irritability and how should you dose exercise ?
Presentation: Symptoms resolve quickly and/or are provoked slowly, min pain with ADLs, Lower intensity of symps, short duration of symps
- use increased grades of MT, increased tolerance of ex means more exercises and variety can be introduced bc of low severity and irritability
Can we modify symptoms, body mechanics and activity level with exercise ?
Shoudl we only consider SINNS with exercise Rx
no, consider agg factors
How do we know Ex Rx is effective?
- educate on ex intention and link to the patient goal
- develop and talk about progression/ regression guidelines with pt
- HEP rx the RIGHT way
what should be included in HEP Rx ?
- should match the session focus to max gains
ideal number of exercises - ideal # of Ex
Shoudl change over time & maybe each visit to resolve impairments and progress STGs and LTGs
What are hollistic considerations ?
- sleep
- stress level
- Breathing/ mindfullness
- Proper nutrition
- Social support
complete the analogy: dosing movement is to __
changing lives
How can we hold ourselves accountable in measuring effectiveness?
test- assess- retest model
what are we re-testing in the test- retest model?
- objective measures: ROM, Strength, Asst level
- Subjective measures: NPRA, Sleep quality, ADL performance
- Observation measures: quality of ROM, gait and transfer asst or IND
What are otehr measures we can use?
tolerance to activity
- time, distance, speed, quality
Fxn outcomes score change
- set goals based off this, insurance justification, can be a objective red flag if pt does not get better
What should be on your check list for each TX?
- mini subjective exam
chck fxn and objective asterisk
encourage patient autonomy and responsibility at end of each visit - note what will be worked on in future visits to keep working towards unmet goals
What do you do if no change is being made ?
- reframe the pain experience
- redirect focus
- deliver hop and encouragement
- use words that heal and empower