Adrenal 1 Flashcards
What are the different parts of the adrenal gland and what does each section secrete?
- Cortex (Can think “GFR–> ACE”)
- outer: Zona Glomerulosa–> Aldosterone
- middle: Zona Fasciculata –> Cortisol
- Inner: Zona Reticularis –> Androgens/DHEA (think Estrogens for mnemonic)
- Medulla–> Catecholamines (NE and Epi)
Aldosterone vs. cortisol: which is the mineralcorticoid? Which is the glucocorticoid?
Aldosterone= mineralcorticoid (“Al mines”)
Cortisol= Glucocorticoid
Which hormone is pulsatile and diurnal (AM>PM)?
What is cortisol under control of
Which hormone?
- Stress, trauma, etc cause release
- Protects against hypoglycemia
- Inhibits production of inflam. mediators
- Suppression of immune response
- Enhance vascular responsiveness to catecholamines
Which hormone?
- Increases force/rate of contraction of heart
- Vasoconstriction
- Bronchodilation
- Stimulation of lipolysis
- Increase metabolic rate
- pupil dilation
- Inhibition of non-essential processes
Catecholamines (Epi/NE)
What is the long term response to stress? (
- Mineralcorticoids (Aldosterone)
- retention of Na and H20
- Incr. blood volume and BP
- Glucocorticoids (cortisol)
- protein and fats converted to glucose
- hyperglycemia
- suppression of immune system
Is a stimulation test used to evaluate for hypo or hyperfunction? A suppression test?
Stimulation test= hypofunctioning
Suppression test= Hyperfunctioning
What is 24hr urinary free cortisol a test for
What does a serum cortisol value <3mg/dL on a serum total cortisol test very likely indicate?
Adrenal insufficiency
What is the main use of obtaining a plasma ACTH?
Adrenal insufficiency:
Differentiate primary (adrenal) vs secondary (pituitary) vs. tertiary (hypothalmic)
What does an ACTH stimulation test (using synthetic ACTH- Cosyntropin) evaluate for?
Differentiate source of adrenal insufficiency (cortisol deficiency)
(if no increase from baseline= adrenal insufficency)
What would an ACTH stimulation test show in adrenal insufficiency?
Subnormal cortisol level response
What does the following indicate on a Dexamethasone suppresion test:
No change in cortisol
= Excess cortisol production
(normal would be cortisol suppressed)
What are the 4 causes of Cushings syndrome? (hypercortisolism)
- ACTH dependent (MC)
- Pituitary adenoma (MC overall)–> cushings DISEASE
- NET producing ACTH- small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer
- ACTH independent
- Chronic glucocorticoid use (2nd MC)
- Adrenocortical tumor (benign or malignant
What are the 2 MC causes of Cushings syndrome?
- Pituitary adenoma (MC overall, ACTH dependent)–> Cushings Disease
- Chronic glucocorticoid use (ACTH independent)
What is Cushings Sydrome?
Signs and symptoms due to prolonged exposure to excess cortisol
(Cushings Disease is de to Pituitary adenoma)
S/s of what?
- Central obesity
- moon face
- cervical fat pad
- Purple abdominal striae
- Fatigue
- Prox mm. weakness
- Insulin resistance
Cushings syndrome
What 3 things may be seen in Cushings syndrome specifically in women
Menstrual irregularities
How do you dx Cushing syndrome?
(screening for Cushings- 3 tests, Differentiating causes- 1 test)
- Clinical suspicion
- Screening for Cushings:
- 24hr urine cortisol: elevated
- Midnight salivary cortisol levels: Incr. on 2 separate occations
- Dexamethasone suppression test: NO CHANGE in cortisol levels
- Differentiating causes:
- Plasma ACTH:
- < 6 (at any time)= adrenal tumor
- > 80 @8am or >50 @4pm= Pituitary adenoma or ectopic production
- Plasma ACTH:
How do you Differentiate causes of Cushing Syndrome? (Adrenal tumor vs Pituitary adenoma vs ectopic)
- Plasma ACTH
- < 6 (@ any time)= adrenal tumor
- >80 @8am or >50 @4pm= Pituitary adenoma or ectopic production
What diagnostic study should be ordered if plasma ACTH indicates a pituitary tumor? An Ectopic ACTH producting tumor? An adrenal tumor?
- Pituitary tumor- MRI
- Ectopic ACTH producing tumor- CXR, pelvic U/S
- Adrenal tumor- CT abdomen
How do you tx Cushings syndrome if it is due to exogenou steroids?
taper to lowest dose
How do you tx Cushings syndrome if it is due to pituitary adenoma?
transsphenoidal resection
How do you tx Cushings syndrome if it is due to adrenal tumor
(Replacement therapy if this causes iatrogenic adrenal insufficiency)
How do you medically treat Cushings if the patient is not a surgical candidate? (5)
1. Mitotane (permanent destruction of adrenal cells)
- Ketoconazole (inhib. prod of cortisol)
- Metyrapone (inhib. prod of cortisol)
- Mifepristone
- Pasireotide (inhib ACTH secretion)
What is adrenal insufficency?
Inadequate production of adrenal hormones–> dysfunction/absence of adrenal cortices
What is the MCC of Adrenal insufficiency in the US?
Addisons disease (autoimmune cortical destruction)
(this is a primary cause of adrenal insufficiency)
What is the MCC of adrenal insufficiency worldwide
_TB (_primary adrenal insufficiency)
What is the MC secondary cause of adrenal insufficiency
Long term exogenous steroids
(–> suppression of HPA axis–> abrupt withdrawal–> Addisons crisis)
Hallmark tetrad of what?
- Weakness/fatigue
- weight loss/anorexia
- hyperpigmentation (of non-sun exposed areas)
- orthostatic hypotension
Adrenal insufficiency
(Hyperpigmentation specifically for Addisons)
Adrenal insufficiency:
The following are s/s of deficiency of which hormone?
- weakness/fatigue
- hypoglycemia
- wt loss/anorexia
- N/V, abd pain
- Glucocorticoid deficiency
Adrenal insufficiency:
The following are s/s of deficiency of which hormone?
- Na wasting (hyponatremia, salt craving)
- Hypovolemia
- orthostatic hypotension
- hyperkalemia
- mild metabolic acidosis
Mineralcorticoid deficiency
Adrenal insufficiency:
The following are s/s of deficiency of which hormone?
- Loss of axillary and pubic hair
- amenorrhea
Adrenal androgen deficiency in females
What causes Addisons crisis?
Extremely low cortisol!
Triggers= stress (infection, trauma, sx)
T/F: Addison’s Crisis can be treated on an outpatient basis
Addisons crisis is MC in what?
primary adrenal insufficiency
S/s of what?
- hypotension
- acute abd/back pain
- N/V/D
- Fever
- dehydration
Addison’s Crisis
How do you tx Addison’s crisis? (4)
- IV hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone
- Correct electrolyte abnormalities
- 50% dextrose
- Volume resusitation
How do you dx Arenal insufficiency? (7)
- CMP: hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, fasting hypoglycemia
- Eosinophilia
- +/- anti-adrenal antibodies
- AM plasma cortisol < 3= adrenal insuff.
- Plasma ACTH level ( >80 @8am or >50 @4pm)= pituitary adenoma or ectopic)
- ACTH stimulation test: No change in cortisol= adrenal insufficiency
- CT of abd/pelvis, MRI of pituitary
What are the 3 causes of secondary adrenal insufficiency
- Long term exogenous steroids (MC)
- Hypopituitarism
- Meds (decr. corticosteroid levels): phenytoin, opiates, rifampin, ketoconazole
Compare Addisons disease (primary adrenal insufficiency) and hypopituitarism in regards to cortisol and ACTH
Addisons: decr. Cortisol and incr. ACTH
Hypopituitarism: Decr. cortisol and decr. ACTH
How do you treat primary adrenal insufficiency (Addisons disease)?
Hydrocortisone (glucocorticoid)
Fludrocortisone (mineralcorticoid)
How do you treat secondary/tertiary adrenal insufficiency?
Hydrocortisone ONLY
(Dont need fludrocortisone b/c RAAS manages aldosterone)
What might you give women with adrenal insufficiency