ADT's and Exceptions Flashcards
What is an Abstract Data Type (ADT)?
An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is a high-level description of a data structure that separates the behaviour of the data structure from its implementation details. It describes the type of data stored and the operations that can be performed on it without providing any information about how the module works internally. The purpose of ADT is to provide a clear and concise specification of the module’s functionality, allowing developers to focus on how to use the module, rather than how it is implemented.
What is the purpose of ADT?
The purpose of ADT is to provide a high-level, abstract description of a data structure that separates its behaviour from its implementation. This allows developers to focus on how to use the module and its operations, rather than how it is implemented. It also provides a clear specification of the module’s functionality, which can help to make it easier to understand and maintain.
What are the main components of an ADT?
The main components of an ADT are the type of data that is stored, and the operations that can be performed on it. The type of data stored can be as simple as a single value or as complex as a collection of related data. The operations that can be performed on the data include functions like adding, removing, or retrieving elements from the data structure.
Why is encapsulation important in ADT?
Encapsulation is important in ADT because it helps to ensure that the data structure’s implementation is hidden from the user. By encapsulating the data and its associated operations, developers can protect the module’s internal implementation details from being accessed or modified by outside code. This helps to maintain the integrity and consistency of the data structure, and also helps to prevent errors or unintended consequences that could result from unauthorized access or modification of the module’s data.
What are the types of operations on data in an ADT?
The types of operations on data in an ADT typically include adding data to the data structure, removing data from the data structure, and querying the data structure.
Why is it important to think about the types of operations before designing the representation of data in an ADT?
Thinking about the types of operations before designing the representation of data in an ADT can lead to better data representations. This is because understanding the types of operations that will be performed on the data can help guide the design of the data structure to be more efficient and effective for those operations.
What is the difference between an Abstract Data Type (ADT) and a Data Structure?
An ADT and a data structure are not the same thing. An ADT is a high-level description of a type of data and the operations that can be performed on it, while a data structure is a specific implementation of an ADT that defines exactly how the data is stored and the implementation of its methods. A data structure is composed of classes, attributes, and methods in Java, and it specifies the exact implementation of the operations described in the ADT. In contrast, an ADT is closer to the design of the data and its operations, while a data structure is closer to its implementation.
What are the attributes of the List ADT?
The items in a list have a unique predecessor and a unique successor. The front of the list does not have a predecessor, and the end of the list does not have a successor.
What operations are supported by the List ADT?
The List ADT supports the following operations:
Create an empty list
Determine whether a list is empty
Determine the number of items in a list
Add an item at a given position in the list
Remove the item at a given position in the list
Remove all the items from the list
Retrieve the item at a given position in the list.
What does the List ADT specify about the items in the list?
The List ADT specifies that the items in a list have a unique predecessor and a unique successor, and that the front of the list does not have a predecessor, and the end of the list does not have a successor.
What does the List ADT not specify?
The List ADT does not specify how the items in the list are stored or how the operations are implemented. It only specifies what operations are supported by the list.
What is the purpose of an interface in Java?
An interface in Java specifies a set of methods without implementation, which can be implemented by classes that use the interface.
How does an interface differ from a class in Java?
An interface only defines methods and constants, while a class can have attributes, methods, and implementation details.
What are the benefits of using interfaces in Java?
Interfaces allow for more flexible and modular programming, as classes can implement multiple interfaces and be used in different contexts.
What does the List interface in Java specify?
The List interface in Java specifies methods for determining if a list is empty, getting the number of elements in a list, adding an item to a list at a specified position, and getting an item from a list at a specified position.