Adrenal + Parathyroid Flashcards
what 2 hormones do the adrenal glands release?
what hormone does cortisol inhibit?
does cortisol increase or decrease sugar levels?
what are the 2 main causes of cushing’s syndrome?
*1. steroid drug use
- tumors secreting cortisol or ACTH (MC adrenal)
what are some s/s of cushing’s syndrome?
central obesity (moon face, buffalo hump)
catabolic effects (wasting, thin skin)
what lab test diagnoses cushing’s syndrome?
dexamethasone suppression test
what should normally happen when you administer dexamethasone?
suppresses ACTH/cortisol
what should you think if you administer dexamethasone and there is no response?
tumor secreting ACTH/cortisol
for cushings syndrome, what do you measure in a 24h urine?
free cortisol : creatinine
how do you treat cushings disease (if not caused by steroids)
resect tumor
postop cortisol
why do we taper steroids
may cause chronic suppression of adrenal glands when quickly d/c
what should you suspect in anyone with fatigue, weakness, or HoTN w/ really nonspecific sx?
adrenal insufficiency
what is an autoimmune cause of adrenal insufficiency?
addison’s disease
when do you check cortisol levels for someone with adrenal insufficiency?
in the morning
what will you see on CT scan of someone with addisons?
non-calcified, small adrenals