Advance Curcumin Elite Tumeric Extract, Ginger & Tumerones Flashcards
What is the item number for this product?
This product is Life Extensions what with what?
- Our best curcumin to date
- with complementary plant extracts
What is a botanical relative to Tumeric?
And it has complementary action with what to help what?
- Ginger
- Curcumin to help inhibit inflammation
Tumerones are what found in what for what?
- compounds
- essential oils
- tumeric
Tumerones also help with what two things?
- inhibit inflammation
- provide antioxidant benefits
This product provides how many total mg of Tumerones compared to Curcumin Elite TM Tumeric Extract (item 02407)?
- 75mg
- 15mg
The combination of what two items enhances the absorption of the bioavailable curcuminoids and up to how many times?
- a.) galactomannans from fenugreek seeds
b. ) curcumin
-45.5 times
Total curcumin absorption is how many more times available in Curcumin Elite compared to the 7x enhanced absorption of BCM-95 curcumin?
-270 times
Galactomannans form what
That do what
That in turn does what two things?
- a gel
- that surrounds the curcumin
- a.) enhance the absorption
b. ) protect the curcumin from conjugation in the digestive tract