Adolescence-Late Adulthood Flashcards
T/F/ Adolescence experience storm-and-stress. If false what do adolescence experience
F. Adolescence are actually positive toward their families, and they felt the ability to cope with stress
The brain-neuroendocrine process occurring primarily in ear adolescence that provides stimulation for the rapid physical changes that take place during development
What are the male characteristics that change during adolescence(in order)?
- ejaculation
- appearance of kinky pubic hair
- onset of max growth in height and weight
- armpit hair growth
- voice change
- facial hair
What are the female characteristics that change during adolescence (in order)?
- breasts enlarge or pubic hair appears
- hair in armpits
- growth in weight, height, and hips
What is the term referred to as a girl’s first period?
Compared to boys when does a girl’s growth spurt occur?
approx. 2 years earlier
What is the mean age for growth spurt boys? girls?
boys: 11
girls: 9
What is the peak rate of pubertal for girls? boys?
girls: 11.5 years
boys: 13.5 years
Which factors activate or suppress the hormonal system?
stress, eating patterns, exercise, sexual activity, tension, and depression
T/F. Since the mid-19th century, the average menarche has declined significantly.
What experiences are linked to earlier pubertal experiences?
low SES urban env adoption father absence family conflict maternal harshness child maltreatment substance abuse
During which phase of adolescence is body image is a teen most preoccupied?
early adolescence
T/F. Adolescents who mature earlier or later than their peers perceive themselves differently
Compare late-maturing and early-maturing boys
early-maturing boys perceived themselves more positively and had more successful peer relationships. In their 30s, late-maturing had more stronger sense of self
Why would a late-maturing have a stronger sense of self than early-maturing boys?
late-maturing boys had more time to explore life’s options or because early-maturing boys focused on their advantageous physical status instead of career development and achievement
Is more advantageous to be a late-maturing or early-maturing boy?
it is advantageous to be an early-maturing boy than late-maturing boy
Do early-maturing or late-maturing girls have greater satisfaction with their figures?
early-maturing girls
what occurs to the corpus callosum during adolescence?
it become thicker
As of 2011, what percentage of 12th graders have had sex?
As of 2011 are 12th grade boys or girls having more sex?
In one single act of unportected sex what is the chance a girl will contract HIV? gonorrhea? genital herpes?
1% HIV, 50% gonorrhea and 30% genital herpes
What are the 3 leading causes of death in adolescence in order?
- unintentional injuries
- homicide
- suicide
What is the leading activity involving unintentional injuries?
motor vehicle accidents
What percentage of adolescent deaths in vehicle accidents is from drinking?
50 % BAC is level 0.10%
T/F More adolescence are drinking more than ever now
False, this rate has actually declined
T/F Marijuana has increased in adolescents
An eating disorder that involves the rentless pursuit pursuit of thinness through starvation
anorexia nervosa
When does anorexia develop in adolescence?
typically begins early to middle adolescent years often following an episode of dieting and some type of life stress
An eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a binge-and-purge pattern?
bulimia nervosa
When does bulimia nervosa develop in adolescence?
late adolescence or early adulthood
Which Piagetian phase begins around 7?
formal operational
What is the formal operational stage main concept?
abstract thinking and reasoning
Hypothetical- deductive reasoning
involves creating a hypothesis and deducing its implications
Adolescent egocentrism
heightened self-consciousness
imaginary audience
adolescents’ belief that others are as interested in them as they themselves are
personal fable
part of adolescent egocentrism involving a sense of uniqueness and invincibility
What is the most important cognitive change in adolescence?
improvement in executive function
Explain the top-dog phenomenon
moving from the oldest, biggest, and most powerful student elementary school to the youngest, smallest, and least powerful in middle school same into high school
Why does self-esteem decline in adolescent females?
girls’ negative body image and greater interest in social relationships and society’s failure to reward that interest
self-centered and self-concerned approach toward others
What is the fifth developmental stage according to Erikson?
identity vs identity confusion
The term Erikson gave for the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy
psychosocial moratorium
The period identity development during which the individual is exploring alternatives?
Personal investment in identity
The status of individuals who have undergone a crisis and made a commitment
identity achievement
The status of individuals who have made a commitment but not experienced a crisis
identity foreclosure
The status of individuals who have not yet experienced a crisis or commitment
identity diffusion
The status of individuals who are in the midst of a crisis but whose commitment are either absent or are only vaguely defined
identity moratorium
During which developmental period are key changes in identity most likely to occur?
emerging adulthood
An enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group
ethnic identity
What does parental monitoring include?
social settings, activities, friends, and academic efforts
Compare the old and new model emphasizes of the parent-adolescent relationship
the old model emphasized that parents-adolescent conflict is intense and stressful while the new model suggests that in most families parent-adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe and that everyday negotiations and minor disputes are normal but also can have a positive influence during this developmental period
T/F. Teenagers prefer to have more friends and less intense friendships than those of young children
FALSE, teenagers typically prefer to have a smaller number of friendships that are more intense and intimate than those of young children
T/F. If adolescents fail to develop such close friendships, they experience loneliness and reduced sense of self-worth
What is the difference between a crowd and a clique?
a crowd are larger than cliques, a crowd are usually members of a crowd based on reputation and they may or may not spend much time together. cliques are small groups that range from 2-12 individuals (~6) clique members are usually of the same sex and about the same age
What are the 3 states of developmental changes in dating and romantic relationships?
- entry into romantic attractions and affiliations about 11-13
- exploring romantic relationships at approx 14-16
A ceremony or ritual that marks an individuals’s transition from one status to another
rite of passage
T/F. Delinquency is less exclusively a phenomenon of lower SES that it was in the past
By what % of females have a rate of depression that is TWICE that of males?
Why are females more than males more likely to have depression?
females tend to ruminate on their depressed mood and amplify it, self-image (body image) are more negative, puberty
Suicide maybe rare in childhood, but during which developmental does it escalate? increase?
escalates in adolescence and increases further in adulthood
Which gender is more like to attempt to suicide? succeed?
females are more likely to attempt and males are more likely to succeed
What are the 4 problems that affect most adolescents?``
- drug abuse
- juvenile delinquency
- sexual problems
- school-related problems
What is the difference between life expectancy and life span?
life expectancy is the number of years that the average person born in a particular year will die and life span is is the maximum number of years an individuals can live
What is the life span one can live?
120-125 years
What is the life expectancy in the US?
78.7 years
What is the cause of the increase in life expectancy?
health and the reduction in infant deaths in recent decades
Which gender outlives the other?
Women live longer than men
What factors are associated with reasons why women live longer than men?
social factors: health attitudes, lifestyles, and occupation
What are men more likely than women to die most from?
cancer of the respiratory system, motor vehicle accidents, cirrhosis, emphysema, and coronary heart disease
T/F. Women have more resistance to infections and degenerative diseases
Hardening of the arteries
Which factors are associated with long life in centenarians?
longevity genes and the ability to cope with stress, not being obese, habitual smoking is rare, thinking skills
Give the age range for young-old and oldest-old
young-old: 65-84
oldest: 85 and older
What is the longest span of any period of human development?
Compared to the oldest-old, young-old are..?
have a substantial potential for physical and cognitive fitness, higher levels of emotional well-being and more effective strategies for mastering the gains and losses of old age
Which gender comprises most of the oldest-old?
women, majority are widowed and not institutionalized
Which theory of aging suggests that natural selection has not not eliminated many harmful conditions and nonadaptive characteristics in older adults such as Alzheimer disease?
evolutionary theory of aging
Which theory of aging states that people age because when cells metabolize energy, the by-products include unstable oxygen molecules?
free-radical theory
Which theory of aging suggests hat aging in the body’s hormonal system can lower resistance to stress and increase the likelihood of disease?
hormonal stress theory
Which theory of aging suggests that cells can divide a maximum of 75-80 times, and that as we age our cells become less capable of dividing?
cellular clock theory
Which theory of aging suggests that aging is due to the mitochondria?
mitochondrial theory
What is the percentage range a brain shrinks between the age of 20 and 90?
In which 2 regions of the brain does brain volume decrease during aging?
hippocampus and frontal lobe
What is the older explanation that explains why brain volume decreases?
shrinkage of neurons, lower # of synapses, reduced length of axons
Which region of the brain experiences the most significant shrinkage during the aging process?
prefrontal cortex
Which region of the brain experiences the least amount of shrinking in the aging process?
parietal lobe: primary visual cortex, somatosensory cortex, and primary motor cortex
What is today’s explanation that states why the brain shrinks during the aging process?
myelination and neural networks
the generation of new neurons
In which 2 regions of the human brain has neurogenesis taken place?
olfactory bulb and hippocampus
T/F. Using both hemispheres may improve the cognitive functioning of older adults.
What percentage of adults complain of having difficulty sleeping?
What is the average hours of sleep that is linked to longer telomere length?
7 hours
What are the 2 most noticeable changes in the aging process?
wrinkles and age spots
at what age does weight usually drop? cause?
60 years old, the cause is due to muscle loss giving the body a “sagging” look
What changes in visual acuity occur in late adulthood?
- visual processing speed declines
- night driving is especially difficult
- dark adaptations is slower
- visual field becomes smaller
What is the affect of yellowing of the eyes?
color vision may decline
A thickening of the lends of the eye that causes vision to become cloudy, opaque, and distorted?
Involves deterioration of the macula of the retina
macular degeneration
T/F. Smoking does not contribute to macular degeneration
False. Smoking DOES contribute to macular degeneration
Involves damage to the optic nerve because of the pressure by a buildup of fluid in the eye
What is the leading cause of blindness in adults?
macular degeneration
Can older adults detect touch less in the lower or upper extremities?
lower extremities
T/F Cardiovascular diseases increase in late adulthood
Which type of hypertension is more common in the elderly?
resistant hypertension
T/F. Sexuality is not lifelong
false, sexuality is lifelong
Fill in the blanks. Orgasms becomes less frequent in ____ with age, occurring in every ____ to ___ attempt rather than every time.
males, second, third
What is used to treated erectile dysfunction?
testosterone replacement therapy
What is the challenge for a sexually interested older woman?
not having a partner
What is the most common chronic disorder in late adulthood?
What is the second most common chronic disorder in late adulthood?
What is the leading cause of death of those in late adulthood?
cardiovascular disease
An inflammation of the joints accompanied by pain, stiffness, and movement problems
What is osteoporosis linked to?
deficiencies in CA2+, vitamin D, and estrogen and lack of exercise
What is the leading cause of injury deaths among adults 65 years and older?
What is known as the “invisible epidemic” of those in late adulthood?
substance abuse
What problem is often related to loneliness, loss of a spouse, or a disabling condition?
late-onset alcoholism
T/F Researchers have especially found that moderate drinking of red wine is linked to better health and increased longevity
Which 3 aspects of nutrition are especially important in older adults?
- getting adequate nutrition
- avoiding overweight and obesity
- the role of caloric restriction in improving health and extending life
Which group of vitamins help to slow the aging process and improve the health of older adults?
the “hardware” of the mind that consists of speed and accuracy of the processes involved i sensory input, attention, visual and motor memory, discrimination, comparison, and categorization
cognitive mechanics
the “software” of the mind that includes reading and writing skills, language comprehension, educational qualifications, and professional skills
cognitive pragmatics
which type of intelligence is associated with cognitive pragmatics? cognitive mechanics?
crystallized intelligence is associated with cognitive pragmatics and fluid intelligence is associated with cognitive mechanics
what are the 2 factors that causes decline in processing speed in older adults?
the CNS and declination in brain functioning
Focusing on a specific aspect of experience that is relevant while ignoring others that are irrelevant
selective attention
Involves concentrating on more than one activity at the same time
divided attention
Type of attention that is focused and extended engagement with an object, task, event, or some other aspect of the environment
sustained attention
This type of attention involves planning of actions, allocating attention to goals, detecting and compensating for errors, monitoring progress on tasks, and dealing with novel or difficult circumstances?
executive attention
Which type of attention is also referred to as vigilance?
sustained attention
Explicit memory
memory of facts and experiences that individuals consciously know and can state
Episodic memory
the retention of information about the where and when of life’s happenings
Implicit memory
memory without conscious recollection, involving skill and routine procedures that are automatically performed
Which type of memory is often referred to as declarative memory?
explicit memory
Semantic memory
a person’s knowledge about the world, including a person’s field of expertise
What are 2 important cognitive resources?
working memory and perceptual speed
Does working increase or decrease during late adulthood?
____ shows considerable decline in late adulthood and is strongly linked with declines in working memory
perceptual speed
The ability to remember where one learned something
source memory
Involves remembering to do something in the future, such as remembering to take meds or running an errand
prospective memory
Which types of memories declines in late adulthood?
explicit, episodic and working memory
What are 2 ways aspects of working memory especially declines in older adults?
- updating memory representations that relevant for the task at hand
- replacing old, no longer relevant information
Not only is executive function involved in cognitive performance but also in what?
emotion regulation
In what conditions do older adults perform better with making decisions?
no time pressures, decisions are meaningful to them and no involvement of high risks
Expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits excellent judgment about important matters
What is main window for wisdom to emerge?
late adolescence to early adulthood
T/F High levels of wisdom are not rare
false, high levels of wisdom is rare
What are 3 important influences on the cognitive functioning?
- health
- education
- work
Which concept emphasizes changed in cognitive functioning may be linked to distance from death or cognition-related pathology than to distance from birth?
terminal decline
Explain “use it or lose it”
changes in cognitive patterns that result in disuse and consequent atrophy
What are 2 key conclusions regarding older adults training their cognitive skills?
- training can improve the cognitive skills of many older adults
- there is some loss plasticity in late adulthood
Age-related declines in the prefrontal cortex are associated with declines in?
- working memory
- episodic memory
- complex reasoning tasks
T/F. Older adults are more likely than younger adults to use both hemispheres of the brain to compensate for aging declines in attention, memory, and language
What are the 2 most common language-related complaints in older adults?
- retrieving words
2. understanding spoken language
Explain the speech of older adults
speech is typically lower in volume, slower, less precisely articulated, and less fluent
T/F. Vocabulary of individuals often continues to increase most of the adult years at least until late adulthood
What is the best predictors of job performance in older adults?
cognitive ability
Which policy is responsible for benefits to older workers when they retire?
social security system
What is the average retirement age for men? women?
men: 64
women: 62
T/R/ Retirement is an event
false, it is a prcoess
What are the characteristics of a person who is better at adjusting to retirement?
- healthy
- adequate income
- active
- better educated
- extended social networks
- satisfied with life
What are the 2 main worries as people approach retirement?
- drawing retirement income from savings
2. paying for health care expenses
A mood disorder in which the individual is deeply unhappy, demoralized, self-derogatory, and bored
major depression
At what age is older women more depressed? men?
older women are more depressed at 50-60 years old while men are more depressed from 60-80
The global term for an neurological disorder in which the primary symptoms involve deterioration of any mental fxning
What is the form of dementia that is a progressive, irreversible brain disorder that is characterized by a gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and physical fxn.
Alzheimer Disease
Which gender is more likely to develop Alzheimer? Why?
women are more likely than men because they live longer than men
What is the cause of Alzheimer Disease?
deficiency in ACH
What occurs as Alzheimer progresses?
the brain shrinks and deteriorates
What term represents a potential transitional state between the cognitive changes of normal aging and very early stages of Alzheimer disease and other dementias.
MCI- Mild cognitive impairment
Services that provide temporary relief for those who are caring for individuals with disabilities, illness or the elderly
respite care
A chronic, progressive disease characterized by muscle tremors, slowing of movement, and partial facial paralysis
parkinson disease
What triggers Parkinson disease?
degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain
Compared to younger adults, what types of crimes are older adults more likely to commit?
older adults are more likely to commit serious offenses such as bank robbery
What is the final stage according to Erikson?
integrity vs despair
What is meant by integrity vs despair?
reflecting on the past and either piecing together a positive review or concluding that one’s life has not been spent well
What type of therapy is related to having a higher sense of integrity?
reminiscence therapy
Which theory states that the more active and involved older adults are, the more likely that are to be satisfied with their lives?
activity theory
Which theory states that older adults become more selective about their social networks
socioemotional selectivity theory
What does the socioemotional selectivity theory challenge?
the stereotype that the majority of older adults are in emotional despair because of their social isolation
What are the 2 classes of goals in the socioemotional selectivity theory?
- knowledge-related
2. emotional
Selective optimization with compensation theory
states that successful aging depends on 3 main factors:
- selection
- optimization
- compensation
Of the Selective optimization with compensation theory which of the factors is based on the concept that older adults have a reduced capacity and loss of fxning, which require a reduction in peformance in most life domains
Of the Selective optimization with compensation theory which concept becomes relevant when life tasks require a level of capacity beyond the current level of the older adult’s performance potential
of the Selective optimization with compensation theory suggests that it is possible to maintain performance in some areas through continued practice and the use of new technologies
Which of the 5 personality traits of the Big Five, continued to increase in late adulthood?
What are the factors that result in declination of self-esteem in older adults?
1, being widowed
- institutionalized
- physically impaired
- low religious values
What is meant by the term possible selves?
what individuals might become and what they are afraid to become
Which group of older adults are most likely to be living in poverty?
What age range is emerging adulthood?
What are the 5 key features characterized by emerging adulthood?
- identity exploration
- instability
- self-focused
- feeling in-between
- the age of possibilitits
In the US, what is the most widely recognized marker of entry into adulthood?
holding a permanent full time job
T/F. Today’s college students experience more stress and depression than students in previous generations?
What age range do we usually reach peak of our physical performance?
19-26 before 30
A behavior pattern characterized by an overwhelming involvement with a drug and a preoccupation with securing its supply
T/F/ Binge drinking has increased over time
false, binge drinking has declined
T/F One in nine individuals who drink will become an alcoholic
What is the average age of marriage in the US for males and females?
males: 28
females: 26
What is postformal thought?
thinking that is reflective, relativistic, provisional, and influenced by emotions
When does creativity peak occur?
Since women in the U.S. took jobs outside the home in what 3 ways has responsibility for work and family?
- U.S. men are taking increased responsibility for maintaining the home
- U.S. women are takin increased responsibility for breadwinning
- U.S. men are showing greater interest in their families and parenting
T/F Links between early and late attachment styles were heightened by stressful and disruptive experience such as the death of a parent
false, links between early and late attachment styles were lessened by stressful and disruptive experience
What are the 3 attachment styles in earl adulthood?
- secure attachment style
- avoidant attachment style
- anxious attachment style
Which attachment style describes individuals are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and once they are in relationship distance themselves from their partner?
avoidant attachment style
Which attachment style describes these individuals demand closeness, are less trusting, and are more emotional, jealous, and possessive?
anxious attachment style
Which attachment style describes individuals that have positive views of relationships , find it easy to get close to other?
secure attachment style
Consensual validation
explains why individuals are attached to people who are similar to them
Which traits do women prefer in men?
- considerateness
- honesty
- dependability
- understanding
- earning prospects
What do men prefer in women?
- good looks
- cooking skills
- frugality
Matching hypothesis
states that although we may prefer more attractive person in the abstract, in the real world we end up choosing someone who is close to our own level of attractiveness
What is the most common thread in romantic, affectionate and consummate love?
According to Erikson, what stage do early adults enter?
intimacy vs isolation
Compared to men what type of friendships do women have?
women have more close friends and their friendships involves more self-disclosure and exchange of mutual support
What are the 3 types of love described in the book?
- romantic
- affectionate
- consummate
Which type of love predominates the early part of a love relationship?
romantic love
What is another name for affectionate love?
companionate love
Describe romantic love
strong components of sexuality and infatuation, including emotions like feat, anger, sexual desire, joy, and jealousy
Describe consummate love
passion, intimacy, and commitment
Describe affectionate
intimacy and low commitment and lacking passion, type of love that occurs when someone desires to have another person near and has a deep, caring affection
What are 3 reasons people cohabit?
spending time together, sharing expenses, and evaluating compatibility
What are the 2 factors that predict whether marriage will last longer?
education and ethnicity
What is the average duration of a marriage in the US?
just over 9 years
During which years does divorce usually occur?
5-10 year
Which gender remarries faster after a divorce?
T/F. Men with lower incomes are more likely to remarry than men with higher income
false, men with higher incomes are more likely to remarry than men with lower incomes
According to Gottman, what are the 7 ways to make marriage work?
- establish love maps
- nurture fondness and admiration
- turn towards each other instead of away
- let your partner influence you
- solve solvable conflicts
- overcome gridlock
- create shared meaning
What are the 2 types of problems in a marriage?
- perpetual
2. solvable
What are 2 aspects of a successful marriage?
- forgiveness
2. commitment
What is the age range of middle adulthood?
40 to 45-60 to 62 years old
What are the signs that begin between 40s-50s?
- skin begins to sag and wrinkle
- age spots
- hair become thinner
- fingernails and toenails develop rigidity and become thicker
What happens to weight and height during middle adulthood?
lost in height and weight gain
The term for age-related muscle mass and strength occurs specifically in back and legs
What is the bad and good cholesterol?
HDL is the good cholesterol and LDL is the bad cholesterol
What is the most common chronic disorder in middle adulthood?
T/F. Chronic stress can interfere with immune functioning and this stress is linked to disease not only through the immune system but also through cardiovascular disease
What was the leading cause of death of middle adults until the middle of the 20th century?
infectious diseases
Today, what are the leading causes of death in middle adults?
chronic diseases
What is the term that is used to describe the midlife transition in which fertility declines?
What is the average age a women experiences menopause?
What is the term given for the transitional period from normal menstrual period to no menstrual periods at all?
What is the term given for men whose body does not produce enough testosterone?
male hypogonadism
What is erectile dysfunction associated with? (6)
- smoking
- diabetes
- hypertension
- high cholesterol levels
- obesity
- lack of exercise
What is the difference between fluid and crystallized intelligence?
Fluid intelligence is the ability to reason abstractly, and crystallized intelligence is an accumulation of information and verbal skills
Between fluid and crystallized intelligence which increases and decline during middle adulthood?
crystallized intelligence increases while fluid intelligence declines
What are the 3 most distinct human qualities?
- spirituality
- freedom
- responsibility
What are the 4 main needs for meaningful life?
- purpose
- values
- sense of efficacy
- self-worth
According to Erikson what stage do those in middle age go through?
generativity vs stagnation
According to Levinson what 4 stages do males undergo throughout life?
- being young vs old
- destructive vs constructive
- masculine vs feminine
- attachment vs isolation
T/F For most people midlife IS a crisis
false, midlife is not a crisis
Which type of approach influences the individual’s development that depends not only on the life itself but also on mediating factors?
contemporary life-events
What is the most common hassel middle adults experience?
concerns about weight
What is the most common daily uplift in middle adulthood?
relating with spouse or lover
What do those in middle adulthood feel less control over?
sex and their children
What type of pattern do men undergo when they are feeling stressed? Women?
Men usually undergo the fight-or-flight response while women tend-and-befriend
What are the Big 5 factors of personality?
- Openness to experience
- conscientiousness
- extraversion
- agreeableness
- neuroticism
What are the 3 types of grandparents?
- formal
- fun-seeking
- distant