ADRF Flashcard Questions
What modules are in the FCE cabinets?
- FCM = flight control module
- ACE = actuator control electronics module
- PCM = power conditioning module
What is a FCE cabinet?
FCE stands for “Flight Control Electronics” and the FCE cabinets contain electronic modules that control the ailerons / rudder / elevators.
What is the FCM and where is it located?
FCM stands for “Flight Control Module” and is one of the electronic modules located in 3 of the 4 FCE cabinets.
How many FCE cabinets are on the 787 and how are they labeled?
There are 4 flight control electronics (FCE) cabinets and they are labeled: Left, Center1, Center2 and Right.
Where are the FCE cabinets located?
FCE L and FCE C2 are in Forward EE Bay, FCE C1 is in Forward Access area (fwd of NLG) and FCE R is in Aft EE Bay.
Where is the Air Data Reference Function (ADRF) located?
There are 3 copies of the ADRF and one is located in each FCM (in FCE cabinets L, C1 and R)
What are the components of the Air Data Reference System (ADS)?
- 2 angle of attack (AOA) sensors
- An AOA support function (software)
- A Total Air Temperature (TAT) probe
- 6 Air Data Modules (ADMs).
What are the components of the pitot-static system?
3 pitot probes and 6 static ports.
What is the location of the water traps (or drains) in the pitot-static system?
There are no pitot-static water traps or drains on the 787.
What is the function of the AirData Modules (ADMs)?
They change pitot and static air pressure into a digital electronic signal and send the signal to the ACE (actuator control electronics) module in the FCE cabinets.
After the ACE (actuator control electronics) module receives digital data from the ADM (air data module), what does the ACE do with that data?
It is sent to the ADRF (in the FCM).
How are the center pitot-static ADMs different from the left and right ADMs?
Center pitot-static ADMs are connected to the ISFD (integrated standby flight display).