Adoptions-/Diffusionstheorie Flashcards
Innovation diffusion
process by which innovation is communicated through
certain channelsover timeamong members of a social system
Social System
Social System: individuals have different degrees of willingness to adopt innovation.
- The portion of population adopting an innovation is approximately normally distributed over time.
- venturesome
- educated
- multiple info sources
early adopters
- social leaders
- popular
- educated
early majority
- deliberate
- many informal social contacts
late majority
- sceptical
- lower socio economic status
- neighbors and friends are main info sources
- fear of debt
Innovation characteristics
rate of adoption is impacted by five factors:
- relative advantage (economic, status)
- compatibility (values)
- trialability
- observability (immediate, long-term)
- complexity
Diffusion of Innovations Theory
Product Life Cycle
The S curve
Adoption & Diffusion
Die Diffusionsforschung hängt untrennbar mit der Adoptionsforschung zusammen
Betrachtet auf der „Mikroebene“, warum ein Individuum eine Technologie adoptiert und nutzt (oder nicht)
Betrachtet die Auswirkungen von Einzeladoptionsentscheidungen auf der „Makroebene“ (warum und wie verbreitet sich eine Technologie? (oder nicht))
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
Modellierung von (Adoptions-) Entscheidungen Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
Fishbein & Ajzen 1975
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Modellierung von (Adoptions-)Entscheidungen Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Ajzen 1991